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Everything posted by Katerchen

  1. Thanks for sorting things out @UBI! Just wanted to post, that i did saw him reading several times incidental but not active posting during last days... Life can be a real b_itch sometimes!! Tell him, i also wish him things to work out fine for him I guess if we all would post frankly, what we have been going thru in life (and still beeing here) or even what we are going through every day and at the moment - most of the people would think: You must be crazy, spending precious time on some "internet-boards"! But i guess and this is my conclusion - sometimes it is also good to deflect from our daily struggles and just relax Cheers George
  2. OK! hope youll get your caseback soon... you can than act as "test dummies" for me lol NO - i dont know why but (instead of hand-engraving) i am 100% sure that this is doable and will work! It is only a matter of time untill i compare 2 or 3 offers and i will send my caseback away for being "milled down"! My new VC dial screams for an "adequate home" George
  3. Thanks Paulo and W! @P i mean these "mystical" 4 extra screws: At least 2 dealers i saw on pics do carry these! And its the latest/modern VC OS make. Be aware of this issue - am not going to name the dealers, just be aware, maybe they fixed this issue already? To bad i am too occupied with other work at the moment, anyway i guess that i am not going to mod this on my own. I just dont want to ruin the rep/caseback. Im might know someone in germany that can mill this professional for me P.s. i am not expecting this to be finished soon - doesnt bother me that much as long as i dont leave the "road of perfection" lol B/R George
  4. Good evening Ladies 'n Gentlemen, Guys 'n Gals! Just some pics about the quality of the engraving in general and about the Ship-engraving on our reps... Now THIS is what you want to achieve/hold ---> This is a pic of the gen Ship engraving on the back of the Vacheron Constantin Overseas Ref. 47040. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THIS is said to be (thank you Lani for letting me "borrow" you pic ) the best engraving so far... Lani often mentioned this was received thru our famous EddieLee - can be a TW rep though i havent heard reliable proof yet. Next Caseback is one of the modern VC OS reps, often advertised as "upgraded new ETA" etc. Version. I guess this is the most "up to date" version the cartel carries till now. (No further comment of me regarding the engraving untill you scroll and see for yourself ) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What often has been "gone" in older discussions is that there (still) exists a rep of CN make with better, i would even say with "the best" engraving so far! Silix is the dealer that sourced me a case/caseback of this baby. First the 3 pictures, than well discuss the major differences and possible "solution" for modders here: (notice the depth of the engraving and the wooden bars going all the way over the side of the ship) (notice the nice n shiny mirror finish and for. ex. "the rope" beeing seen over the sails of the ship as on gen) (flash intended on last pic/notice the difference between the dull/rough area of the sky - like bead blasted and the rest of the ship) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Unfortunately on most of the older CN reps ive seen with the better/best ship engraving on the caseback as seen on 3 pics above, most other details where not so good or overall quality of the rep to bad! There are at least 3 other major issues when only talking about ship engraving to be aware: 1.) Many of the reps have 4 extra "accessory-screws" drilled into the bottom of the watchcase (2 on each side) which i believe the only purpose is to attach the bracelet "better" to the case. However this is meant "friendly" or not - it is not accurate!! Maybe this is meant as friendly as a brunette that did "go blond" by bleaching - certainly this IS NOT accurate to gen and real blonde!! 2.) Ref# on Caseback are all wrong (49150 - thats for the VC OS Chrono!!) correct Nr. is 47040 as on the modern style "updated" CN Overseas, sadly this rep has the flatest and worst engraving (if you can still call that an engraving) of them all... Without spending a second on consideration - this must be CLEAR to us: This "modern" VC OS rep with "flat" engraving of the ship (maybe its already sunken??) must be as much fun as a "flat" brunette or blonde chick, no matter if bleached or not!! Tastes may differ... Point 3.) Only some of the VC OS Reps, old Eddielee version and this varies on most of all versions ive seen on pictures - the screw-hole setting on the caseback IS WRONG! I have no clue if this happens only at most of the older reps or is totaly eliminated on the newer ones, so pls dont ask me why. If you draw an "imaginary line" (and you bet i have experience drawing imaginary lines with my invisible friends but my marvelous pills are off at the moment) going waaaaaaay through the crown, following the sea horizon going through the ship (pls dont sink it!) leaving at the other side of the case, then my dear little friend - the 4 screws standing close to this straight line should be (as on gen) standing CLOSER to this line and closer to each other as the other 4 screws of the caseback that are located nearer to the bracelet! On some reps the entire 8 screws are located totally consistant and even all over the caseback with the same gap to the next screw that follows... THIS IS WRONG too! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Possible modding solution: Get a caseback of the best CN version from a dealer that still carries this one. Mill/grind down the area surrounding the ship engraving - leaving a round "coin" with only the ship and the sea. Mill down the backside (!!!) of the coin so that the ship-coin gets very thin. If you do fail at this level of the mod by milling down the wrong/engraved site, your an idiot - contact your local psychologist then Get the newer "upgraded" ETA version of the cartel with correct ref# on back and maybe better overall finish. Mill down the inner area of the caseback, where your flat "sunken" ship is located. If one does this carefully with a lathe or good milling equipment the new countersinked area should be able to house and hold your routed "ship-coin" from the first step mentioned above! I havent performed this yet, but i guess this is the best and maybe only way to achieve a good result as a caseback (leaving engraving per hand aside) And to state a famous actor i like as Ben Kingsley: THANKS TO THE AUDIENCE!! Cheers George P.S. And of course... there always IS a f_ucking way!!
  5. Welcome back!! and definitely +1 what Ken and Offshore says... George
  6. LOL yes P... my first thoughts were indeed this is gen!! Anyway... gorgeous piece! George
  7. +1 ill second that statement - on some reps AR makes a beautiful dial appearing even more beautiful - if the gen has AR it is surely an improvement. Sk
  8. @EG-E/Helmut Kannst Du mir ne PM bzw. Deine Mail addy schicken? Deine PM gehen nicht und ich habe ne Frage! Besten Dank Georg
  9. CONGRATS P! What a fantastic piece you got wear it well friend... oh jealousy Awaiting to see some more macros from you then. Although i am having "0" time at the moment i am planning to do an entire tear down and refinishing on my VC rep. Macros of case (caseback), especially the crown an watchband are highly appreciated!! Wear that beauty well friend Regards George
  10. Just saw the thread today Wondered why he hasnt signed in for some days... Get well soon!! George
  11. :thumbsupsmileyanim: WELCOME abroad!! And what an awesome 1#st thread/post too! Guys like you Federico with such ability and addiction to this hobby here make RWG what it is - a great place! Hope, youll enjoy your stay!! Regards George
  12. In german "apropo" is very common used... meaning is like usage of "by the way/btw" in english you have to be careful though in greece "apropo" means "finger in the b_utt" lol George
  13. CONGRATS on a very special piece!! This watch is UNIQUE... Wear it well Gran George
  14. WOWOWOWOW!!! :thumbsupsmileyanim: :thumbsupsmileyanim: BIG thanks to Gunnar for finding our heirloom!! This used to be in our family for decades until it got lost whilst moving form crete to peloponnese... Have to call my maternal grandfather and tell him!! Nooo - this no "watch mechanism" or like the article tells its an antique watchwinder!! George
  15. Hi guys! My contact is on vacation right now... I will try to meet him again and take a few pics of what he is willing to sell, so i am able to post some pictures down here. From what i understood it will mainly be AP ROO dials and tachy rings! If there are any other parts available ill post here All the best to you! George
  16. BUT they are funny :thumbsupsmileyanim: The gorgeous George
  17. Sorry "TX" noooo - no leather strap around here - just use leather straps for se_xual stimulation lol *harrumph* Teh persona non grata under me is definitely sitting NAKED in a chair! George P.s. Lifes too short to be serious
  18. YUP! exactly... LUV the mermaids fresh when they DONT smell fishy!! And am the last man "standing" on this planet going to refuse anybody a good cold beer (we greek drink hannigan only) that has A GOOD story to tell... even if it is an opposite-sex woman lol yes... my grandpa always used to say "life can be very ungrateful and hard - but a man always has the pleasure to take whatever crosses his musket!" Cheers George
  19. I guess its not really about the size... its just that SOMETHING smells extremely FISHY down there... Anyway... anybody who has a good story to tell about the "WHY" is invited to a beer... Sorry for the "explicit" pics guys i guess the kids are sleeping!! George
  20. Just saw 1K + now Deniz Congrats friend!! George
  21. Thanks a lot... T on bringing up the truth on this issue and especially on having the guts on speaking OPENLY about it!! I appreciate very much people with courage... no matter what others might say about "diplomacy" in the wrong places. Having said before that most of the time when i am not online on RWG i am a mostly "read-only-participant" on other boards just simply because i always liked it here this thread will keep me even MORE AWAY from active participating somewhere else and of course also DONATING!! If i will ever choose to get a donating member - it will be RWG!! When i first thought about what you wrote, it made no big sense WHY to cheat on these statistics... to be true, i guess it is quite simple: MORE members/bigger community - MORE new members (cause newbies will think HERE are best infos!) - MORE NEW members - MORE NEW PAYING members - MORE adds - etc. etc. $$$ !!! Neither aint this place Sparta nor aint it Repgeek... so what?? Thank you on debunking this fraud! The real George - Γεώργιος
  22. WOW!! :good: Just saw this thread today S! What can i say? Once again i am really stoked!! A real beauty you have there and we can call you now rightly Sander the virtuoso Now this piece is something to last for a lifetime.... and BTW Sander: ARE YOU MAD @rep industry?? If anybody starts to mod like you CN factories can "close" their doors! No market for the second version/new version V2, V3 or ultrasuperdooperrep - ultimate versions any looonger! Its all been done on your own Respect! George
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