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Posts posted by Chaotik

  1. Hi all.

    I currently own a rep PO with a 21J movement and I'm very happy with it.

    It looks accurate enough to me and at this point, being my first rep, I didn't care so much about having a 21J in it. Of course, that makes it much cheaper too.

    The next 2 watches I would like to get are:

    1- Chopard MM GTXL with black dial.

    2- SFSO with white or blue dial.. haven't decided yet.

    I was going to go with 21J in both of them. What do you guys think... As I said, the movement for me isn't all that important. However, I want the watches to look as accurate as possible "from the outside"

    Can you tel me which dealer would have the best versions of those.. ? Ideally the same dealer for both to combine shipping.


  2. My wife has a really small Omega Constellation rep that I got for her just last month.

    Yesterday while she was shopping, 2 of the links detached themselves and the watch dropped to the floor as a result.

    Thankfully, it is a quartz and there is no apparent damage to the watch itself however, she did not pick up the ping that was holding the 2 links together.

    I just took it to a place that has adjusted rep bracelets for me in the past but the guy told me the Constellation doesn't use pins but rather really specific screws that he did not have in stock.

    He suggested I take it to an Omega AD and they'll be able to fix it... I'm sure they will.. but unfortunately, this is not really an option :)

    I actually ordered a starter toolkit from fleebay recently and I should receive it any day now. However, I still don't have the darn screw.

    Do you guys know where I could find this ?



  3. What would an AD do if they looked at your piece and made the determination that it's a rep?

    Isn't all they can do is throw you out? Can they confiscate?

    And besides, if I were an AD, I would see this as not necessarily a bad thing meaning that if the person in front of me is into super reps that cost $500 each and has a large collection of them, he's definitely a big watch enthusiast and I would simply try to convince him that 1 gen is cooler than 10 super reps.... Personally, I don't agree with that statement but I'm not in the business of selling gens either :)

  4. I should add that I'm going after a small mom and pop shop.

    The one I've been too looked liked from another era. Like a dirty workshop with parts everywhere.

    I've also been to a super swell looking place that looked like it was Omega certified or something (Omega logo on the door). Needless to say I just turned around as I assumed they would be likely to detect the rep and turn me around...

  5. I just received my first rep purchase.

    It's a 42mm PO with SS bracelet. I'm very happy with it but the bracelet is too long.

    I ordered a pin pusher tool but it's not here yet so I figured I would get someone to do it for me so I can wear the damn thing right away.

    I went to one place downtown Montreal. The guy there was asian and looked annoyed that I was there.

    He told me he hates being interrupted in his work and doesn't waste time with removing links. I then asked if I could come back on a better time and he told me there was no better time.

    At this point, he had not looked at the watch very closely so he could not have guessed it was a rep.

    Then I called another place to see if they were opened. Obviously, over the phone no way to tell it's a rep.

    I simply asked if they would do it and how much they charge.

    The answer I got was also rude and basically was along the lines that he could not answer me over the phone and I had to go in person.

    As for pricing, it depends on the watch. He made me sound like a moron for even asking..

    He said he wasn't a shoemaker but a watchmaker... not sure what that has to do with it but whatever...

    is this normal ? Should I just tell them to go **** themselves ? anyone knows of a good place in the Montreal region where people actually view a customer walking in your place of business as a good thing and an opportunity to make a few bucks instead of a mere annoyance ?

    Thanks !


  6. if you read the first paragraph of my post it said "this thread topic was well thought out" - i went on to say, there are lots of rediculous thread topics that always cause a snappy answer to come to mind.

    i actually didn't think my response was all that snappy - i thought it was kind of funny - maybe it was just me

    You don't have to really earn anybody's respect if you don't like. Youl still get your questions answered, especially if they are well asked as this one was. - Of course, i forget that we made The Zigmeister's section VIP only - so, i guess that part wouldn't have been obvious to you. I've been doing this awhile and the whole, pay for additional content is new.

    were a pretty friendly group - unless you come in and ask for The Best Place to buy a Sub - Or, frankly any brand for that matter these days :)

    water under the bridge.

    Thanks guys

  7. Hi everyone.

    I was wondering if all of you had a lot of experience opening up and fixing watches.

    I mean, I have read a lot of the tutorials and it doesn't look very difficult but at the same time, are those skills that you developped over the years or is it within reach of just any newbie to open a watch to see what movement is in it and perform a few little fixes ?

    Thanks for your answers !

  8. For those of you keeping score at home, this is my current collection.

    These are my two boxes. Yes, there's a third, with less interesting pieces in it (like the gaytona ...) but these are the primary and secondary.

    This watchbox is the primary box. Normally, this is where I decide what to wear.


    This is the secondary box. The less-worn stuff lives here. Yes, there's a watch missing. It's my SFSO that would normally take the place of the 1665 in the primary box, but Mrs Pugwash's dad has nicked it. :)


    Sometimes watches migrate from one box to another. It's amusing to try to track the migratory patterns, but ultimately it's a futile exercise.

    Where did you get the actual boxes ?

    I want to get myself a winder or a box but the large winders are expensive and shipping costs are way too high !


  9. What's involved exactly when performing AR coating on a crystal ?

    is it a difficult and delicate operation like luming for example? Do you need expensive equipment / material ?

    Just curious... I mean a lot of people wait weeks to get it done in the next batch, pay shipping fees and whatever else.. I'm thinking is it that difficult to do ?

    Sorry if this was covered already. Search function seems kaput for me anyway...

    Thanks guys.


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