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Everything posted by fotoman

  1. If you can make it there, youl make it anywhere New York City, NY USA Canal street is an outdoor market area in china town. Many good reps to be found --- of bags anyway. 226a canal, is my favorite bag place bags average around 30-40 bucks. Nice quality. I always somehow end up flying home with 6-8 bags - all for my family.
  2. So who has a good idea for a strap for this? black? hmmmmm
  3. The only "flaw" i see is the subdial spacing. By the way, if you miss out on this - it is a cross between the pam 47 and the 163. Its the same dial as the 47, which josh sells. But, the 10,20,30 are slightly different on the dial. the overall dial face looks like a darker black, but could be the photo. The additional differencs is that the tach lines are on an insert (like 163) instead of flat on the dial and the dial hands are black instead of silver on the other similiar models (auth 47 has gold hands) This one looks way cooler though than the 47 that i have, i think because of the black hands and the insert. and as everyone knows - i LOVE my 47. Its my fav watch. I can highly recomend the MF buffalo tobacco colored strap. See pics linked in my sig I'm going to have to get one of these - anyone do mortgages, i might need another one. ###### you pam monkey ?i cant say D@mn? FYI, i have not had one issue with my 47 movment, but The Zigmeister did do a relume and oil job on it.
  4. There was someone in the chat room when i logged in
  5. TTK.... Now there is a visual. There is definatly a lot more trading activity here. And overall seems like less drama. Maybe I am not looking in the right places. But that's how it appears to me.
  6. no, not ebay - http://www.moscowstore.com/ this is a full time operation. I use google images to do searching, and froogle to do searching for Gens and to see if there are rep models i haven't seen. Found this that way
  7. had to post this. It was just tooo funny
  8. NOOOO THIS IS THE ONE this takes the cake http://www.lelong.com.my/Auc/List/2006-08DStd3562981.htm
  9. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/PANERAI-Chrono-Autom...1QQcmdZViewItem I have seen pam reps this bad before - but this one takes the cake on the crown
  10. I am hoping that they make a rep of this one, 42mm radiomar GMT there are only 2 PAMs with this case style so i bet it will be a while if ever
  11. there are some good drugs you can take and be feelin like a kid again in no time Glad to hear your feeling better my friend
  12. This piece was originally written August 05 and has since been added as a sticky. To bring the original post up to this honor I have begun updating it as the world has changed so much since that time. I wanted to share a few thoughts, for whatever they are worth and i wanted to be able to post it to a spot that could be included in my signature. The following are my own personal observations, mostly to give help to those who seek information. I intend this thread to be a living thread, and post additions, corrections and impressions as i learn. If your reading this, i hope you might take something away from the knowledge i have gained and in that effort will help you achieve happiness in your hobby. 1. The forum, is a wonderful, wonderful place. This forum, which i joined in June of 2005 is a truly amazing place. I have learned more then i ever thought i would, not only about replicas, but also about watches, watch servicing, watch movements and watch collecting, as well as other subjects that are shared among a variety of individuals from the far reaches of the world. And who could leave out - asshats. This forum is not only great because of the wealth of information, but it is also great because of the people that make it up. do not fool yourself, this forum is full of members of all status of life, including intellectual and political opinion makers, artists, millionaire playboys and watch enthusiasts alike. Members of this forum seek to inform and protect consumers. This number one goal should not be forgotten. It is from this standpoint that we may look with impunity upon those who drop in to find out where you can get the best sub. It is not just information sharing. Members of this forum regularly take their personal time to obstruct scam artists on sites like ebay. Members bid up prices to ridiculousness or win auctions to protect unsuspecting members of the public. They do this without out any personal benefit or a thank you. They do this only knowing that they most likely saved someone from being scammed out of their money. (at least till they are ready to make the next bad decision). Further, you may even develop friendships with some of the many members. I have now personally met with several members of the forum and look forward to meeting others in the future. These relationships have increased my learning in the watch arena, but have also forwarded my journey among humanity. It is with this burden that the members and readers of this forum should be constantly reminded that in order to continue the forum we must each contribute to the root of the forum. We must help at all levels, from showing newbies the trough to drink and educating senior members about subjects which you may be expert. I try to do my best to contribute, and i enjoy every minute of it. 2. The Learning Process The learning process never ends. It may slow somewhat, but never ends. Mostly because the watches constantly change . If you want to be successful in the forum (to be defined later) You really should look at this not as a place to find answers, but as a process to learn about this hobby. There is so much information, which at times can be buried inside threads it is nearly impossible to learn all that is here. But, i find that the more i read, the more i learn. Additionally, the more i learn, the more i realized i probably should have waited before buying that last watch. Reading is only one way, however, to learn. Also, applying your knowledge while posting for peer review for testing can be just as good an education. Additionally, i have learned some of the most valuable pieces of information by talking one on one with members. Not just the The Zigmeisters but some of the other members who have "been around the block" and even newer members. Lets face it, the nature of this whole thing is somewhat in the dark. Therefore it is not like you can order a recognized brochure or manual. There is much conflicting information out there. The best you can hope for is to learn enough to make decisions for yourself. And sometimes comparing actual real experiences against what is on the board, is some of the best info available. 3. Making Purchases I have now purchased from most of the dealers who advertise here. I have found generally what you would read about in the reviews. Most dealers were prompt, straight forward, shipped on time and provided nice pieces. However, it was one of the first pieces information that i read here, one that is not as popular anymore in newbie threads that rings true to me now, more than ever. CHOSE YOUR DEALER, THEN CHOSE YOUR WATCH Dealers are, what dealers are. They are running a business and their aim in their business is to make money. Some are also watch lovers, but lets not kid ourselves. They are many countries away and have inventory to move. The relationship with dealers is no different then any other business or personal relationship. The more you cultivate the more the other party is willing to extend efforts pre and post sale. Will a dealer go out of his way to hunt down a spare part or a rare watch when you have spent 150 bucks with them? In my experience your lucky to get the email responded to. However, you spend a grand or 2? Dealers all of a sudden find things you didn't know they had. Of course some are better than others. Additionally, most of the dealers referenced here can get you just about any of the watches you see available. As difficult as it might sound, it is much better to chose your dealer and cultivate a relationship. In the long run, you will be much better off. - For me, i was always looking at the watch first. Now, i talk to my dealer about the watch i'm looking for if he doesn't already show it and make decisions from there. For me, i had to deal with each dealer to really know who was best for me. I think i made the right choice, although i know for sure it cost me over a 1000 dollars in mistakes to get there. (i'm not a millionaire playboy that can afford that Personally, i have a wonderful relationship with Joshua. I really can't say enough about how he has earned my business by simply being a top notch dealer from beginning to end. Josh's customer service and communication response has continued to be amazing considering his move to large volume dealing. I want to be clear that i'm not saying anything bad about the other dealers Each has his or her own style of communication and pricing structure - and for the most part if you want a higher level of service you will pay for it. 3. Servicing your watch - Other than regular maintenance on your watches servicing is really about satisfaction. Do you mind the CG's do you mind the Pin? are you willing to pay the price of the watch to take care of cosmetic flaws. I can say that my 47 cost almost as much to get the right strap and color the lume but man - its a totally different watch and its worth every penny I have worked with The Zigmeister. He is a great guy who is willing to spend not only the time with the watches, but the time with you personally to discuss what needs to be done. This is totally subjective, but, i almost plan to build the cost into my purchases. There is not much out there that i am looking at that doesn't need a tweak or 2 The ZigmeisterZumba update - since the revolution of "ultimate" reps there are alot of great models out there that are really wonderful pieces out of the box. Modding is VERY expensive and there are alot of parts that are NOT compatable. you need to research ALOT before you start buying. Most likley someone here has thought of or has tried what you want done. - If your new to the process, Stick to the Ultimate reps- but note, don't be fooled by the name. No matter what it is called you must research its accuracy yourself BEFORE you buy. As The Zigmeister and other of the "high end" watch workers have a full plate of customers waiting, there are several members of the forum that have developed modification skills like relumes, AR coating, crystal changes and have had very successful results. Before you send your watch to someone you should review as much as possible, but often if one of these more "nitch" watch modders can suite your needs you will get your watch serviced faster and returned and sooner to your wrist. Also, it may be a few bucks cheaper AND or they maybe inside your local customs jurisdiction. 4. Goal for being a forum member if your just looking for a sub, you can come here, find Wo-mart, silix Trustytime or perfect clones and get what you need and move on. Nothing wrong with that at all. But most of the long term members are collectors or are simply mentally disturbed like myself. I love watches, i love to look at them, i love to marvel at them. I stare at them more then i should. If you want to or like me, need to, be a collector keep in mind this is a long term thing. I find myself personally like a kid in a candy store. I want to see and touch it all. It all looks so good. But, just like that kid - all the reps right now would make me very sick (poor). Try to hold back from quickly firing off purchases. Look and learn, and think of this as a process. It almost feels like sometimes we have to hurry to get these things because it may go away at any time. Thats always how rep collecting has been for me. Here today, without notice gone tomorrow - should have got it while i had the chance. I have only been here for a short time, but it seems that this place or one like it, will exist for a long time to come. I believe this because there are very beneficial relationships for all participants. As long as that is there, we will all find a medium to conduct those relationships. - I guess my point in this section is - if you want to be a collector, think of this as a long term endeavor. When you have think you learned enough about the watch you want, wait 2 more days and read some more. Try to contribute more than you take. and most importantly ENJOY IT 5. Budgeting whatever your being quoted for the rep - it will cost more. Be prepared. I have personally spent hundreds if not thousands more than i have budgeted for "fun things" Its 50 here, 100 there, 250 here. It adds up so quickly. There are the cases, the straps, the mods, the replacement parts. I can't say what the price is, but its always more than it first appears. Just be aware. also, as the quality of the reps has been increasing the cost of purchasing has also gone up - prices, shipping fees and transaction costs - money bookers, ect have driven many bottem line costs up. It may not seem like alot 10 dollars here 10 there, but, you can easily accumulate 100 or 200 / year thats almost a whole other watch. Unfortunatly, nothing we can do about it. these discrepencies though do muddy the waters a bit and can create some confusion in pricing, its not so black and white - this, in my suggestion warrents a little more competative shopping. 6. Purchasing or Trading with non-dealers: First Rule ------ If a problem should arrive that can not be resolved in a reasonable time consult the forum at large before going to any higher authorities (ex:paypal, CC, cops, Federalies)- Second rule - See the First Rule - Don't be a Jackass Third rule - be specific, if you have special terms in mind be specific about them in your posting. Is it the first person that responds to your post that gets the watch or the first you communicate with? what about shipping fees. THe more specific you are in the post the less you have that can cause problems down the road. i have bought and sold over a dozen watches with members and to date have not had one problem. But i have read about many. Most could be solved with early communication a few - have really needed some pressure from the board to make things right. - I recomend doing a board search on the potential other party before committing to the deal. If they have problems - and you don't have a relationship with them, maybe you want to pass on the transaction. Purchasing from members can be a very cost effective way to get some really nice reps. there can be alot of value saved and most members here keep their watches in pristin condition. 7. The Zigmeister Zumba (old link removed) i highly recomend going to The Zigmeister's section and reading about watch basics, movements, ect ect ect ect - you won't be disapointed 8. Straps!!! (specifically PAM) Straps in my opinion make the watch. similar to rims on a car. It can change the whole look and feel. The prices can very from 25 dollars to over 300. In general you get what you pay for. As you may imagine there are really only a handful of companies in the world that have straps available for pams, or at least good ones. There are a list of dealers both on the forum and in the links section of the forum. I have bought from a good chunk of these retailers. I must say that my favorite and simply a work of art is my strap from manifatture firenze, wow, an amazing strap, look feel ect ect. They are in the 70-100 range. Handmade and top quality. (note the 300 range are just the oem straps from panerai and some really exotic materials) Europelli also, top quality amazing straps. and Don has a great selection of inexpensive straps as well as ladies length straps. There is one seller that is not listed there, that i particularly like. Smat - communication is excellent, he does not have a website but told me one is coming soon. He makes great straps. He has a line of machine made straps that are around 40-60 dollars and handmade from 70-100. In my opinion he is a good 10 to 20% cheaper for the same quality as some of the other sellers. You can see his ebay items here. Email smat for a full picture catalogue, tell him aaron/phoband from rwg sent you. A good tip before purchasing a strap is to check ebay. Many sellers also sell thier straps on ebay for a cheaper price. 2006 update, I still agree with the above comments but i would like to ad that many members have taken to creating their own straps either by collecting leathers and sending them off to be made or by making them by hand. in particular forum member "V" who in my opinion has incredible taste has created a nice assortment of straps from leathers he has collected. These are very limited edition and if you like one, grab it. there is 1 gold color one that i have from him that there are only 2 of - his and mine, its one of my favorites. 9. Rare items- If you like it, buy it - Cause rare items are- well, rare. 3 experiences come to mind. First V's straps, as stated above, They are the best IMHO and they are super rare. If i hadn't jumped at my gold one, it would be gone. Second, when i first joined i was looking for a particular rolex datejust. There was one listed on the forum by a very senior and respected member, but it was pricey. 400$. the reason it was so pricey was it had a Gen Rolex bracelet on it. I was new and didn't realize that this was actually a very good price for such an item. I went on and ordered a similiar watch from king. That watch ended up having all sorts of problems. If i could have done it over, i would definatly have taken it. Not only would i have been able to avoid the problems with the watch, i would have had a rare, gen braclet - in fact i haven't seen one offered up since. 10. Watch Winders if you can't afford a decent one, skip it. - i describe decent as 70 dollars + for a 1 watch winder. the cheap ones, are very cheap and they will break inside of 6 months. - One site that seems to have good prices and good winders is acetimer.com honestly though i don't like to keep my watches on winders unless their ETA and Serviced - but that is my opinion not based on any expert advice. I keep some of my watches in a box with burned out winders but mostly i keep them on watch stands. (please see my signature for my review of a few models of watch stands)
  13. Well, i know many have waited a long time to see the results of project 47 by phoband. I know i have waited some time to get it complete, and waited through natural disasters and fires ect ect ect. I don't want to write too long, but i have to do enough to give the pages time to load so stick with me, cause, youl be waiting anyway first, thank you to Josh (who went to extra ordinary means) for aquiring and The Zigmeister for perfecting this great piece. Ok - the basics - 1. PAM 47 -- ultra rare model, only 20 made of the Gen, so far, i only know of 5 reps in existance. -- 42 mm. This model has been relumed by The Zigmeister. The strap is a MF (and is the nicest strap i have seen) its buffalo, color is tobacco. Man, its perfect. I really like the buffalo strong feeling yet very conforming to the wrist and very comfortable. By far my favorite strap. The relum was done, because as you will see in the rep pics by josh, the lume is very green. I don't like this and frankly it distracted from the watch, all you saw was the green, and it contrasts with the reddish brown gator strap that came with it. There is still some hints of green in the lume, except for teh hands, because the hands are from scratch and the numerals are painted over the green. But its perfectly acceptable - note, you can't see what i'm talking about in the pics. it has the lemania/ venus copy movement and working chrono. I have been wearing this now for a few days and could not be any happier whatsoever. differences to gen - 1 chrono movement is different with subdials (big whup) 2nd, there is a pusher on the crown in gen and gen has gold hands (not sure i'd like that anyway) - You think you have seen a picture review? - Just Wait - you thought a wrist shot was money? How about an "outfit shot" thats right, i said it. Ok, so i doubt you have read this far and if you did, bonus points to you, on to the pictures - they are worth all the thousands of words that i could write. not First - the Gen Gen so you know what to compare. Now - here are the shots from Josh - notice the green of the lume, notice the strap, notice the contrast that really takes your eye away from the beuty of the watch and doesn't draw you into it. AND NOW - -- i proudly present - MY 47 - i wish i could import music on these threads What can i say - this thing is SUPER SUPER Classy I hope you enjoyed By the way - DAMN those freakin strap screws are a PAIN IN THE ASS
  14. I love the Luminor Tourbillion - corner stone of my collection. Its almost a game you can play when your bored - on a plane, at a boring lunch. Meet a competitor or potential client for the first time. On Rollies, i'm looking first for the CG's to see if they are huge. Then for pin holes in the outside of the case (depending on year) But the ones you can tell from 2 miles away are the Chronographs on watches like cheap daytonas or IWC's where the gen does not have that standard dimension between the dials that we see in the asian chronos. I remember meeting a friend for lunch once, and i wasn't even trying to checkout his watch, but the Chrono spacing Jumped out at me from 10 feet away. (on an IWC) Later he told me that he bought it while on a trip to China. I said, you should have told me you were going i could have gotten you directions to Rep Mecca. Cheap Canal street watches for 5 or 10 bucks and high end Pams for 110 usually though, i will be checking subs and comparing it to the 100 one i got for my father from TTK and noticing - how similiar they actually are - especially from 4 feet away. And yes, your secretary is trying to get a raise or at least, covering up for screwing something up
  15. http://cgi.ebay.com/Rolex-Stainless-Steel-...bayphotohosting was there a daytona without the offset subdials that are suppposed to be just about 3 and 9 instead of right on? also if you look at his sales its all cheap stuff, a book a wire ect.
  16. http://stores.ebay.com/The-Philadelphia-Collector alright i've been out of the "rep spotting" game for a bit, but looks like a scammer to me.
  17. i always recomend the 47. of course only 20 were made go try some on, one will definatly jump out they are very different styles My favorite one real - and attainable is the 42 MM Radiomar GMT. in White Gold - Functional, Sporty, Classy and there is no Rep . .. .. . . . Yet anyway
  18. aint nothing like the real thing baby . . .
  19. I represent the Cheetah
  20. What is that icon? it is super cool looking? As things are looking now, it could be possible that by next spring, my family income situation will be back to a place where i can get me some more watches its too hard though visiting and not being able to buy I'm glad to see the forum continue to strive with so many new people and new dealers. -
  21. hey everyone - just a quick update, the baby is just about here, getting very excited. I'm selling one of my pieces so i may get to buy a new one hope everyone is well. Ok, here is the story - My cousin who is in the music buis was in the UK. Runs into Eric singer (kiss/ alice cooper) in a hallway and notices him stareing at his 36 he got through me from joshua. Later in another backstage room eric says nice watch is it real? - my cousin says - well what do you think - Alice cooper peaks his head up - oh whats real - eric says - (my cousin), he has a panerai. Alice cooper says - let me see it. he takes it off. Alice stares at it for a few moments goes - yeah, its real. and the beat goes on.
  22. Maria you say? Who is this apperition you speak of. - -- Sounds like a friend from a long ago past. Hope everyone is doing well Pho-
  23. so i was getting some pizza in NY this week and one of the guys there had a 111h. Very Nice piece, tried to get close enough to see if the pin was recessed, - but, the real give away was the stock band. Of course too thin and of a noticable color. I was very polite and told him that he has to be careful buying those cause there are so many fakes that look just like the real. He never admitted it was fake, but he said, oh what do you pay, around 300 We both agreed that the reps' were just as nice as the real deal. i told him about RWG - he was very interested. So, if your pizza dude in NY, say hey, next time i stop in, i'll bring my 47. Hope everyone is well, all is good with me, been workin hard, I'm having a Boy - still due in Sept. His Name will be Benjamin hope all is well here.
  24. still in the temp office. I'm traveling 5 days a week now, so were waiting till may when were back in town full time. bare bones, but new computers !!! and somehow the ins company lost my claim for damaged stuff. the saga goes on. at least it wasn't my house
  25. Anytime but right now out of town 5 days a week till may. email me the***pho@gmail Take out the stars
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