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Everything posted by offshore

  1. offshore


    Fair go guys- I drive a Maxima! Offshore
  2. Don't know whether it's definetively the greatest ( Rep Forum) - But I DO KNOW, that when I come here to log on- I can do so with a high level of confidence AND I will see many meaningful topics, and have bit of fun to boot. Offshore
  3. Its interesting to get a range of views on this site. My memory was that Roger took umbrage to some quite reasonable questions, which I and a couple of others posted on his forum ( maybe 3 years ago) Yes we were deleted- so regardless of what he may have had available- I deleted him from my "favourites". In fairness- this is the 1st time I can recollect- anyone posting that they had done business. As always- Caveat Emptor. Offshore
  4. I'm with jtb on this one- actually I think he was being a very moderate.. Moderator! If some of you knew the amount of work that has gone in to resurrecting a dead forum, arranging to recompense all those who were left out in the cold over the watch debacle.. to then see that "someone" was planning to restart something we have all worked very hard to put behind us............... No It was very, very moderate. I am forbidden by our rules to say what I really think! I'm also sure that excuses will finally surface, but unfortunately as one of the originals at RWG, who put in a fair bit, I was just devastated to see all that work torn apart, And it will never be the same. merely a facsimile of its former self. Personally I now hope it dies a quick death, not withstanding the loss of some great and classic history. Offshore Edit to add-> ayra1- It would be pleasing if someone told us the entire story. Just rumours, innuendo, and summation.
  5. Ken, You've already banned all my poetic license! " the boy stood on the burning deck" I know- Offshore
  6. We should have done this for Australia on this one. Cos south of the border they're all southerners, and red necks to boot! There DEFINETLY is a Northern Australia ( The good bit) and a Southern Australia ( The rest) Oh and a little chunk of dirt, hanging off the bottom Offshore
  7. Bill/All, I have a WP tester ( Mido) and can say I only batted around 50% on my reps ( 30+). The interesting point is I am seeing less than this on used genuines. I don't keep a record of each test, as I would do 4-5 a day, but my guess is maybe 30% which pass. Most leaks are at the crown, although I see a lot of damaged (disintergrated) case back gaskets, and have had a couple of leaks at the crystal seal- but not many. I stress that these are on used watches. Offshore
  8. @Warburg Is that a negative RWG cash amount I see? Going into hock eh? We'll have to rectify that! Offshore
  9. Don't ask me.... I'l just f***k up your averages Offshore
  10. My wife is a power seller, and protects her feedback to the enth degree. She recently had a case- not of her doing, and fought it to the end! Did you know that your final recourse is to pay ebay $29.50, for a moderator! This really sucks. as in this case, the buyer had paid with a dud CC, had funds withdrawn, and then left negative feedback that they hadn't received the goods. We were fortunate that the fund reversal was before we shipped the goods, as it happened over a weekend, otherwise we would be out on two counts! Ebay and Paypal both suck.......... but they are the biggest game in town! Offshore
  11. I would leave it alone for 1 month minimum, and see how it pans out, it could well "break in" Offshore
  12. Yep, We all keep popping back here......................just in our roles as moderators of course! Couldn't let anything untoward grace these pages. Where's the pics????????????????????????? Offshore
  13. Kris- you made it- a lot of us wondered if you would get there! Congrats- have a wonderful day. We may even arrange a few RWG$ as a pressy Offshore
  14. 8o8, I beleive different ads come up- dependent on your location! Offshore
  15. Well Gents- maybe you should pick your target/s- send an email- and CONFIRM prices! I agree- difficult to totally understand- but then again- I would hate to be trying to make an offer in Chinese! Cos I don't think anyone would understand it. Offshore
  16. I understand that- maybe an email is needed to clarify prior to pushing the button?
  17. Well he has said to order from his site- so he obviously doesn't have a problem with that. And the prices are listed there... so there's your answer guys. Offshore
  18. OK I see Paul is on right now- hopefully he can confirm that this great offer is legit. He will understand that with the account hijacking which has been going on, everyone is nervous. But I have confidence that it is OK Please confirm, Paul. Offshore
  19. Hey guys- here's a deal on a Watchmaking course- sounds pretty good for all the wanabee watchmakers. http://nawcc-mb.infopop.cc/groupee/forums/...33/m/6151004042 May pay not to mention where you saw it though Offshore
  20. TJ That looks suspiciously like a twin rig! Hope they are CR, or it would be a handful! Now .......about the Scarab Offshore
  21. RA will never be OK- no matter where he is! But I do pray for those caught up in this.
  22. Congrats to the winners! For those of you who came in on the back end of this raffle, ( as it panned out over quite a long time frame) The first prize was donated by our Admin - Thomas- from his personal collection. I just wanted to thank Thomas, on behalf of the members for donating this wonderful prize. Offshore
  23. Yes... someone who knows their stuff And we can argue, if needed, that 132' can also equate to 5atm ( absolute)- you need to add the atmosphere we are always surrounded by, ie. air pressure. ( 14.7 psi @ sea level)...... accepting of course that an atm doesn't actually equal any depth as stated above! Pedantic- probably, but nevertheless very relevent to the diving fraternity!! Try planning a deco stop, for a dive in freshwater ( marginal change in pressure and therefore calculated depth), in a cave or lake which is at altitude. There's not a deco meter available- even today, which can account for all these variables. So break out the tables my lads, and argue whether US Navy tables, or British are the more conservative. One case of the bends, and ongoing problems with bone necrosis finished my diving days, so I can factually tell you what tables I would dive to! Offshore CMAS ***** Instructor-1976
  24. I'm in! Show us your............................................. Watch
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