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Everything posted by greg_r

  1. Yup. My missus sent in her vote quite a while back too...
  2. .... or at least save some for us....
  3. Only reps are my watches, sunshine... Edit: sorry, forgot. [censored] off, you Dutch winkie grabber... :D
  4. no, you're not...
  5. ROFLOL! Man, you'd fit right in at RWG1 :D
  6. goats? I didn't know that was a censored word on here...
  7. ROFLMAO! Yup. [censored] you, too. Now go to sleep!
  8. Okay - [censored] off then, mate. Sleep well
  9. Greg is now platinum! [censored] yeah! :D :D
  10. hmm - has anyone else noticed that it's always the folks with the most serious IQ/shoe size deficiency who are quickest to call everyone else a retard?
  11. Yes. I figured that was what you meant. Equally, I could have referred to you as a Chilean water cannon..... Guess you're suffering a sense of humour failure this morning, eh? I'm not arguing any of those points, and at no juncture did I say I support Obama. I have no intention of arguing politics on this board. I simply commented on the fact that his left-wing tendencies (which, given that the Democrats are still fundamentally a right-of-centre party are still rather limited) do not make him a communist any more than McCain's right-wing tendencies make him a facist.
  12. Hmm - I see you don't know what a Guanaco is: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guanaco Yes, I am aware that there are other possible meanings - this sort of 'misinterpretation' is often considered to be the essence of many types of humor. And it is you who are displaying your ignorance if you claim Obama is a communist. Whether or not I would support him if I was a U.S. citizen is neither here nor there (I'll admit to being cynical about both major candidates), but failing to be a right-wing politician does not make Obama a communist. I'd suggest that you do not try arguing the definition with someone who has degrees in both English and Political Science. You will lose. Try reading the dictionary sometime.
  13. Yup - will do at some point today. Tempted to upgrade anyhow, if only so that I can tell Oscar where to go....
  14. Don't get JohnG started on goats or anything even vaguely similar (yes, I know they're actually a member of the camel/llama family, but trust me, you don't wanna go there...) hmm - Obama vs. McCain aside, methinks this man doesn't know what a communist is....
  15. This board is great, but the longer it takes, the more I miss RWG1... I'd even pay to say [censored] on there if I had to.... ... and on that note, I notice that I seem to have lost my supporter status here somehow. I'm paying monthly via paypal, so maybe that's the reason for the weirdness. If I don't get my status back by the end of the day, I'll have to drop Admin a PM I guess....
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