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Everything posted by fotoman

  1. Look, 1 problem - maybe 2 problems maybe but when litterally dozens of people over a long period of time say the same thing over and over. Its time to put this guy out to pasture. he charged me a handling fee. he ripped me off of at least 200$ Straight up. Scammed me out of 200$ by pretending not to notice that the day wheel on my watch was half covered up. you could only see half of the word wednesday. And, instead of saying - oh this is messed up lets get another one or whatever, he went on did work, charged me for it. The dude is a scammer. Maybe he is only a mild scammer. maybe he isn't evil. maybe he has done a good job here and there. but people are getting taken. Over and over his "works" package is BS, he doesn't do rubbish to the watches that is worth what is being paid. If you want to deal with him. go tell the world on RWI how wonderful he is - i'm sick of RWG members getting caught up in the rubbish. thats all i got to say cause i'm repeating myself.
  2. yeah, he had the balls to try to go do something ridiculously over the top and nice for me. I don't take that stuff lightly - So i had to one up him
  3. dude 1 word Cymbalta. Actually i just changed up my drugs. I have alot of medical issues - mostly dealing with pain, kidney stones, muscle problems just spent the last 3 years with a disk/ cyatic problem - man that was the f-in worst. anyway, i'm doing ALOT better now. the back is under control, thearpy is going well. when you have alot of pain, it causes depressession and so does working your [censored] off and stress anyway, pain is alot gone, job is gone, stress is alot gone - problems aren't all sovled and drums are on the way, BUT, it was time to change out the drugs. Get down to much fewer drugs to handle the remaining issues. WOW - cymbalta is this cool new drug that was developed as a pain killer and anti-depressent. for the first time i went to the gym to do physical therapy and it wasn't painful. it was just normal workout pain like when i was in HS. Anyway, I'm feeling WAY WAY WAY WWAY better. And i'm nuts now like i used to be. more Funny, more crazy, more ready to go crazy go nuts. UBI is now the direct beneficiary - and his wife will be as well - again nothing sexual - at least, not from me. what they do with it is up to them !!!!!!!!!!! so, you see, i'm getting help. i bet there are alot of people on this forum on anti-depressenants, i wanted to do a survey once. i will one day. Were all nuts
  4. There are certain folks in the universe that rise above the rest of us - Jesus - Moses - Abraham - Ralph - Buddah - The inventor of online porn - ADMIN - Chinese Watch Factory Owners- But, there is one in my opinion that is better than all the rest - UBI - I can't go into exactly why. I will say it was nothing sexual. But, he is a great great great great great great man. Great man. I'm sure others have wonderful stories about how his greatness (even though he doesn't have a credit card) transcends the norm. i Encourage all to share those stories here - Let us pay homage to one of the greatest members of the Human Race - UBI UBI UBI If you don't know of whom i speak. i recommend a long pilgrimage and a vow of silence. After which it will be come clear. once i thought the best thing in the universe would be 3 smoking hot blondes who would do anything i asked. But no - its really UBI UBI UBI. Ok - Let er rip
  5. I used to talk to him all the time. Spent hours trying to teach him to use photoshop - OVER THE PHONE very plesent guy to talk to. I think he is both a used car salesman AND a bad businessman - and probably has some personal problems
  6. I'm pretty convinced joe is an out right scammer. He is work is shotty at best. He "Sells" services that he doesn't perform or don't exist. He gets sick alot. I wouldn't touch him with a 10 foot pole. I hope everyone gets their watches back. I think we should stop letting him walk around here like a bonified craftsman newbs send their watches and get taken. - I'm tired of hearing the stories over and over every year. I lost over 400 bucks because of him my first few months here. I can't imagine how much money he has made on people over the last 2 years it makes me sick. can we bump this guy for good or what
  7. If thats how it was asked - yes you did the right answer
  8. Hey, i need to talk to you, pm or email thanks UBI
  9. yeah sorry to be snappy, or at least half snappy. BUt someone did it to me when i was a newb to and not in my first 1400 posts here, in the first 800 on the predecessor to this website. - i wish our post count transfered over, i'd be so much cooler than i am now - however the hell i found 1400 interesting things to say is beyond me its part of the fun guarantee youl never forget now !!! Remember those books snappy answers to stupid questions- well, lets just say i have to hold alot back when i read the threads to me its funny but you can't always get the joke in type although i did in the book - hmmm
  10. Dude i know you its either solid Diamonds or Vinyl
  11. i have never used a deployment buckle but sometimes i have used a nice deployant
  12. i especially enjoy the support that my penis is big enou. . . i mean my watch is nice enough. I couldn't possibly live just enjoying it on my own
  13. good luck, the house is always worth it and the upside is, as soon as you get back in - the reps will be better!!! i wanted that damn california dial custom but - no $$
  14. And i'm not talking about the seller but the buyer. In the buyer's mind its different than your analogy thats what i was pointing out. Profit aside. the analogy you made was off. what i was saying and still say is that there is an ethical difference int he analogy for the user perspective
  15. ethically its not the same, based upon psychology of the human brain. here is the basic type of study that i'm talking about Would You Kill A Fat Man? ...to save five other people? Fascinating research into our "moral intuitions" out of the U.K. Here are two cases: 1) A trolley car is out of control and heading towards a group of five people. If you do nothing, all five will die. But if you flip a switch, the car will be diverted onto a side track and kill only one person. Would you flip the switch? 2) A trolley car is out of control and heading towards a group of five people. If you do nothing, all five will die. But in this case you are standing on a bridge over the trolley track. Now, if you throw yourself under the wheels of the trolley, it will not have an effect on the car's forward momentum. But if you push the fat man next to you onto the track, the car will grind to a halt and all five people would be saved, although the fat man will surely die. Most people would decide to flip the switch in 1), but not push the fat man in 2), even though the amount of good and bad done in each case is the same (five saved, one dead). The reason, according to philosophical bad-boy Peter Singer (of Practical Ethics fame, or infamy), is: For most of our evolutionary history, human beings have lived in small groups, in which violence could be inflicted only in an up-close and personal way, by hitting, pushing, strangling, or using a stick or stone. To deal with such situations, we developed immediate, emotionally based intuitive responses to the infliction of violence on others. The thought of pushing the stranger off the bridge elicits these responses. On the other hand, it is only in the past couple of centuries - not long enough to have any evolutionary significance - that we have been able to harm anyone by throwing a switch that diverts a train. Hence the thought of doing it does not elicit the same emotional response as pushing someone off a bridge. The moral, according to Singer: you can't always trust your moral intuitions. If you wish to submit yourself to moral dilemmas like the one outlined here, visit the Harvard University Cognitive Evolution Laboratory and take their Moral Sense Test. Taste the ethical confusion!
  16. i thought it was cool before i knew it was the titanic. your analogy is way off though you would make your point better with the hindenburg or ameila airhart or oceanic flight 815 or There is a huge difference in human psychology relating to death that was the fault of the dead (i.e. they chose to get on the ship knowing accidents can happen) as opposed to the cause of someone else trying to make them dead i.e. bombing buildings or japanese or boats in pearl harbor. Mentally its proven different when you account for age culture ect. would you want a watch made out of a pirate ship? - that would be cool as [censored] right what about ancient greek coins that sunk all grave yards. in Fact - the ground you walk on is a grave yard for something. Indians Grass Bugs dinosaurs punk ass TZ members who can't mind their own f-in business
  17. now there is an idea. im going to file that one away for when i get bored with the current look
  18. i have sworn off these stupid raffles cause i could have just bought the damn watch i kept trying to win, but as i will not ever buy the big bang or likley the 360 there is a rational for tossing in a few bucks here.
  19. how did you get a 180 on the lsat? i'm suprised you would have been rejected from all of them. Do you have anything in your past that would hinder you - busted for pot? - do you plan to live in the US? other than yale, those are pretty much the top schools and alot of time getting in also has to do with who's your daddy and how much he gave to the alumni fund last year. You could clearly get a full scholorship to just about anyplace else in the US. I'm not sure what you want to do with your life, but if its be a law school proffessor, you need to go to one of those schools, if its anything else, you don't need to go there - or, actually US supreme court.
  20. i wore this out for the first time y esterday - wow, i really love it, its like, bad ass/ rock and roll/ artsy/ sophisticated/ ruff all in the same small, yet large package. thanks again flav
  21. Got my SRSD today this morning from Mr. Postman - As TTK promised - it would take a bit to coordinate everyone but it landed safe and sound. As everyone knows this watch is a great start not finish (like super reps) So, i'm not going to post a review or anything cause i already have mod parts for it They will get sent out to be installed tomorrow i think and when it comes back i'll do photos and the write up. Thanks again Neil - so what is the street value of a gen srsd again?
  22. GOT MINE TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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