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Everything posted by fotoman

  1. Has anyone requested an estimate yet? AMAZING how this sale coincides with the Release of the DVD NEXT WEEK !!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. http://watchwindersworld.com/1447a-p-2664.html looks like someone's been drinking too much of the new year's champaign
  3. anything linksys or netgear - avoid D LInk like the plaugue
  4. BFF? hmm, hard to say - i have alot of nice relationships which i value here on the board.
  5. You know i hear, "its better in teh bahamas" - but seriously your here at the wrong time of year, its freaking cold outside - what island on you on, i'll hop on my boat and be there in 4-5 hrs
  6. is that a 7750 watch? cause neil posted " @SQ.....sorry....I won't be offering the AP 7750 series....either Swiss or Asian......price is not competitive.....risk factor too high at the price level.....!" the pricing is no good. its a few posts above this
  7. any of the vintage mbw's but the buy is closed at the moment, or it was last i heard. payments have been made and were waiting on tracking numbers. - Depending on how this goes, there maybe another in the future.
  8. nope. i'm verified - still waiting onthe address verification
  9. I just went through the process to wire money to moneybookers my bank wants 30 BUCKS as a transaction fee. PUg how are you doing it for free/50cents? i'd happily pay the 1.9% CC fee, but there is that limit/60 days
  10. Differnt than the topic here, - Arab Isreali can't be solved because both want A and there is only 1 A that can't be split. God either exists or it doesn't. - There is a right and wrong, there is an A for one side and a B for the other. Therefor the argument can be won. in my view - if you look to human behavior - it explains god, religion, war, society, greed, lust, ect ect ect - we don't say depression is caused by satan, because we know its a chemical imbalance that can be fixed by either drugs or therapy - 300 yrs ago, they were possessed by satan. When we can explain things - they lose their supernatural basis. And thats what i'm saying - i can lay out the case to move away the fog of confusion over how and why and NON of the answers have to do with a God. therefor, i can erase the basis for and need for a god.
  11. As i said, too many issues to complicated - i'm not all over the map, i'm discussing 10 different issues simultaneously. because those are the ones that are brought up. many overlap - thats just the wya it is, which is why you can't discuss this on a message board. The Facts that are on my side relate to evolution - science ect ect - religious folks "claim" that "science doesn't explain it all" only because they want to create doubt so they can take comfort and reinforce their world view. Its All Explained. And anything that might not be, can not be explained by the existence of a god. I can't prove god doesn't exist, but i can prove there is no reason for god to exist. Seriously, you don't understand the intelligent design proof? iits pretty simple - You can't say with a straight face that - a Creator created what we see, because its too complicated for it just to happen. Because who created the creator - DUh, a more complex creator? the point is, life happens, the universe just exists. You can't rely on the "complication" of things as evidence of a creator, because who created the more complicated creator - the logic is non- existent. I was kidding (somewhat) on saying i'd win. Again you don't get tone in a forum. But seriously though i have facts, science and history on my side. When you take history, facts and science into the picture - what you see is, all of the reasons religion and "God" were invented - all of the reasons that religion and god persisted through the ages into the modern times - and even some of the reasons it persists today. Now that you observe all this and understand how and why we got here - and realize that the major organized religions of the world are generally made up of a bunch of BS (based upon borrowed myths - Noah, borrowed from a Babylonians flood myth yadda yadda) we know who wrote many of these things, we know at what time many were written, we know about the arbitrary way that the current "bibles" were put together, leaving some in, leaving some out - we know that some items in the book are Sacred and some are ignored. organized religion - is really laughable as it relates to its own internal integrity of what they purport to stand for. Take "organized religion" out of the matrix - and where is the showing, thought of - or basis for a God. you may not buy into organized religion, but tell me where you get the basis for your supreme being if not borrowed from some of this. Tell me where you understand this being is and does. Its based on a "feeling" that is individual to just you - or you are borrowing in part or in a whole from an organized religion. thats what i'm talking about regarding facts - related to history, related to science, related to evolution. I can explain how it happened. You can only explain how you "feel"
  12. Cmon you guys can't take a joke Arab Isreali can't be solved - and i've done alot of research into this - because, they want opposing ideas - its like trying to solve the Hitler/ Jewish debate one wants the other wiped off the face of the earth - no negotiating room.
  13. this forum isn't adiquite for our debate, the issues are too numerous and too complicated, i have answers to all your points. I believe i can show you how live exists WITHOUT divine intervention - in fact i can prove the concept of "intelligent design" false in 2 sentances If, life - and its complexity , MUST have been created because it couldn't have happened on its own - whatever "Created" it must be at least as complex as the thing it creates - Therefore, the logic is meaningless - I recomend The god Delusion by Richard Dawkins - in fact i would love someone who likes the subject to read the book and critisize it - i have seen some people try to - but they end up critisizing the author and not the content - he does away with every good argument i have heard. Religion - on a Whole - is Very Very BAD for the world - More blood has been shed in teh name of religion then any other cause in history, bar none. Sure, religion, played a vital role in controlling the masses to organize society in the early stages thereof- it provides comfort to those who seek answers. And frankly i think the human brain is not smart enough to comprehend the world we exist in - and that on the whole, religion closes the gap between comprehension and reality. I didn't say that the world sucks unless your rich - i said that the rich run the world and that most of the "institutions" out there-that many hold dear are just money making machines for the manipulative power hungry The world, is in fact, a bad place. - Its sad really. My existance is not however empty - i fill it with daily enjoyment of my immediate surroundings, primarily my family. I simply don't need to feel that i'm part of some big cosmic plan just to be happy. Most people believe in god - in the US anyway But most people used to believe the world was flat, the sun revolved around the earth, that Air was made up of a lack of molecules, the flying was impossible, that mermaids existed, that their particular King was hand picked by god. - So whats your point - we have been delusional about something since the begining of time - AND - it has alwasy been in furtherance of our own divine image of ourselves its quite egotistical to think that we are all part of some grander universe make up- its quite humble to think were no better off than the fruit fly - just another bunch of atoms eeking out an existance. Frankly, i could go on all day - AND- frankly, if we were in person, i would win the debate - mostly because i am right- and i have history, science, and logic on my side vs. Faith - the only concept in the world where ignorance is praised lack of curiousity is praised. I'm sure it would be one hell of a debate, you sound quite good at debating - however - i happen to be un-beatable if i am right on the facts - which i am here there are a shitload of things i can't do right, or well, but - this, i got down till one day when we meet in person = or in the afterlife - we can finish this there.
  14. I'm phoband, and I'm an Addict.
  15. i'm going to bow out of this now, cause i'm not sure how much farther we can debate without me really saying something that someone will not forget and find offensive - and frankly, thats not where i want to go.
  16. anyone that says they were just out to meet the neighbors is trying to SELL you something. Craytonic - I think its silly that you would even think there is a god or would even entertain the possiblity in the face of any evidence being that none would exist. now that we both think each other is silly, let me show the fallacy in your last statements First, - I'm not insulted that YOU belive in god - Frankly, i could give a crap (no offense intended, mearly ment as a generic you) What i'm offended at is that You (or more to the point THEM) feel the need to bother me with your beliefs - that you feel the need to wage political war (or they do) to effect me, my family and my fellow country persons I don't pretend to have ANY answers - what i pretened to do, i smake observations and conclusions based upon observations. I'd be happy to concede there is a god if someone could show me some evidence to the point. The hubris is on teh part of the "faithful" who feel they need to "save" me or society or gays or abortions or any of that crap that the "religous" go after. I would point out that i am not confusing "religion" and "faith" as the "faith" persons don't go knocking on doors. Only Those with the interest in pursuing their own cult knock on doors. Those who believe in some higher power and use it to guide their everyda actions - go for it, what do i care Athiests - don't have an "anti religion" agenda - Atheists aren't "out" to get anyone -athiests are not obessed with the actions of others. the Religious people - start this fight - although they would have most think that is the athiest who, by not participating in a baseless "belief" we are somehow the instigator this is exactly equivilent to the Republican who says that the Democrat has Voted For Higher Taxes, by Failing to vote for a tax cut. - You can't re-write the status quo in order to change the agressor. i'm not offended by you, believer - i'm offended by your attempting to screw with my life !! :)which, in my opinion is something to take offense at. - As you may believe these people are doing a good deed. Let me be clear - i'm also offended by tele-marketers - I'm offended by "cold calls" I'm offended that the chick at walgreens asks me at checkout if i would like to help in their "sales campaign" to buy candy bars. - No, i'm patrionizing your store, don't make me feel GUILTY for not buying more products - i find it very offensive that they feel it nessecary to pester me with that in the same t one they would ask for a donation for a charity I'm also offended by most charity's because they are scams - especially the United Way - What a scam, their overhead is like 40 Percent. Having spent time at the "high end" of society, i've seen to much for someone my age - the way the world really works, the scams that religion, charity, politics, minority set asides "community activists" - lots of things i used to support. - Fact is, the rich run the world, the rest of us are just pawns in their rat maze. anyone tells you different they are trying to sell you something :Best thing i can figure is to find a small corner of the world and figure out a way to enjoy life while you can.
  17. yes, i do. I guarontee that those people went to his door intent to convince them of their world view? otherwise why bother him. If anyone comes to your door just asking for prayor, its a scam so they can get you onto their stuff. All kinds of scams out there, jews for jesus and the like. Religous zelouts out to peddle their religion are out to do only 1 thing. They believe that their world view is the only right one and therefore i am wrong, Otherwise why would they spend their time, precious as it is, on me. Therefore, Unless V agreed with their world view - which is a safe assumption he did NOT by the reaction he gave - they were there to insult him and his world view. i would find it insulting if i were religous and some athiests kept bothering me. I only engage in debate when invited or when it is already occuring in public, why? because i'm challenging your world view, your challenging mine - only 1 is right, the other is at a minimum wrong at a max dellusional. There is a reason you don't discuss politics and religion at dinner - Someone will be insulted. you can only deal with these situations with a mutual non-insulted agreements - which, one should voluntarily agree to when entering the debate. And as i have said at the begining, anyone insulted by my remarks can take comfort in the fact that i will burn for all eternity
  18. HUGE difference, - V is our friend, and is posting in an open forum that is set up for such a purchase These people went uninvited to his door. Ostensibly insulting his world view
  19. Actually there is a unique effect that praying has on the brain of the person praying. It is similiar to a "high" this is what is thought to be the medical explination of the "religious experience" some people feel. its also what is thought to be the "healing" that some people experience with a faith healer. - but there is no doubt that there are areas of the brain that have special activity that is related to prayor Now, praying for someone else to get better, doesn't do anything.
  20. pretty much the thread has been apretty good debate - I live in harmony with many religious folk and "believers" my family all believe in some sort of diety. buti have to disagre with you my good friend it is I that take supreme insult at having people waste my time trying to "save my soul" or peddle some other sort of crap (like, help me win my magazine selling contest) by knocking on my door. I generally tell them that i'm sorry i worship regularly at the church of Satan. I don't really have a problem with anyone being religous. I do have problems when peoples religous starts interfearing in my life. I don't go knocking on your door saying, your world view is wrong, you should see things my way. I don't go around legislating theh practice of religion out of existance to protect the population (as they try to legislate their religion to protect me) If your going to hang yourself outthere and insult me at my home then you better expect to get similiar treatment.
  21. well, as i have said before, DSLR one day, but for now the baby is the focus (no pun intended) of the camera use, so it has to be small portable and reliable. But - I have my eyes on something really cool - the first super compact, digital camera 7.1mega pixel/ HD video recorder (720p) affordable http://www.usa.canon.com/consumer/controll...p;modelid=14903 the canon tx1 - if it lives up to specs it will be very popular i think. It can take photos while videoing . 10x optical zoom the size of a small camera. WOW-WOW-WOW and priced under 500 - as Manf Sug Ret. its not quite the hobbyist photo camera, but if you have kids and or like taking video (wh ich i do, creates a memorial of the time and place, the attitudes, the clothes the feel the personality. now with hosting services like the one i use phanfare.com offering unlimited video hosting with flash conversion (so it plays without waiting via the website) there is no reason NOT to be shooting the video.
  22. the info you use to "verify" the bank acct is an acct number and routing number avail on any check from yor acct. they dont take money from your acct you have to wire it to them.
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