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Everything posted by fotoman

  1. Pantera - yes, i agree, never got into them, but they would hvae worked well. soundgarden - they were one of the bands that got me into metal i remember listening to that over produced snare drum for the first time. i love those guys. everyone else - i pretty much agree too Liqued tension is the shiznit, if you like it - check out Jeff Kollman and Cosmo Squad. More groovy than LTE but the talent is the same level i'm feeling a little better today, i think that the metallica treatment really did help. re: looking like petrucci. I had front row tickets for a G3 show - petrucci, vai and satriani - (ok, all guitar guys let your jelousy out) there will be nothing to ever rival that experience. although there was 1 time i had front row standing to zack wylde jam session, he was like 8 inches away from, i don't think he showered anyway - i took my 6 month old baby to a john petrucci guitar clinic in the baby bjorn he played his whole G3 show with a backing tape. other great concerts anyone?
  2. sure, but have you seen honpo's UN? its the special edition, in the 20's not sure why they didn't just get the run of the mill piece, but they are laying out some scratch
  3. i have my email on 1 screen, double tap the time and it flips to another custom screen that i have my email. so when you hear an email come in, you can look quick to see if its important instead of pressing 5 buttons to get there
  4. i think thats the onlytime i saw them - where do yo live, they will tour again good show dream theater=better concert
  5. jailbreak it, most of those updates you can get now, i will be doing 3.0, never did 2.3or wahever is the latest, but the jailbreaking is great, mostly for software that works awesome but apple ownt approve, - and not free by the way, i still had to pay, its software that customs the lock screen with calender and email info intelliscreen - if your used to MS mobile or Blackberry, getting to that cal and email info faster than iphone is key.
  6. still feel bad for him getting that burn got to do security for a metallica concert - load album, my job was to make people from the seats in the arena from jumping to the floor. So basically got a front row ticket for the show - paid for it, and some guy gave me 20 bucks to let him jump down no offers for [censored]s. One of my other fraternity brothers did. he turned it down ahhh, the mid 90s
  7. when they are buying 45k gens to rep it http://www.jpc8118.com/00000000000aap01001...c12-p-5870.html its too much unless you buy the freak
  8. yeah, wife problems, money problems, no credit, bla bla bla bla i had a total meltdown this week the metal really did help. Still very fragile - cried at the end of battlestar gallactica - which was awesome, BUT anyway seriously, i totally regressed, drove like crazy kid To be honest, i don't know if its regression? or the music being a real part of my DNA. long long family lines, there maybe some of both. Primal, vrs regression i wish it was more fun than mentally stabilizing. but the good news is, i'm SOOO poor i'm going to talk to the forum about selling some of my pens. I have a model that is Tricky, but i have perfected and there will be some AWESOME models, AWESOME stuff, i think you guys are going to like them got to get some go ahead. there wont be ALOT, they are all 1 off pieces, all different in small ways never 2 the same. all bad ass in their own way. i really really love them. Everyone i have shown them to has flipped out - but i think i'm onto something really special that fits right into the trend were in.
  9. so, i've been freaking out, bankruptcy no cash, ugly my usual panic attack pill weren't cuting it today - started jamming out to my teenage metal - Chains, Metallica, Dream Theater and i got work done, somehting kicked in then traffic was [censored] up because of a train open all the windows blasting And Justice For All to Ear Blasting (in my lincoln mkx, which i am about to turn back for a civic) i was squeeling out driving like a maniac RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH METAL METAL METAL only thing that cut though the panic i figured out if my wife leaves me, i'm going to go be a metal drummer!!!!!!!!!!!!!! a
  10. check the pirates bay honestly i'd wait
  11. van der klaw is awesome but the freak isn't as cool on the wrist as it is in the photos - yes, its a areal wrist shot, taken at the jewlery store at the waldorf in NYC buot 3 or 4 yrs ago
  12. patience young skywalker, patience
  13. thanks josh i'm impressed with new mov't, seems we go more and more coming
  14. welcome back, the un is great piece, haven't seen the cal photos
  15. as a matter of fact i tried finding him like a year or so ago. I saw that he had recently been on one of the forums. i sent him some PMs about pens, he never got back to me. who knows, maybe if i have enough time i might have a few extra there are 3 pens i am concentrating on as my 'upper line" as opposed to the ones the secretaries are getting. the acrylic blue with the pvd pieces - the 'cigar' 2 tone with indian rosewood - and the twist cap one with the big ribbon on it. of all of them i have done those are the ones i'd covet most. like i said, still learning -and in order to get the good inks in all of them - "the cigar one is tricky" i'm still learning. luckily the kits and the wood aren't that expensive. the acrylic is harder to work with, takes longer and is tuff on the tools, but the stay shiney and hypnotic forever. the wood ones are just cool no matter howyou look at it. i haven't spoken to the admins or anything abou selling them here, way o pre-mature, i still haven't gotten them good enough to give to my boss. i also might see how it goes selling some through my local watch smith that helps me out he carries lots of odds and ends. robbieg actually gave me some good advice about working with a local dealer -= of course he is also look at material costs at 10x what i'm doing but he buys watches at that rate too
  16. well, it may just be me, but, i have noticed perfect clones, a site that usually focuses on higher end pieces start showing off more sub 200 pieces Now, is it the factories cutting back on high end reps because of slower sales? or just PC trying to cater to the market. interesting i think.
  17. you need a lathe, drillpress, band saw, and some other random things like lots of sandpaper up to 15k a few special glues hand carving/ lathe tools polishes, old tshirts lots of patience, \ and i took a 3 hr class that was helpful - there are also some videos on the internet that can help - alhough, i found alot of the internet video tips sucked, caused me more problems
  18. oh wait, i think i counted wrong, if your talking about the one that has the line lengthwise. I only have 2 more blanks for that. its purple heart and didn't come out like i wanted, but i need to use some filler glue on the nextone the other one with the big band wrapped around the pen is the one that is a favorite.
  19. one of my favorites - i have enough blanks to do another 15 i think - only going to very special people
  20. yeah, more lucky than i can say
  21. i can get fountain pen parts. - but for me, personally, i don't like them much. what i'm doing for my family and friends and stuff, is - for the twist pens they take parker refills, so i'm putting in gel parker refills, they write awesome the cap pen, which is the stripped one, comes with houser ink - which is pretty good, although roller ball and not gel (which i like the best, gel is similar to fountain in that the ink just kind of flows onto the page. i doubt the construction is really any different.
  22. well, i got a new job, and i'm working 24/7 so haven't had to much time to post on the forum. however, my pen project has been going really well. i am very happy with all of them. There are little problems with each one, so you learn - and thats the point. i'm starting to make the gifts for my friends and co-workers, as well as figuring out how many pens are just cool ass for me there are some really bad ass things. now, i couldn't find my lightbox lights, so these photos are not up to my usual standards, but you get the general idea - and yes, the blue one is hypnotic in person as well
  23. happens to me all he time, like with lincoln's watch
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