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Everything posted by fotoman

  1. D4M is a good dude, no question about it. I thought he stepped away from running rwi though he is back?
  2. i like some of his models, i actually would love to open my own watch brand. something i might do when i save up a few bucks
  3. my bad, i hear he is still around must be on rwi its, flavor flav on rep geek? long story with me and him, but i think he got in over his head on what his skills are for working with watches. He helped me a bunch but he also screwed up some stuff too.
  4. never heard it from me - he scammed me out of at least $500
  5. RWI used to support more people we considered scammers, but i think they have tightened up the ship a bit and thats what created Rep Geek. THere was a mother board to RWI and Us, called RWG - sometimes called RWG 1 - after the administrator of that site disappeared and the site started falling into disrepair RWG II was started . Whatever you do, steer clear of Red Big Joe or RGJ whatever he is going by now. I think he is now only on repgeek, there are a few others that are not welcome in our group, especially to offer services, because they are either not qualified or just scam artists. Thats why many of us have log ins to many boards, but, i have never spent more than 2 minutes on rep geek, just to see how it was setup. For a while, i was interested in Davidson's offerings and he wasn't here only on rwi, so i would go there to check it out. But, now in the world of super reps, you won't miss anything groundbreaking that comes out if you just follow the board
  6. i'd send the planet O out to chieftang, but great collection enjoy
  7. on a different subject - love the domed crystal
  8. there are so many replies to this thread - you would think you guys aren't married with your own women oh, maybe you aren't
  9. if you have been gone for a while 2 things are important 1. Great Reps are way beyond just PAMs and 2. Prices went way up when the dollar sank and they never came down
  10. do you have logos and colors to work with or do you need it from scratch
  11. nothing is that hard to find welcome - there are alot of women's models that are really awesome like chanel and chopard welcome and enjoy
  12. well, my first thought about this watch is HOLY [censored] its expensive. I have been looking for quite some time for a watch that was a great rep, but also was a "ruff" watch, something you would wear with jeans and a t shirt and its rugged and looks cool. i wanted to try this one out. Upsides Very nice watch, very comfortable, stock strap does the job just fine, the watch has a look and feel of an expensive watch, everything is finished just great. Downsides the price, - other than that, there is something wrong with the dial placement because he date window is cut off slightly. If you compare it to a regular AP, you will notice how large the rehaut is, i'm guessing the rehaut was where the mistake happened. This watch SCREAMS for chieftang, its growing on me, but i think with the AR it will really POP in a way it doesn't now. also, this is a gripe with the gen not the rep, but i think this watch woul look 100x better with polished cyramic on the top. With the brushed, it looks like any normal ap on top. note - the see through dial issue, to me, no big deal, its so hard to see that unless your 1 foot away AND, how many people have ever seen the damn thing for real. - not the people i hang with. Conclusion I'm not sure this rep is worth the price tag unless your really into AP reps or if the price doesn't impact your disposable income it is a very nice watch, comfortable and captures that rugged, ruff but awesome watch i have been looking for. the watches in my collection which are seen below are all keepers, i don't think i could sell any of them. This one hasn't made it to that category yet, and it may never. but i'm willing to give it some time and AR i think i will update this when the AR ccomes in, probably a good 3 months from that since i missed this last run. Feel free to add your thoughts
  13. photo is suspect to me, - you may or may not get the watch, don't know that dealer, but, almost guaranteed your overpaying. the other reps he has posted are 60 dollar reps. anyone who charges the same price for everything is a scammer good luck - stick to the folks recommended here. You will get better stuff, and pretty much be guaranteed that your paying the appropriate market price. having said that - i have definitely seen worse sites as far as pricing for crap reps. Good luck - read read read - lots of great info here.
  14. Hey, just hooked up my sling box, (it had been collecting dust) the app just came out for the iphone. but, its limited to just wi-fi - rrrrrrrrrrr - what the hell is that about crap - anyway if you have a jailbroken iphone there is a program that will fool your iphone into thinking its using wi-fi, instead of 3g, developed to use VOIP. there is another problem with sling player its 30 dollars, don't know about you, but if i have wi fi i'm using my TV or my laptop. what a waste of 30 dollars So, i headed over to my favorite torrent site. and there was a nice torrent there, with instructions including installing the 3g-wifi proggy. and it works GREAT, very impressive Stoked - not that i will have much chance to use it, mostly when i travel. But, its cool that it works. I love the hacking community. All the rest of my iphone apps i pay for but, i have realized that most apps i don' use after i buy them - so i stopped buying them i just get the essentials now - and for the record intelliscreen is AWESOME worth the 10 bucks without a doubt
  15. I'm not in need of one right now but that snake skin strap is very impressive
  16. looks like a damn fine collection to me, i've been at this for like 5 yrs now and i only have 4 more watches than you nice pieces, nice straps what is that strap on the fiddy?
  17. did i ask you to do that? i don't think so And i have held back from saying this, but, you know, these issues had to be brought up, because its just odd having someone develop rules for a photo competition from someone who is morally opposed to the consensus defacto industry wide standard photo software. You were trying to make rules about a process for which you have no first hand knowledge. I don't understand your opposition to photoshop, but, these things needed to be hashed out so folks would understand whats in and whats out. you shouldn't take it as a personal affront to have someone ask you questions regarding rules for a contest that your developing. But i also think you should have sought information regarding the use or non use of software to which you refuse to familiarize yourself which. I gave you a copy of it. And as I and a handful of others have tried to point out, there is no "make my photo cool" button. Frankly half the time i use it to mess with a photo to much it comes out worse.
  18. what does that mean? "I suggest you keep all opinions and concentrate at what you will be doing Pho.. And that is "entering" the Contest as a competitor . and a competitor only !" from the beginning i was trying to help - how many photo competitions have we run here in the past? none - i was trying to lay some things out there that i i saw as issues down the road. As well as some personal questions i had about the nature of the contest and where i would go with creativity. clearly i wasn't the only one with questions. i doubt i'll even participate,
  19. a photo contest IS an art contest. if not, then you just basically looking at if the photo is in focus. Art is the key - For the Record -i never argued for full photoshop, even though i agree with the decision, - There are clearly a half dozen people that know photoshop better than me. from reading the comments So i probably have no chance But, - i still look forward to this, Because, i want to be challenged, - its the only way you learn !! and like someone else said, if were going to make different entry levels, why not have an unlimited level So - Excellent, lets do this thing
  20. imageshack offers batch resizing on uploading if your trying to do that.
  21. josh has it its been around for awhile at least a version, river had em this one looks nice
  22. geering up for the photo contest huh
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