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Posts posted by alphakazi

  1. I'm a qualified Load Master not a pilot tho I can fly and have ground taxi permits for most heavy props. Been a long time since I'v been in a Cessna tho.

    Last Cessna I flew accoeding to my logs was a Bird Dog in '98.


    ah, very interesting - I guess you would know all the Vne's for many aircraft. Bird Dog is a tandem 2 seater right?

  2. Nice goat John, very nice. The Carger ain't bad either.

    Yes Alpha, somehow I think 300 is a little beond VNE for a 172. Beond what it could achive in a vertical dive I suspect. It'd break up first :-)


    Col. did I miss the part when you told us you were a pilot? uttering VNE must be proof of that B)

    actually the 172 Vne is about 308km/hr or so

  3. http://www.cqout.com/list.asp?seller=&...p;k_e=&k_d=

    I have an itch I need scratching - maybe a few <_<

    any suggestions? and I don't want to hear quality > quantity - I'll work on quality another time - I want some cheapies to try out

    this jobbie is interesting - automatic - really? http://www.cqout.com/item.asp?id=4338411 TH-77_sml.jpg$50

    this too : http://www.cqout.com/item.asp?id=4337186 (greg, can you put a regular strap on this one?)BE-22_sml.jpg $58

    http://www.cqout.com/item.asp?id=4338245 TH-80_sml.jpg$58

    oh never mind, that cal. 36 is quartz...

    http://www.cqout.com/item.asp?id=4038635 LV-02_sml.jpg$38

    http://www.cqout.com/item.asp?id=3658443 TH-12_sml.jpg$38

    http://www.cqout.com/item.asp?id=3990243 AP12.jpg $39

    I know I said I hate quartz but this one has got me weak - so damn cheap - a good work out watch?

    http://www.cqout.com/item.asp?id=4296410 3-1.jpg $39

    http://www.cqout.com/item.asp?id=4294808 2-1.jpg$39

    the list is long... I have to say I'm curious to see how cheap - cheap can be... greg? input?

  4. I think very few of us here are actually "rich" - the term in itself is relative anyhow but the fact of the matter is smart people simply don't waste money they don't have.

    You can buy a good $400 replica of a $10k watch but you can't buy a new $100k exotic car for $4000 or I'd do it

    You can though, buy a used Mecedes Benz S class for $17k instead of spending $110k on a new one like I did ;)

    Between all my reps and my benz, I spent less than $20k and I'm quite happy with my decisions - the money I save allows me to buy another investment property that will eventually be free and clear ensuring a decent retirement - new cars and expensive gen watches probably wouldn't (there are exceptions to the rule mind you :) Rock Stars can blow $ as they see fit and still have oodles more come in but even they can't keep blowing it as stardom isn't forever - you'll see many Rock Stars eventually go poor and kill themselves :p Once the money stops coming in, they lack the discipline to manage it )

    Replica watches are just a smart buy - no matter how much $ you have

    next time you see that Aston Martin owner, don't be so sure his watch is a gen

  5. my house costs much more but I still buy replica's

    not blowing money needlessly allows one to spend on what's important - a $20-30,000 watch for a working man is just silliness - even a $5k watch is unnecessary

    where I'm from $100k income/ year after taxes doesn't get you very far - it's definitely not a great idea to blow $ on an expensive gen - especially these days :rolleyes:

    after all, it's a bloody watch for God sakes - it's a fashionable way to tell time

  6. I sent my Breit SO Heritage to Ruby on September 19th and I got word from her today that she got it (more than a month later) - I already chocked it up as a goner

    Hi my friend

    I got the watch. I sent it to the factory yesterday. any update, i will email you.

    so looks like I'll get my watch after all


    I may have to change my avatar then B)

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