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Everything posted by fotoman

  1. my first sizing had the parts of the clasp digging into my arm, i went 1 not looser (there are fine adjustment notches) and it fit perfect, didn't move, felt secure, didn't pinch
  2. by the way, nice review great photos. no matter what anyone said about TTK - he was photo King of the forums, its great to have you, me, pugs others that are pushing our own limits to improve the skills For me its a great combo hobby, wearing waches is cool, shooting watches can be even cooler.
  3. this is a must get rep. just remember to tighten that bracelet screw it comes loose fit is very comfortable, wore it all day today - Man, i have started a "best out of the box" list this is on it, along with steelfish graham pvd chrono and this AP rubberlcad is close, but not in the list cause of no AR, it may be correct, but it takes away form the overall pizazz
  4. welcome you already know whats here, now help the newbies learn to fish Sounds like you learned to fish before ordering fish from the menu the whole rep addict thing is really serious i can't help it - the hard part, is there are now so many super reps don't know what to do with myself
  5. i used some more camera know how and alot of photoshop to build a better photo of my cufflinks and ring - the first photo kinda sucked So, here is v2
  6. hell yeah,, and i can't understand why we wouldnt see an 1846 soon, If they get the dial dimentions right, there are 20 variations on that watch, no brainer to me, i bet we see it soon, especially if this sells =- also, talked to chief, you can't double coat the date mag crystals because the date mag glue melts under the process, so it has to be removed - and removing and putting back has been proven more trouble than its worth. I talked to josh about it, he will talk to the factory, who knows, maybe V2 will fix it. But, honestly i wouldnt wait, it can be annoying but only in certain light, and being out and aobut today, it wasn't bad at all. hence my comments to buy buy. fyi, i don't know if you saw the other thread, about me commenting on your sig, but just wanted to make sure its nothing personal bro just fun Soon, we'll live in a Huge Nardin Rep Availability world, - can you imagine Nardins coming out like they put out breitlings, like every other week
  7. so its a well known fact that a good sig gets read way more than a sticky any day of hte week. So take care in what you put there. I have changed mine around, gotten ride of the old links and added more modern and useful info. first "phoband's best out of the box" this is my short list that are ready for prime time right out of the packaging - I think others might benefit from doing this for other watch brands - easy to through in the sig, and you won't offend anyone by doing it. its a personal observation. i also, using image shack, posted tiny thumbnails to all my new photos. i created the image, then created my own smaller thumbnail for conservation of space, then uploaded both to imageshack, posted the thumbnail for forums code - but changed the link from the Image shack created thumbnail to the direct link nfor the one i made. very efficient. finally, don't make your sigs overly large- robbie, bubby, i love you, but you can change your list to a paragraph delete, space, delete, space, I don't need the know the brand of underoos you used to wear. or if you do, just have it be in paragraph or centered and listed instead of everything in 1 line, very inefficient. i think the best out of the box idea, might lesson the this one or this one threads
  8. did i hear you say its C1 in blue? so its as powerful as c1? neat!!
  9. after 1 day of walking around with this watch, i can say the following - ITS F-IN AWESOME if you like the look and feel of a Nardin don't wait buy this watch. The clasp scratches pretty easy, not happy about that, but, the bracelet once sized properly - Rubber strap i should say, feels great, solid but not so tight it hurts, they over did the blue on the AR, but the AR does make the watch POP. I have spoken to Josh to tell the factory about the issues we have discussed. But in reality, they are all MINOR compared to the fact that we have a Nardin super Rep. This goes in my Top Best out the Box list including Swiss Steelfish; Graham Diver PVD; Nardin Chrono; Honorable mention ap Rubberclad
  10. can't sleep, too much pain in my leg. I've been playing in photoshop with the colors to try to give it the best representation that i can with a photo - i can't make the dial pop like it does, but to my eye. this gives me the best representation that i can hold in my hand - my photoshop skills being limited. most of my work was done with the slr camera - and frankly i could have made the crown not blurry, but didn't realize it at the time - oh well.
  11. with the cost of servicing being MORe than the cost of a new movement and sometimes a new watch - i go the new watch route
  12. Tried on gen this model and gold-- they will do a gold i think, the Black and gold is styling, all the pieces are there, just plate the stainless and your done !!!! no brainer- my dad wiould love that piece, i can't do gold also, lume, haven' tried, haevn't even sized it yet lume is so eh - it looks cool for 30 seconds in an elevator or on a dark Disney ride.
  13. that along with other things like too much blue in the AR have been suggested to the factory, there were supposed to be individual numbers -i said well if your going to do individuals at least do it where people see the watch when you wear it and not on the case bottom DUH
  14. it might be more productive to show a photo of the watch in question
  15. plenty of places - read up, all the answers are here to find. just 1 thing, if you do business with people here DO NOT EVER bring your bank or paypal or anyone else into it. Bring it to the forum first. we can help work through things. this is rule# for fight club
  16. been up for a few hours http://www.rwg.cc/members/index.php?showtopic=89555&hl= enjoy it, tim tebow isn't fair - he is like some character i created in madden
  17. i'll see if i can scan the page from the book. it stuck out and i showed it to my wife cause i thought it was so funny
  18. final thought, the photos can't do the watch justice, the AR makes the dial POP the colors are great, they morph slightly on different angles. it gives it that high end piece look. after getting the grapham pvd diver strap, i wish this strap and the corum rubber straps had a darker oilier tone to them - has anyone ever tried armorall or something like that? it looks good on its own, but hold it up next to the graham and wow - same thing with the AP thought it was perfect (rubberclad) but the graham is on a whole other level - similiar to my gen breit rubber
  19. sorry about all the dust, but i was under anesthesia today
  20. beat you to it lots of juicy shots !!!!! Screw the gators !!!! go OK my enemy's enemy is my friend
  21. i want the yellow one - is it worth it? enjoy the game - you watching it in 3d? did you know its on in 3d in limited release in theaters LIVE i have so many breitlings but those are the ones i tend to wan to keep, until we get more nardins
  22. the datemag is glued to the bottom side of the crystal so the issue is double sided ar
  23. according to the gen book its "rubber type material" i just did a scientific test- its small - i touched my tounge to it, and it was warmer than the metal bezel around it Def rubber
  24. here is the super high res dial photo so you can see the subdial detail and as requested full large
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