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Everything posted by fotoman

  1. Dials, hands, large gears and movements that have some decorative quality, seeing gears and or balance wheel and or decorated bridges. Think Dali but not melting as a photo background I was searching around and happened upon some stuff that gave me the idea. For the most part they will be blurred, unless it looks awesome them I might bring a piece into the foreground
  2. Hey, if you have some useless unfixable broken watch parts, I'm working on something with my light box. I can only afford to pay a token amount + shipping thx
  3. Well you continue to show your ignorance. Just because I wasn't posting on the board doesn't mean I stopped following or buying reps. Or talking to my friends in the far east. I have checked in everyday for years. I haven't had time to be an active poster. Unless you tell me you live in qz and go to wholesale or other markets I am going to completely discount your opinion. I highly in courage all newbs to ignore this guy. He has uninformed opinions which he states as the gospel. I have import things to do in the real world, so I'm not discussing this idiotic topic any more. I said in another Thread, that it wasn't the newbs were talking about, we are reminiscing about a different time. I was mispoken - this dude, who acts like a 12 yr old poisons the community at large.
  4. I think some are mis- interpret What were saying. What me mean is that the hobby has changed with super reps. It has nothing to do with what we think of newbs - the changes in industry have changed the culture. I think people were closer. It was a time that rep projects were the game, now having an excess of, hey., don't buy the rep, it's a hair off something. The "no recessed pin" didn't stop us from buying the rep. But we looked to improve. And different guys would post experiments. Also an inordinate amount of time on rolex cgs and pearls. Times change. What we mean, which has nothing to do with the newer members. It just means we miss a different time. It's called reminiscing not whining. Were not complaining either. We all love super reps. Hands down, issue is not AGAINST newbs. Its remembering a different time. A different sense of comrodery, (sp)? It is what it is. Please don't take offense newer members
  5. See that is some of that good old time fun I miss
  6. Well, your an idiot. I'm not sure I've ever met someone as sure he was right when you stand hanging over a cliff. You know what your told. Wait wait shocker, dealers in counterfeit items are not always 100% honest. Why would you want to think someone who was here and was able to freely share information with the most knowledgeable while this whole process was maturing slowly over a long period of time. No chance we would have a better understanding comparing stories from many many sources. Let me ask you this genius, do you buy your reps from a TD hmmm. I wonder If thats the best way to go. Listen rookie, when you are educated enough to be able to tie my shoes, I might consider sharing information with you. Till then, anytime your wrong on an issue, double down and be more rigid, it totally works for republicans
  7. Used him for some time. I find that panatime's 40-50$ models are in line with smat's mass produced line (as opposed to the custom made. I recall smats prices as 65 ish and 85 ish
  8. Well, with all this fun discussion about now and then, I present an exercise. Take some who you think has made a good amount of posts, go to their profile, search for their topics, and chose ascending. Take a check what your friends were like as newbs. Look at what we talked about. It's fun My observation is, my feeling about being more fun is because we all knew each other better. It was less problem solving and more pondering, When I first joined, I was I to intimidated because it seemed like a private club and everyone knew each other on a first name basis, and lots of people posted referencing phone calls between them. We grew fast, the numbers were staggering, but, there was still a core community. I'm sure it's here to, just different. Here is a few I grabbed really quickly, without to much contemplation. And the more things change the more they stay the same
  9. Gran, that's one of those pop in a dim and watch a show? Tell us what it was like before electricity Ok, sorry, i forgot what we were recreating? Also, note, old threads almost always have bad photo links
  10. Great job. I remember when I started 60 seemed like ALOT. We didn't have these really high numbers. Less people mostly crap reps One of the ongoing funny parts is, you can leave for 2 yrs and still average 3.5 posts per day !!!!! As for the other over 6k poster here, my theory is, you wrote something really embarrassing in 1 post and decides the only way to bury it was to go crazy on posting and create such a web no one could find it.
  11. By the way, enthusiasts love helping. I have always thought the main attractor to this was the hunt. Not so much the thing sitting on your shelf. To come up with new stuff, new ideas - for which I have made some custom projects, sourcing movements and cases. All of these cool straps. I like staring at my wrist, but I have the same joy for helping someone who wants to dive in serious and is excited. It reminds us, of the waterfall of information and emotion that we all had. I'm not sure I know of anyone that founded or predates trc so, all of us were a newb at some point.
  12. I have no doubt you will enjoy helping many members. But your avatar is still giving me nightmares jk
  13. The problem with that analysis is, it totally lacks institutional memory and a fundamental understanding of how the chinese work. There is no "cartel" of factories. Other than ones that might be owned by 1 person or 1 organization. The "cartel" in my opinion was formed by Josh, who, I think has shown incredible business savvy for creating and maintaining the current model. I believe he got together with andrew, angus and king - all really old School people that have been around. They all know each other. And used their combined resources to have some buying leverage. This was especially important between the time PC launched and the time the first super reps were born. There are other core business practices that hold the "cartel" of which angus is gone right? That tether pricing as advertised online. Just my opinion from talking to our friends in china
  14. Lume shots are taken with extended (longer) shutter times - cam In a tripod
  15. Never a better time to buy reps, some very good people here. Real enthusiasts. But that's not what the forum is about here, anymore. IMHO It's just not as fun I wonder if mastrmind thinks this is just old useless people wining.
  16. Mastrmind makes some good points. Your cry is common for the young. Us "old" people know stuff you don't. We have relationships you don't, we have experiences you don't. The more things change, the more they stay the same. You would be wise to learn from your elders. But you won't learn that in life till you start shaving. Also, your point on threatening other dealers that's to protect dealer markets not factories. You/ we are a small fish. We can keep dealers honest, forget about factories. I'm sure that if we weren't here, you could have started your own forum and created this world.
  17. I'm not sure why this thread popped up in my search, but, if you read it, almost all of the forum all-stars are lamenting about exactly the same things I did. Although mine was more raw.
  18. I guess I can tell you now, i am jetmid. But, dude your lucky she left you, I've been using cream twice a day ever since. Don't ask where
  19. yes, that was my intention. I appreciate your comment. I will leave it with these last few thoughts. 1. As per a previous commentator, i'm not paying for it I'm just fine 2. Mods - i don't exactly know what i posted but, it is all about the owner. my big point is to hold off until you have had a few reps in your hand to figure out what you like. I was screwed by being a newb, saying i can pay whatever so its the best just like many others do. And, i lost a bunch of $$. Take it slow, look at a watch at real size not 10x size and find what makes a difference to you. Also, there are some mods that I think are just straight up rip offs. I was somewhat obscure on some of those things on purpose. 3. The thread this came from had a back and forth discussion. Someone else had emphatically declared a particular movement unreliable, although he said from the 1 he had it didn't fail. It was not the first time in a few days i was posting what was a general understanding. The previous was that running your chrono on the 7750 was detrimental to the movement. So, I finally just layed out my resume, so that, when someone reads my opinion, they can add whatever weight they want to it based upon my resume. how else do you judge the weight of an opinion? experience right? If the other dude would have said, I got 3 of these and they all failed within 3 months. the conversation would have been different. I considered taking the resume part out of the post when i reposted, because, it was not relevant to the purpose here. However, i left it in, because in the interest of transparency i wanted to leave the post intact, so that if some issue got raised, i wasn't accused of skewing the understanding by editing. 4. The reason i posted - if you read it, i know its long, was to FACT CHECK the stuff i was saying so that I was making sure i wasn't passing out wrong information. - In reaction to that, Some dude, who, one could assume is a watchmaker, called me a douche for me telling everyone else how it is. - If that dude would have read the post, maybe he could have confirmed or disputed the facts i layed out. I think the biggest issue in this entire thread is, i write really long posts and folks don't read them all or read them all closely. Maybe thats because they were turned off by something said earlier in the post and that was a lens through the rest of the reading. 5. I should have changed the way i operate due to me being gone for some time. My fault. people are not used to reading my stuff and don't know how I operate. Oh well. guess I will just let you guys do what you want to and I'll take my douchey self underground. I have always been, funny, over the top and engaging. I have rubbed some people the wrong way. It happens. But, i have also bent over backward to be helpful to hundreds of members. How many of you have dropped $300 to the forum so they could upgrade some ram? This is a common occurrence in life and in any big organization. As we grow older, we realize that maybe those old timers were onto something. As the rep world turns. 6. I am available for discussions on any of my other subjects shoot me a PM
  20. I am an expert at alcoholics anonymous. But not because I was the user. The above harshness related to the conversation where it spilled over to this thread from elsewhere. I listed my expertise as a sarcastic jab. Although, I am an expert in the subjects listed, i really have no need to pad my resume. I'm perfectly able to get the information i need and the reps i want without being involved in the forum. I'm only here to help. The forum was very good to me for a long time. I apologize if people take offense. I think its a combo of me being away for so long and part a change in the culture. Someone else accused me of attacking newbs. - I think if you re-read my first post, its about how to communicate and how to help newbs avoid disappointment and anger by the creation of unrealistic expectations and i have seen talk where some folks kind of consider US as responsible for the dealers. that We have something to answer for if they screw up. That was never the case before, at all. Further, all the senior members, at least the ones that started more than 2 yrs ago, from the time where i was more active, are busy folks, with expertise, many of whom dont even collect reps anymore but are here to help. Their time is valuable, I respect it. They don't have to help me with stuff. its a courtesy. They are very knowledgable and their contribution is not measurable. Frankly, its not clear that the rep world would exist as it does today with a safe haven for purchasers was here with this forum. If it wasn't for these guys who have spent time, money and treasure building this world and holding dealers feet to the fire. - Go google this stuff, without reference to the forum and see what your world would be like - a combination of inflated prices and pure [censored]. Either way your getting ripped off. I have always had respect for the members of this board. I just see it differently when i came back.
  21. I am not saying they aren't water proof. What I'm saying is waterproofing service has questionable value
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