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Everything posted by offshore

  1. That is a great review. However it refers to only one crystal style, and one form of press. I recently posted this- http://www.rwg.cc/members/index.php?s=&amp...st&p=322407 And really recommend you obtain a copy of this, as it goes into much detail on all things crystal. Offshore
  2. FWIW, If invoice value is under A$1000 = zero duty. Over A$1000... computers =25%, and probably 10%GST. However if it is "used" (no books, access etc) and under 1k.. no duty, no GST (probably) Ahh the mind of the bureaucrat!!! Offshore
  3. Well, no names, no pack drill! However duplicate accounts are not allowed, so OJ is At least RWG managed to get him into jail! Offshore
  4. Doc, Maybe you better be careful with your nuts in general I do agree however on this point. Constantly we hear that some do not like being told to use the Search button. And I do understand this. However, searching, or more correctly, researching really is IMHO what it is all about. If one has "done the yards" the answers are there, but more importantly, that person is more knowleagable for their research. They actually found their answer, and I'll bet other info as well. Wheras if it is handed on a plate, little further knowledge is gained. Same thing with this.... you never know what you may stumble across as you re-search... but you won't find anything, if you don't! Offshore
  5. One would hope that our Photoshop gurus, could "build" this in an instant! I'm sure our Chinese cousins, have the software and ability to do this very thing. (cept they have a spelling prob!) Tourby, I for one would have a huge interest! Whilst what you are considering, may be a "plain dial"... ie , unbranded, this concept has much merit, IMHO. Maybe also consider the Limited Edition, 1/250....249/250, concept. Yeh it requires individuallity..... and that's exactly what this may become! Engrave a piece no. on each unit! Oh, what justice here.... the replica gurus strike back.... better than the gen Offshore
  6. Stephane, Don't forget that sometimes, just sometimes, the postal service DOES stuff up as well! I have 2 items from ebay, that I am convinced were shipped, (just a gut feeling), that are now over 30 days! 1 is a tool, 1 is a book, both sellers have impecable records, and I do beleive they were posted,...... I did have one very large $ shipment out of the US, which was stuffed around at my end, for over 40 days! I just kept hounding our local PO, and finally it appeared. So get your seller to make an enquiry at his end, and see if you can get info of the item arriving in your country... then lean on your local people. However if it is general post, at the end of the day, you will probably be cursing the postal system! Also confirm the delivery addy with your seller. Offshore
  7. Ohhhhh..dunno about that KB! You have seen shots of some of the quality Rx I have on my $10 rack at my flea market stall.... and a lot are still there! I actually had a guy pick up a quartz Rx which I had on the $7 rack, last weekend, and ask me if it was "real" As if anyone would be selling a gen for $7.00 ( when they were a watch repairer, and purportedly knew something about watches!) My answer was "Yep, straight from Rx China! " Offshore
  8. Hopefully better than the pissy Lite beer, he had to drink last month
  9. For mine, This would be a POM...if we had one going! A few years down the track, I personally don't collect reps, but remain active around the boards for two reasons. Firstly, in collecting gens, I tend to buy from ebay. Not exclusively... but a fair proportion. By "keeping my hand in" at the different boards, I very rarely look at an item on ebay, and don't know that ( the picture) is genuine or rep. (Bait and switch is a different matter) But up till now, I have NEVER been scammed on an ebay watch purchase. Sure, some have arrived not as I would like, but in the main, this is my fault for not asking enough questions. Secondly, and far more important to me, is the wonderful depth of knowledge available here, and the even better contributors, who will freely give whatever advice is needed. I also post on a number of gen forums, and NEVER see the level of support, and KNOWLEDGE, which is available here. So, for better or worse, you will probably see me here for some time yet Offshore
  10. @jkerouac, This has taken some chasing down.... but I think you may have been referring to member Fendushi... who was a mod. He is still around, and a member here, posts from time to time. http://www.rwg.cc/members/index.php?s=&amp...st&p=310663 And can assure you, he was/is a DEFINITE... he! From memory, he floated between living in Asia, and Sydney....have I got the right one? Offshore
  11. Seriously, topics like this can start WW3! However I'll put my two bobs worth (or 20c in!) I have lived in a country, which decided to both decimalise it's currency, and convert to the metric system of measurement (in my lifetime) These processes were extremely costly, maybe for the better... who would know?... but the effects will be felt for a complete generation, (at least) I was fortunate that our currency change was whilst I was relatively young, so I didn't have the burden of entrenched thinking and practices in that. (However older people still struggle to this day) My mother at 84 can still mentally tell you what 28 x 3-12-6.. (Thats 3 pounds 12 shillings and sixpence) is! Or any number of these mental arithmetic exercises. But don't ask her about 27 X 1$1.87... she would require a calculator! However metrication occurred later in my life, and I never (and still haven't) got my head around all of it. As an example, I was a SCUBA instructor, teaching students diving theory, in ft, psi etc. So we move to M, bar,... sure the conversions are relatively easy but when there become multiple calculations, for which experience has given you the correct answers, it is always difficult to apply those mental "prooves" to be absolutely sure your final calc is correct. I used to fill SCUBA cylinders daily. I knew that a 72 cu/ft cylinder, rapidly filled would generate a degree of heat. Fill pressure was 2250 psi, but we used to overfill to 2450 psi as when cooled the pressure would decrease. However... on a HOT day.... so the conversions start to become complex. I could rattle on about the partial pressure of O2, as applied to deep diving, in fresh and salt water ( it differs) and at altitude, and the life threatening variables found in these equations... but my example is really that there are a multitude of things to weigh up before drastic steps such as these are taken. I beleive the costs to metricate Australia, ran in to the billions for governmnet, and at least as much again for the private sector. And to convert all driving to RH, (or LH)... don't make me laugh, vehicle conversion would be rediculous from a $$ point, but think of the infrastructure costs on roads and freeways.... the mind boggles. For mine... If it ain't broke, don't fix it! Offshore PS BTW, TTK... was that dimension length....or circumference? I've seen the pics!
  12. @anyer, New or not, we have some rules on this forum, and they don't include allowing commercial promotions.. of anything, let alone watches. Either play nice, or it will be about sex and travel! Offshore
  13. Done
  14. @rikf & lanikai, I understand we are again moving to a new "sign up" process, due to the ongoing problems. Admin will post in short time about the new procedures.(and the need to pay the bills!) So please sit on your hands for a short time until all is in place. Offshore
  15. silvio, G-S Crystals put out P/n PA462-67A to fit Tropic 39 (30.48mm). Ask your local watch shop! Just measure the inner dia first! These crytals do differ in size, in my G-S book there are 4 different crystals quoted for Tropic 19 for instance, all marginally different sizes. Offshore
  16. One thing is for sure, that baby won't be going through the "Nanug" test procedure!! Just lovely mate. Offshore
  17. jack, The seller is correct in what he says about date change, I have some that take up to 3 hours to complete the change. Most change over at about 1/2 hour period over 12, but it really depends on the movement/watch. What I would do, is to ask for a photo of the watch with the date centered. Offshore
  18. Any photos? Any spare? Maybe could use 1 or 2 with multiple watches displayed Offshore
  19. In the main these watches are drop shipped, so the dealers don't see them. If waterproofing was to be done, it would have to be at the assembly point, and I don't think a lot of these cottage assemblers even own a tester. Spending $50 in this situation would be like tearing the money up... IMHO. As a matter of fact.. send it to me, I will take care of it for you To my knowledge only one collector offers a pre shipping inspection, and can and will do a WP test. (Although it would be wise to ask any collector who actually handles and ships the watch, what he can offer, AND guarantee!) However a test, is different to Waterproofing.... if the watch was not properly constructed, it WILL leak. If it was poorly assembled, it WILL leak. And no amount of testing will change that. Some watches may be able to be made WP... some never. But in a lot of cases it would be far cheaper to just keep testing watches (with correctly designed seal systems,) until one passed.... and that doesn't mean it will necessarily continue to be WP. You can take your existing watches to your local friendly repairer, and ask him to test them. I beleive the going rate is about $30- $35 in the US, just about all here in Oz are around the $30 mark. All this does is say... this watch did/didn't leak at xx(mtr/ft/ atm/bar) If it exhibits a minor leak, it may be possible that inadequte lube is the cause, and is a relatively simple fix. But hey, if the bloody thing never had stem seals, (and maybe was never designed, or manufactured to have 'em) it will leak, and continue to. ( This same statement holds true for pushers... probably even more so, as they are push seals, not screw down) If someone forgot to fit a case seal, or nicked it, or failed to lubricate it at assembly, it will leak. maybe an easy fix, maybe not. If the crystal was improperly fitted, maybe repairable, again, maybe not. If however it was improperly designed, spec'd, or manufactured... water is going to get in! I look at every watch I see, (and I see 20-30 on some days) as NOT being WP. Once I have tested it, I see it as WP... right now, to 1/2 the depth tested. (My personal take on things, no facts in that statement!) But frankly the moment it leaves my hands, there can be no guarantees. I had a Seiko Divers in recently, did some work, and tested it for the client. Passed. I know it had a new case back seal, because it was one I didn't carry, and had to order from the Seiko agent. ( at great expense I might add) This watch passed at 10atm, but turned up flooded, about 2 months later. When I opened it, the seal was missing! After much questioning, the owner admitted that "a mate", had opened the case back... for what reason no one knows.... and obviously had not reassembled it properly. But even at that time, it would have required a further test to re WP. As one of the collectors used to say... "They are waterproof, for a 30m dash in the rain.......maybe" Offshore
  20. Jiro, I think they all break, just some before others I have had some Omega ones, I found a couple of years ago, and have progressively broken the watch sleeve part on them. I did find a supply of spare "sleeves" 12 months or so ago, ( again in a box of goodies) and they sit awaiting their "turn" Offshore
  21. @rbscott, http://www.rwg.cc/members/index.php?s=&amp...st&p=317366 Offshore
  22. I note recently a couple of comments/ requests from members looking to source acrylic watch display stands. Some tips. Yes, you can buy them, on ebay and from a number of the Supply Houses. I have found however, they are expensive for what they are... and you do tend to break them from time to time. If, in your town/city, you have businesses which deal in used shop fittings or shop display items, it is worth a fossick through their bins/ boxes etc. Yesterday I was in such a shop,(actually looking for a cabinet for a different use) and in a cardboard carton, stashed away in a corner, I found what was obviously all the display items from a jewelers, or watch makers store. There were literally hundreds of items, empty watch cases, and display stands. I grabbed 10 or so non branded acrylic stands, plus some branded stands.. Omega ... Rolex (metal).... a GP, and a Breitling. Also got about 20 watch cases, non branded and a couple branded, and some other bits and pieces. I put them all in a plastic bag, put them on the counter, and said to the storekeeper... "I'll give you $10 for these"... whilst thrusting a note at him And gleefully walked out the door. Just takes a little research, and some "pushy" buying. Offshore
  23. Don't do it!!! It may not be all that pretty! offshore
  24. Gee, this sort of stuff happens regularly here in Oz. We have whole teams, with the major sponsor being a state government department. Even some sports are sponsored by government funded organisations. I would have thought this was more widespread than one depatment/org sponsoring a Nascar? No? Offshore
  25. In recent weeks, I have been putting together a tutorial on watch crystals, as I have become increasingly involved in their supply. I had been holding off on running this tutorial, as I was awaiting receipt of a book from Norman Helfand, at Florida Watch and Jewelers Supply. Well, finally after a few ebay trials and tribulations, the book turned up today. I can only say, to anyone who has an interest in crystals, or needs to replace or fit a new one, this book is an absolute must. Suffice to say, I have scrapped my tutorial, as I had only just begun to understand the science of crystals and fitting! The Book is "The Watch Crystal Encyclopedia", well priced at U$9.95. EDIT: This was the starting price on an ebay auction, I was the only bidder! I am a little amazed that he does not have it listed either on his ebay store http://stores.ebay.com/Florida-Watch-and-Jewelers-Supply or in his list of books at his website, Maybe this is due to it being a relatively new publication, or maybe it is the mark of the man? One point here people; in my dealings with he and his wife Dawn, I became aware that they may well be "old school". At no time did I mention replica watches, and my gut feeling is that I may not have had such a civil reception, should I have done so. So it may be a point of caution to make no reference to replica watches, or this site. The publication, spiral bound, runs some 72 pages. It contains 21 chapters on just about every subject needed to be known on watch crystals, be they plastic (acrylic), glass, hardened glass (mineral), or sapphire. From selecting, brands available, fitting, cutting, the huge range of styles, polishing, to tools, this book has a huge amount of information. I had found it increasingly frustrating, to be obtaining snippets of information on crystals, from the various repair manuals. A mention here and there, but no one seemed to even devote a chapter to the subject. Well that is changed as here is the definitive book. Probably the only thing with little mention made, is a subject dear to a lot of hearts here
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