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Everything posted by fotoman

  1. He was a ripoff artist anyway. Plenty of new players around now
  2. My lord you guys are harsh. I'd hardly call this a monstrosity I understand the push to be accurate but when I first found RWG in 2005 we'd have killed a goat to get something like this and paid out the ass to get it - knowing the flaws. The first fiddy that came out with an acrylic crystal sold for $600. There was nothing better available in any brand. I say go forth and keep the dealers honest and push for accuracy, but no need to roll anyone over the coals. Although I felt differently at the time, when a dealer got me for $400 for the first available 177 with recessed pin, sticker (not engraved bridge) non working regulator, no AR - totally useless strap and Swiss made and the numbers printed to close to the rehaut, i understand what a eddie lee used to say Its just a watch )However, the watch did have THE BEST Lume I have ever seen. And at least 75 watches have passed through my hands, for me, family... Also,I never delt with his ass again, I established my relationship w Josh, and he was probably the smallest dealer here Anyway, carry on, make sure everyone takes their blood pressure meds this eve
  3. When your ready to tace Disney world in FL, let me know I'll be there
  4. Just have it seized in a justice department raid and people pay stupid prices. There were maybe 5 good retail prices out of 100 pieces. The best being the concord tourbillon on the side of the watch 25 made this was 13/25 retail 337k auction 100k. For a few minutes they were stick at 14k I was jumping up and down
  5. Some idiot paid 7500 at auction for this !!!!!
  6. The year of production came from the auction house. I am guessing it is on the inside of the case back. Its good to know the auction house is probably not reliable
  7. Thanks my brother, good to hear from you [quote name='Justasgood' timestamp='1307366670' p ost='981420'] Afterrmarket dial. Manual wind precision. Value: $850.00 Oysterdate auto value: $1200.
  8. My buddy wants this 1945 rolex daytona Anyone know what it is worth or anything about it? Thanks guys.
  9. It's also great to see some long time good friends still here. We been here a long time. In fact I've been gone for over a year and still have a 1.7 post/ day Interesting thing I'm hoping maybe to be good news, soon, I'm putting all efforts into starting a for real all balls out music project. It's the last thing on my bucket list. I already accomplished and lost more than iever imagined possible. I still have to het a stable income. But,it's time to put my heart into something special that I can look back and say. I developed my talent to it's full potential and didn't waste it. . Keep your fingers crossed. I also just ordered my first replica guitar. Didn't even know they made em. I'll let you know if it's complete crap or not.
  10. Anytime. In fact on light of our professions we may be able to refer some clients.
  11. Thanks guys. Appreciate the thoughts. This neck surgery is going to be a defining pin point in my life. The constant headaches were making me irritable and not fun to be around. Next thing I'm gaonna do is ar some crystals, I have been waiting for moghts to get things settled. Haven't posted mch cause due tp the surgery, I van only sit or lay in a few positions and they have not been conducive to posting and typing online. But it will get better. I'm also trying to get a job, and start a serious music project. And having to take it easy from the anesthesia, so my brain is go go go, need the body to catch up. Miss you guys and the daily fun and comradery. Funny thing is, since super reps, there isn't A's many fun things to talk abrout. If anyone is in south Florida, i have a great watch guy very reasonable prices.
  12. Actually, that was a demo, it's actually a kit, the flames were laser cut and painted, so they are actually separate pieces of wood. I wanted to work with those but never got the opportunity. At the moment the "shop" is still boxed up in my sisters garage. Hopefully I get my life straight and find a place to set it up again.
  13. Hey guys, I wanted to thank those that have been helpful and supportive over the last few years A's they have been tumultuous indeed. Unfortunately, what I previously thought would be a long term solution to my employment woes, didn't work out. But I did use the time to get a fusion done in my neck. This makes 2 spinal surgeries in the last year. Micro in the lower back. And if anyone Is considering one of those, please feel free to ask anything. The disk in my neck, which i have known about since 98 when they actually got in there turned out to be "some crumbled material" and a bone spur. The difference in my life this surgery makes in my life is not expressible. A avoided surgery, cause that is tshe general wisdom for as long As possible. Unfortunately for me, I lost everything I had in the process. If I would ha e had surgery 5 yrs ago this would be alot different. It's going to take years to get financially healthy from all this crap, and I had to part with some of. My watches (still 1 for sale) on another forum. I needed a large cash payment to the hospital cause I still owe money from last year. (for all of you with good insurance, and or a government with the balls to cover health care, count yourselves lucky, ) The good news is, just as my bank acct hit 1.03 I got a referral from a friend for a good client, who happens to be a gen Patek collector. Hopefully soon, I'll have the freedom to get back into collecting reps. Right now, I need to be careful and wise with the little $$ I have. Hope all my friends here are well, I didn't want you guys to think I fell off the map again .
  14. On the show bones this eve. One ofnthe characters called a guy an asshat. Never heard that outside the forum
  15. I have decided to upgrade my display for my watches and found some cool pieces. These stands come in different color combos http://aajewelry.com/templates/product_list_dropdown_pix.aspx?GroupGuid=7093 And here are some acrylic risers http://www.eplastics.com/Plastic?search=Riser I am still catching up on bills, but soon, I want to get these for my now 22+ piece collection. Should look bad ass
  16. It's cool enough to be put in a collection display.
  17. Havetariff a RWG band several times over the years. I've got a full studio drums bass guitars, all digital if you want to cut a tune. FYI the guitar is super unreal. I'm selling all my othersI
  18. Start the weekend off with a new look tensewatch.com
  19. when i know i'm going to write alot, i bring the Blue Tooth apple keyboard otherwise, after a few months with it, typing gets alot easier
  20. Yeah, it has a computer in it dual core processor that allows me to change tuning and sounds on the fly. It can sound like 25 different guitars including acoustic. It's the ultimate, you only need 1 guitar to create all sounds bad ass axe
  21. Uploaded with ImageShack.us Have been drooling over this guitar for 6 months and it will be mine Tuesday. This is the last key to the original new sound phoband will create - the first truly original album. Anyone sing?
  22. Thanks both will check them out.
  23. Do we support any of the IPAD forum reading apps? I know one of them you install as a free plug in to the forum and we then buy the reader for 2 bucks. And RWG works pretty well on the ipad, But, there are some little quirks that are annoying, like where it has to render the entire page and jumps to the top. so you can't read down while its rendering. Anyway, just curiuos if anyway knew of one of those apps
  24. That is really awesome to hear, I did my best to make them "built to last". And if anyone has issues just pm me, lifetime guarantee. I miss my garage and my pen shop. It was a good stress reliever. Hopefully after some time in my new gig I'll move to a proper living place (currently in a retirement home,yeah it got that bad). I want to make more. I have a nice personal collection but I have a box full of woods, many I have never made into anything yet. I stopped being able to make them but still bought interesting wood when I saw it. The only problem I have ever had w the pens, is when I give them to family that never had a nice pen before and dont reload its a screw top and end up yanking the thing to the point of breaking the glue.
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