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Everything posted by fotoman

  1. Most deployants (notice not deployment-you have it correct) only fit thin straps. So the typical fat 4mm or 5mm all the way tohe end of the strap won't fit deployants, including panerai's Panatime has deploy ants that fit 4mm and 5 mm ends. Deployants save the stap from having a crease. But notice its thicker tword the watch and thinner at the end of strap. Regular buckles will work, if the correct size and correct pin size.
  2. The irony of much of this is: there have been times in the past where "factory" websites or supposed sites have come up for discussion. Where, you could save a fair amt off dealer pricing we see. And it was the consensus of the board that due to the nature of Chinese production standards with their high acceptance of defective items vs western standards. The dealer's job, what they earn their markup for IS quality control. Factories would send out huge mistakes, it's the dealer who is supposed to know Chinese standards and be the one looking out for us and weeding through the crop. Same thing for people traveling to china. We maybe able to tell you how to get to the fake mall that has tons of high end reps (if you ask to see the good stuff) your still better off working with a dealer. One thing I find annoying is someone coming here. Finding a major website then posting QC pics. It's like doubling the amt of "who has the best sub". If you want to know it it looks gen take a look at the 10-15 photos you have and compare them to the gen photos. I mean do you want to hold your D while you pee? Take some Responsibility. With how much this board gives up front plus most likely a thread already discussing the watch and it's issues. You should have to do some work.
  3. I was personally astonished when I popped back up to see QC pics. I haven't seen enough to have an opinion on there authenticity, but I know lots of dealers drop shipped. QC pics makes that tuff
  4. Yeah, that's what I was doing. I got the various videos that we have all posted on over the years in 1 main post. Easy to keep organized. I did have a post of mine sticked before. At some point I'm sure either my list or another one will be graced with the same privilege.
  5. He was a retired dude so it wouldn't surprise me at if had passed. I'm not sure how many swear by him TTK still has. He did shop at the watch markets and had interesting stuff. Even a mythical watch called mnb? Or mbw? :)Really great photographer. But mentally unstable for sure. He is really obsolete in the modern customer service environment. If you are into random stuff, narikaa makes shopping trips and as far as I know he still is extremely reliable. There was a lot of history lost when rwg1 got erased. Even twc. Although I know boards were consolidated I know it happened for members not sure of posts. This community in general is very interesting. There is forever changing circle of very active posters. There is a small fraternity that (like me) pop up after a few months. But at all times the community is thriving. What's really interesting is, if you do an analysis of the membership there are a lot of professionals here and people with cash. I mean 3-500/ watch is not an insignificant amount of $$.
  6. I wouldn't say ALL the cool ones. But many cool ones are. If I'm running their business it's a good thing to have. They are moving product.
  7. Well, he was a dealer a long time ago in a galaxy far far away, before me, and def before the modern age of watch boards. From what I understand he was busted (in the US) that in and of itself isnt bad, I'm just laying out backstory as I know it. He pm'd a lot of newbs (including me) and I can't prove it, but i think he was taking a cut from the dealers for clients he brought in via pm. Back in those days dealer info was much more vague than today. Again not horrible but against board rules. He was eventually banned from here. I'm not sure exactly what for. He was fun for while with flowery strange English. For me though (Jew) I had some really racially charged moments with him. As far as I'm concerned he is scum. He did after all name himself after a Nazi. Colonel klink.
  8. Screw OEM go for your own taste. I'm using a 5mm on my breitling the gen strap is puny but my fat one rocks. Chase your taste not the one of a designer locked up in some small room with no windows.
  9. There is an interesting point where you see a divide between older and newer schools. I have talked about it from a different angle, but on the QC photos for pussies point. I don't ask for them. I trust my dealer to hunt through the pile for good pieces. I have not been disappointed. I have ordered for friends who aren't on the board (although now I just tell them to order from Josh because it's too much of a hassle) sometimes they have asked for photos. Even on those orders, I didn't ask for QC photos. It goes back to a good part of the fun is in the hunt and chase. I mean, if your wealthy, unless your chasing pateks what fun is it to call diamonds international and order 40k in watches, they are going to be perfect. I love super reps, cause mods get out of control fast, but, the thrill of the hunt, is only in the straps these days, that's what the boards were about. It's kind of boring if we all get the same 90% accurate Pam 111. What are we talking about? 5 days delivery or 14? Not for nothing but the modded pieces I see for sale are just silly. 100$ reps asking 700$. But it may be a symptom of the hunt issue - that and an explosion in modding services and strap makers. (someone told me once the board wasn't for making $$ - whatever there are at least 20 people running businesses here) but seriously, in the old days, resumes were night and day - today? Eh not that much. AR is a must for me. Servicing? You can buy 3 Asian movements for what it costs to service one. (a 3 yr job) There has always been useless services here - my opinion is mine and what's important to you is whatever. But, i can see where some of it has arisen to fill the void left by the watches coming ready to wear. I dunno.
  10. Jmb ahh actually yeah, I had incorporated this one.. There was old thread on it since 2009. I'll add the few others now added to this thread. Keeps it nice and tidy
  11. If you check the link in my sig, I put together more of the how it's made vids - from the past few years we have talked about on the forums. + some basil world and another fake trade documentary
  12. Panatime is a first class operation and they have been around a long time. I've made at least a dozen orders from them, called talked ect ect. There clasps and prices can not be touched. I got 2 straps yesterday. They used to have more traditional stuff,but they have kept expanding with more stylish and 4-5mm thick straps. It's not a custom strap, but, cost/value is super. I have a whole reboot of my collection w straps is coming in the next few weeks as I get things together. My. Biggest problem with them is sometimes they don't have stuff in stock that I want to buy!
  13. That's old. Hub lots come out every other day, find something more recent. In general they get better in time.
  14. Mike - good write up. The custom straps blow everything out of the water even gen. Your leather your thickness your length. I have had a lot of customs. A good inexpensive or good value alternative is panatime.com good price, good service, good straps. I have a custom strap being made by someone for 45$. It's my first with this person so I have to wait to attest to the quality. But, most customs are 100$ us + I used HKTAN, he was one of the original custom strap guys here. But either he is gone or changed his info
  15. I have sent probably 50-80 priority packages in the last couple years. I had 1 that arrived 3 weeks late. I had another that supposedly never arrived. The tracking didn't show any transport activity and I don't have a home printing setup, all my stuff Originates at the time of payment at the USPS office. I think there is a minimum insurance that comes with priority 300? Or 500? I know it's not great news, but its some information. My issue did not happen at Christmas which is a ridiculous increase in shipping
  16. Holy crap - my personal lucky number is 32. And that was the 32nd post in the thread and was submitted at 1:32 am. Maybe I will survive another year:)
  17. You understood that? I just saw bla bla. Bla bla bla. Is that dude still hanging around? I haven't hung on the boards long enough recently to see if there are any gems. But, although lots of those old dudes caused harm and went out in a blaze of something, the ttk's klink's and a few others come to mind like the looney bin pioneers sure mad stuff interesting. I had extremely good experiences with those guys and in a large way they were a part of my education here and at the same time I had some really BAD experiences. They are kind of like that crazy uncle who no one talks about, you do your best to host a family function - but when they are gone it seems that some of the crazy was endearing. I dunno- ok you can tee off on me for saying something about TTK. Klink before he went like crazy racist on me, helped me out, funneled me to Josh (when he was pretty much the smallest dealer here) and that for those who remember was the genesis of my Pam 47 project. Eh this is really the first time I'm feeling this year wrap up. I'm very conflicted on the subject. A moment of brief sentimental reminiscing and oooooooooooh k. Back to reality
  18. Hey, I remember those days. I seem to recall one other board that came and went, but don't recall the name
  19. fotoman


    Well, I think that's funny, although, we add words to English all the time, like yo, and pimp and Whaz up and wtf. So, I'm sure there are new characters. I'm quite curious as to why the hell it's there in the first place. I want it. But so when people ask me what it is, I just tell them it's fake I got it in china town, I don't think they knew how to draw 6
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