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Everything posted by fotoman

  1. if everyone shows up thats supposed to this will be the BIGGEST rwg get together EVER Go BUBU - could even turn into a monthly meeting Looking forward to everything, i'm even skipping part of my mother's bday to go.
  2. gotcha covered - i have the rubberclad seconds at 12
  3. i have been trying to get someone to post photos fforever, i kinow of at least 1 person that got it, said they would post, and haven't - i have almost this exact thread, going for weeks. so, post up
  4. yeah, i'm bringing everything, i dont have that much,e asy for me
  5. dude- i apologize, i had no idea you would be so sensitive. If you read the title of the thread, it says photo genius. I dont think i put you down at all. i'll pull the photo down. I'm not saying your picture is bad at all. I was just showing what photoshop auto color correct can do. - its a very minor change in white balance. its almost impossible to control with cameras, without some adjustment. I wouldn't consider the photo "better or worse" but, i would consider the color corrected version more true to the watch i held in my hand. - I still think that the blue hue is from a white balance, as opposed to reflections from the sky. If you did a custom white balance there, i would take it back, but i have shot alot of watches outside and never gotten that blue hue, in fact i don't think its in your wrist shot. I don't think anyone would call any of your photos anything less than great, i don't think i did, i hope your not too upsetas as it relates to the rest of the thread, never mind then.
  6. sweeet, love the photos, - what is the backlit red thing
  7. no tint to the case, was from either a flash, or something blue in your clothes reflecting on but, i know from handling the watch, the hue on that blacksteel very tuff to cover, i think the pic i changed is pretty close. your bottom pic is also true-er, its unsaturated, which of course you can adjust however you like But, there is a natural reflection of that gun metal color, so, its not as "matte" in the last photo. just thought i would point out what difference just a small auto color thing does
  8. i had the happiest 24 hrs yesterday, i had no pain, due to some pain kllers, and due to not being in a position to have it caused. man, it was so nice, wife, kids all were happy - took kid to disney, (had to get an old people scooter) had old friend hang out man,
  9. subtle, but you get a true-er version of that strap and blacksteel. and DAMMIT lani - staring at that strap now that i got the watch for my friend makes me want one
  10. i've been talking to lanikai about using photoshop and he's new to the software and it can be daunting, anyway i did a really simple thing that i do to most of my photos. White balancing your camera is a MUST if you want accurate colors. However, if you dn't white balance properly or your light changes suddenly, you may end up with a tinge of offness to the colors. - now of course this means your monitor has to be properly calibrated as well - anyway there is a simple point here. just thought i would share. so i'm taking lani's awesome photo just did auto color on it, which now that i have seen it in person definitely gives the tone of the blacksteel coloring so here is the example before and after
  11. i'm always funny - born freaking hilarious actually but thanks, its nice to know someone enjoys my musings when i'm not funny, just means i'm busy
  12. So, i decided that i was going to put a little thing in my sig for the future pieces - already available that i want to get my hands on - and the candidates are: (in no particular order)
  13. love my t touch, you can get really good deals on them, but i went for the carbon fiber polished titanium model had to pay real top dollar
  14. TIME FOR A UN section for this site WERE going to be bigger than SUB freaks and PAM freaks the UN Freaks HEAR US ROAR
  15. take some non macro -- the colors look way better than the factory shots.
  16. well, got the opportunity to wear my watch movement cufflinks for the first time tonight. I didn't get pics, but i will soon. I was worried that they were a little to small, but holy [censored] balls they look unbelievable. TOTALLY unbelievable. from a normal distance, they just look like normal cufflinks but intriguing cause there is 3 dimension and strips on the movement bridge like a panerai so they reflect light. when you look up closer and see the gold balance wheel and the little jewels - man, this is one of the classiest pieces i have ever owned i'll get some photos with a watch and my cuffs. everyone needs these. I'm actually looking into see if some of our friends in china want to produce some cause, seriously these thigns rock out.
  17. i agree, teh BS is awesome. i have it in my hands , i'm so overloaded with watches in that genre and its cost doesn't allow me, yet, to purchase just to throw it on the shelf.
  18. yeah its the skyland blacksteel its worth it me to on ordering, i'm going to get the gold UN i'm still poor as [censored], but i just got a job time to blow my kids college fund the photos were well done by Lankai i think its the same model that he reviewed, - i have nothing to ad. I have to hand it off to my friend, and still laying on the floor cause of my back, but, i wanted to ad my personal observations as to how good it is to handle in person. i love my regular skyland, i don't think i'll get this oen for me, just because i have enough pieces in this genre, but, had i not gotten my ss skyland, i'd have gotten this
  19. check out mhy photo in the sig , it doesn't peal , if you look close to the screws, tthere are little pieces that are a little eh but its something you have to look close to see i think i have a v2, i didn't jump o nit right away other than that love it
  20. just got the new 400+ version of the blacksteel the one that is supposed to be the right color not just regular pvd, ordered it for a friend of mine i can't comment on the gen color never saw it in person, but, it is a blackened gun metal steel vs. your standard black pvd - i have never seen its equal in a rep as far as the coloring - its actually similiar to teh coloring of the hamilton khaki black watches, - thats teh closest thing i have ever seen in person the watch is phenominal the AR is in par with CHief's the dial is perfect and clean, the rubber strap is on par with my gen rubber strap this is one of the best out of the box reps i have seen, on par with the swiss steelfish. it is a real amazing piece. i have to say that i know were complaining about the price of reps, but, i paid 400$ for a crappy pam rep from eddie lee when i started out here, at the time the going rate for run of the mill pams was just shy of 300 240-280 considering this watch, 4 yrs later is around 400, doesn't offend me, its more than twice the watch with great AR high beat movement, gen quality rubber, i'm still offended by the stupid big bang prices, but, this piece, the nardin piece, these are really amazing, and compared to what i have paid for reps in the past, the value for the watch is definitely there. i have learned more recently about how the pricing works behind the scenes, and have had completely independent verification of pricing, outside the forum, and our regular dealers, are our dealers making $$? sure they are, but, given what i know now, i'm not quite as offended by the "cartel" as we called it, pricing. I can't really elaborate, but, i can say, that i think on par, most of the pricing that josh and others are offering are in line with what the factories are doing and the value of the watch. the big bangs are stupid over priced, i think maybe the APs are a few bucks high, but i blame this on the factories not the dealers. Turns out, my personal opinion, josh's prices are fair and i feel confident in recommending him to anyone for a watch. i should state that i am not getting anything from him to say that. I don't even purchase from him because of a deal i have with someone else. But, i was pretty tuff on him in the past. Even though all deals i had with him was great, he was always great to me, even before "perfect clones" in fact, he went out of his way back then to do great things for me. i was critical of pricing when super reps changed the industry. i now pull back on that criticism. everyone has opinions and i'm only responsible for my own. i am not being compensated or given any special treatment to make these statements, like i said, i'm getting my pieces elsewhere right now. I believe that gives my statement the utmost credibility. I thought it appropriate to say these things in public - guess its off topic for me seeing the point of thiis thread was to drool over teh watch i just opened anyway - josh is cool in my book. and the breitlings are cool in my book so it shall be written, so it shall be done
  21. panatime deployants can take up to a 4mm thick strap. i use it on my thick watches, they are great.
  22. the journey is part of the process. - reality is, if you want a sub, and thats it, one and done, pm me, i'll tell you where to go. no worries if your interested in watches, pull up a chair, strap yourself in and get ready for the ride of your life trust us, its worth it, all in time, all in time
  23. i think registered is the only thing thats reliable to there, but, never checked out fed ex or ups, only usps
  24. last time we did this - we ordered, screwed around with watches for awhile - then put them down, ate some soup (no one ate a real meal) bullshitted for like 2 hrs took photos of the watches together went home - no gloves necessary lankia good members never go away, we just post less often and sometimes are under anesthesia like today for instance:)
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