A great looking model, Nanuq. I have lusted after one of these for some time. But somehow, in the office bound world of structural engineering, I just couldn't pull it off! One day maybe!
I'm a wearer, but a compulsive collector too! Oh, and an amateur modder (No, I didn't say good or successful modder).
So I am a satisfied, collecting, wearing modder! A happy guy!
I am no Pan owner (yet). Are these great big thick straps that you see on these pannies really wearable on a day to day basis?
Or do they just get in your way?
Hang on guy!
I think that there has been a bit too much criticism here (me included).
We must not lose sight of the fact that this is a good attempt at a strap mod, that as far as I know, no one has attempted before.
Great work, The Zigmeister. The uniformity of your lume work in the pics you post always astounds me. It is obviously the fruit of many years experience!
Keep posting!
I've not heard of anything. Problem is, that whilst a few of us would welcome a 'correct' case with HE valve in the right place, and a good case back, I think that this watch may have had its day. I doubt that they would shift many units, so it wouldn't be worth the while. Just my 2c!