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Everything posted by fotoman

  1. just in case you can't see the auction, i'm really proud of the pics
  2. i'm sellin the corum, Need to fund my nardin fendzy freeze technically it won't start until tommorow, but you might be a ble to see it today http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=110431297416
  3. we got ourselves a full fledged Nardin-off i also heard a rumor about a "swiss" version of some of therse models coming with swiss movment and better AR - basically like they did with the steelfish
  4. HHOLY [censored] RICHARD, is that the blacksteel HKtan strap - what a brilliant IDEA i'm hoping for these as well
  5. when AR is done on this watch, we'll know - so in 6 months or so, i'll get the AR crystal back
  6. no need for me to add photos, ,you hit the nail on the head. I have had a bunch of these come through my hands, they all have that knick mark where itbitsinto the top. Its how its packaged, they have wised up now adn openedd the bracelet flat so that wont happen, but guess you didn't get one of those. you won't notice it in time, and if you do, just change out that side of the strap witht he back halF!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE INSERT INSIDER BANTER BELOW
  7. how are you commenting on the wave without seeing the rep? the rep looks EXACTLY like those timezone photos at the right anggle - which so is that watch, at the right angle - it really needs Chief AR though, The one thing about this datemag, its one of the best i have ever seen, its perfectly aligned adn the date takes up 95% of the mag. and unlike the chrono its not sitting at a wierd position. I've decided to go for broke on this one remove the date mag, send off the crystal and evaluate the results of date mag vs mad ar Only a Nardin Pro would know the dfiffrerence and i can tell him i had to get a new crystal and i wasn't paying 2 billion dollaras for one. and i like it that way. so, for the $$, this is a must have watch. Those other variations are great, i'm going to sell my corum in order to get a slew of these m odels - which, was always my plan. I hope they do the orange model and others. Not sure whats up with the baby blue.
  8. so now that there are a slew of nardin models, we need a subsection i think. Got the Blue Seal - its exactly what i expected = b+ looks great, dial is great. i love it, rehaut is low but i think thas supposed to be that way. there is AR. I would say its comparable to the BCE's if it had steelfish AR this thing would be an A+ problem is you can't remove and reglue the date mag. If someone figures that out to do easily, they could makes lots of money on all these new nardins
  9. mine's at the post office, i was sleeping when they came i'll be in line when they open in the morning
  10. i've been screaming for this puppy for 3 yrs now - or are you just looking for dimple dial
  11. actually i think my mom would love this watch, she is really into purple.
  12. \ \ ok kiddies, time to play lets spot the chinese language issue i didn't see a price on this, but these watches are overpriced in my opinion, but it would be obscene to slap a 500 price or whatever on this First to spot the mistake, gets a brand new ferrari, all you have to do is pick it up from my driveway ok, not my driveway, butt he dude 5 houses down i mean, at least its not another lies lies lies issue
  13. not a super rep cause the crown is 1mm low? jeez you kids today are spoiled. 3 yrs ago we'd be drooling to pay 500 for this thing
  14. good, i'll be getting th eroman numeral lmodels next just cause its cheap doesn't mean it can't be super. seriously, what is so expensive about producing these? my newbmariner is practically a super rep and it was 100 bucks the AR is the key. its not fixable out here. also the rubber on the strap. wwe'll all know in the in the next few weeks as we get our watches.
  15. feel the same about your ipod? lani - we can't AR the ulysse because of the date mag - i would send it off happily
  16. SINNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN been wanting these for YEARS lani - have you heard anything about the AR on the nardins
  17. is it me or or does this hont photo on his site as a rep, i believe have the anchor sitting raised?
  18. excellent work. Mine should be here tuesday - my biggest breath holding moment is, how is the AR? and are you familiar with Chieftang AR and or the Nardin Chrono and how does it compare.
  19. um, several threads on this. I think i was the first actually. This has been in the works for a long long time. there are 5 people that claim responsibility mine should be here anyday now. the big issue i'm worried about is the AR. you can't chief tang this thing cause of the mag. so its got to be right- from the factory. I'll take some photos. I am planning on getting EVERY version of this watch i'm hoping they do the orange and all the cool variations. I might just rip the mag off and chieftang it anyway if the AR sucks but the rest of the watch rrocks. and deal without a mag. Or maybe my watch dude could put it back. Who knows.
  20. mine is in the mail - report next week
  21. unless your wearing your watch face down on your wriste - who the hell cares first to get it has to post pics and review the HR situation. I have some inbound as well
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