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Everything posted by greg_r

  1. Absolutely, I've bought a lot more watches than you have, but am slowing down now - in part for that reason. RWG1 isn't really about the watch addiction for me either... it started that way, but quickly became about the friends I've made there... Damn, I can't wait for our 'home' to come back online. This board is a fantastic resource, but it ain't home...
  2. They really do look astoundingly good for the dough. I'll be interested to see your pics when they finally arrive. If they're _that_ good, I might even have to try TTK myself....
  3. Now that's real nice. Thanks, mate
  4. Also, if you've ever worked retail - or possibly even if you haven't - you might find this an entertaining (if rather long for the web) read. http://www.actsofgord.com/ Say it ain't so! Mind you, we at RWG1 don't get bored with watches - largely because we don't spend much time talking about them
  5. http://www.angryalien.com/ All the movies you could want. With bunnies. (and no, don't worry, that link is NOT the reproll this time )
  6. uhm.... I think I'll pass on that one too... How about a pic of a nice Rollie on a bracelet - just like God intended....?
  7. If your next post is gonna be a photo of the village people, I think I'd just as soon skip it
  8. That is truly a thing of beauty. Congratulations!
  9. Yep SA - another good alternative... By the way - that avatar of yours is likely to compel me to spend money before long..... damn but that BR is a nice watch.
  10. Josh has been known to replace watches lost in transit on many occasions. However, if you're in the EU, then using Chris makes a lot of sense. He'll charge you more to despatch from within the EU initially, but it removes the chances of customs getting their grubby little mitts on your precious rep. Same goes for Precious Time or Narikaa. Personally, I'm quite happy to continue to use Josh, Lawrence, Ruby and the others as I've only had one faulty watch out of 9, and that was dealt with without problems of any kind (by Josh). It's really down to your personal comfort zone, I guess... (I'm in the UK btw).
  11. Looks like they're selling a lot of street junk at fairly high prices. Stick to the recommended dealers - you'll be a lot safer.
  12. My other thought was the braces (suspenders for those of the American persuasion) that my grandfather used to wear when I was a kid....... Edit: sorry, alw - not meaning to yank your chain, but from this you may deduce that NATO straps ain't my thing
  13. Check the dealer subforums and the links section (top of the page - click 'Links') Exactreplicas are known scammers, I'm afraid - glad you didn't lose any money. By the way, I have to agree with the others: your avatar is rather offensive. Please change it. Edit: thanks for changing the avatar, but the new one ain't a whole lot better
  14. None of your links work for me, but fer Gawd's sake stick to the recommended dealers.... Exactreplicas are known scammers btw....
  15. I imagine it's going to depend on your particular sample - like my VC, if it's well-lubed hopefully it'll just need the lower rate.
  16. I've seen a cheap and crappy rep of the open el primero (and I MEAN crappy! ), but nothing upmarket. My guess is that it would be very difficult to replicate even fairly accurately using the standard movements found in replicas. Be careful about sites listing it - a lot of scam site use gen photos and then either fail to send you a watch at all, or send really cheap junk instead. Stick to the recommended dealers - it'll save you a lot of grief.
  17. hahaha Sorry - I guess Oscar's "bracelets are for girls" sig is beginning to get to me
  18. A very nice watch - looks superb! Shame about the luggage strap you've got it on........
  19. Having just had a quick look out of sheer curiosity, it appears that at least one of our recommended dealers, Josh (www.joshwatch.com) has the new upmarket Defy rep now. Prices from $358 (which is cheaper than I've seen in some places).
  20. Welcome! There are a few reps of the Defy range available (some cheap and nasty, but there's a couple of good ones too), but I don't know which of the trusted dealers have them yet as they're very new. Check the links for our recommended dealers, or visit their subforums on here. If you can't find what you want, I'd recommend contacting Josh or Andrew to see if they've had them in yet.
  21. You might have to set that for 1000 - 7750's seem to need it, apparently.
  22. Nope, it's a 21J - just seems to be a good one, that's all. You mean you've only just worked that one out....?
  23. Yep - I'd agree with that - a couple of my 21Js seem to need 850 too, but as you say, they have complications (Tag GC RS8 GMT particularly). Surprisingly, the VC is happy at 650. Go figure. I wish I'd bought the 8 capacity winder to start off with, though - my single winder is almost useless. I'll drop a watch on it intending to wear it the following morning - come the morning I've changed my mind about the watch I want to wear, so the wrong one is in the winder..
  24. Nice looking winder. Might be a good idea if you took the foam packaging out of the top of the winder before you switched it on, however - likely to work better that way
  25. Yes, OF COURSE I know the flamin' prices, I wouldn't be talking about buying one otherwise. Sheesh. There are quite a few reps and 'unbranded' watches around based on the Seagull flying tourby - some of them are quite inexpensive, comparatively speaking. yeah, yeah, yeah......
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