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Everything posted by fotoman

  1. if that was supposed to be funny, i don't get it. by the way I'm still waiting for a reply to my emails about that gen rubber strap. you could have just told me, hey dude, things came up, sorry couldn't do it. now were off topic
  2. yes, you, him, and if you check my first post i said i thought the 400 price was rediculous but i blame the factories not the dealers by the way - i amend my earlier statement Ken, is an angel, so, there is at least 1 who is - ken. everyone else has degrees of non-angelic habits. I've made my peace with josh we have had a long nearly 5 year relationship. I have been very critical in the past. we don't need to relive that here. I have made my peace and frankly have no problem recommending him to friends and family. . I started this thread cause i thought it would be funny. - you all can take it for what its worth, but blatent josh bashing, i consider thread crapping.
  3. maybe i wasn't clear, what i was saying is that you would get the proper longines movement decoration i think i was pretty clear that i believe this is a photo/website mistake and not some sort of evil plan to send another watch and thinkbachs - when your around long enough you will find out that none of our dealers are angels - none. i've delt with all of them. and my transactions with josh have been as good if not better than the rest. currently i don't use any of the board dealers, but, i also don't have any $$.
  4. i will not let this thread turn into a josh bashing thread,d if you want to do that start your own thread. this, as i am sure, was an innocent mistake, they do put up new models every day, have thousands of models, i'm sure this is an innocent mistake. - i haven't passed i on yet, cause i think its funny. so, again - you want to bash josh, take it to your own thread. this is an innocent mistake. i'll bet you $1000 that if you order that watch, not only does it not come with an omega engraving but it will come with a longines engraving. now, $400, for simple movement, cause its gold coated? not sure about that pricing, but, there are plenty of places to shop if you don't like this or any other of the options.
  5. i really think they screwed up putting up the right photo but its funny non the less
  6. so if you were old enough to remember the whole "polex" incident you may have thought that was a doozy but here you go, there is a new longines out, which, to me, is mighty pricey at 400 now they make a point of the movement being machined and rotor machine engraved See if you notice the error
  7. missed it first time around - impressive, most impressive
  8. HOLY SHITBALLS no video of the explosion?
  9. yeah, i was in mid pm conversation with him and he went dark
  10. its a good thing you don't like stainless steel and black look - cause, it must have been tempting to just get SS/ Black
  11. i thought that watch was totally ridiculous, then i saw your photos now i'm impressed, and want one
  12. there is a great new book out called how we decide - i recomend o everoone here
  13. i'm waiting for the 44mm version but i've been waiting for this model for a long ass time
  14. aeromatic buys watches from millionsmart
  15. hey admin can you post a graph showing membership (sign ups) by month over the last year ? i am very curious to see if the bad economic times has people searching less for watches, searching for reps or not joining at all. I know dealer sales have been down at least 20% which is indicative of the financial crises, much more people are in a saving mode.
  16. ok - he's a good drummer. although i'm not totally into his style. My favorites are Portnoy, Shane Gaalaas, but the best is Vinnie Coliuta. Anyone who can record albums with Chick Corea, Sting, and Megadeth has to go down as the best drummer of all time. - now on breaking a stick - that was no big deal AT ALL for an average drummer. people drop sticks miss flips and break them all the time. You want to be impressed? you should check out my video of my High School Jazz Band state competition video. In a song that i had a drum solo - i'm playing, all of a sudden my bass drum pedel breaks in the middle of the song. With continuing to play swing in the cymbal with my right hand - i pulled out a drum key, put the pedel back to gether and tightened it, without missing a beat., went on to play the drum solo !!!!
  17. the picture looks great, bet it looks all 70s in person
  18. very cool, now if our dealers could get some watches that look like Sinn - with like the name Sinn on it, i could actually buy one
  19. well i know who to call to run security at the next gtg
  20. Nanuq - my friend- its soooo funny that you bring that up - the guitar is amazing, but, i just ordered this camphor burl oversized pen blanks to be made into a "jumbo" pen here is the wood, its on the way here is the pen i'll be using that wood to make haven't decided what i'm going to do with these yet, they are expensive to gather the parts and wood and bushings and drill bits and such
  21. i don't want to play myself down or anything, but, i mean i also don't want to hold out that i sculpted the gold or anything. I do work on these, i enjoy it very much and i try to make it interesting to the finest detail. But, I am no The Zigmeister, i wouldn't think of touching a movement or trying a relume teejay and others have all done fantastic work on this forum. What i do in comparison is pasting macaroni on a paper plate having said that - these pens are fantastic gifts, every person i have given these to at my office and to my family have all flipped out, not believing that i could have made it So they are great. Its almost like being able to make your own watches, i enjoy my watches and pens in the same way. these pens are definitely unique - other people sell pens on the internet of course, but, each one is different, even when i try to make them the same, they are different. I try to work with whatever is there and develop it as i comes, I have a general vision going in with where i want to go, but they all come out different then i think. You start shaping the wood, and maybe on purpose or maybe by accident you knick a piece and start working it and then you go in a different direction. wih this "godfather" pen, i did not intend the [censored] to be that big, but after putting the pen together i really like it. anyway - just wanted to fairly represent what i'm doing
  22. yeah i should have shot this one first at ya-all i have some of those striped pieces of work like my sig. i have some nice dark red solid color pieces. tha i haven't even made a pen from yet. but i'm sold on this wood for the dark wood projects. I love the grain and how it is really shiney even before polishing. which means i lasts. nice and smooth.
  23. actually yes, sort of, i live near a huge mall, at the mall there is a "jewelery exchange" which is a big building that had like 10 watch and jewelery dealers in it. This is where my watchmaker is, he sells watches and some jewelery and stuff. He is a good friend, so i'm going to put a few in his display case and see how they do. I want to have a few ready to go though before i put them out and they take so long to make and i give alot of them away, i have to do a few. Thanks for the positive feedback. I think the Big Bang is one of the more interesting choices so far
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