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Posts posted by adrenalin

  1. Greetings all,

    I have been quietly working my way through the TimeZone watch school. I have completed parts 1 and 2. I have repeated them both and have done several tear-downs and rebuilds of their 'school movents' (2836, 2801) and am feeling brave/foolish/stupid enough to want to move on to something a litttle (OK, a whole lot) more complicated. So before I jump into one of my favorite 7750's does anybody know where I could source an Asian 7750 that I could practice on? I mean I could allways buy a rep that I dont like and just take its movement, but that just seems a little excessive to me. Obviously I really dont want to spend an arm and a torso....

    Any input is allways apreciated!


  2. Pretty cool!

    I agree, too much bling for me, but still a very nice piece!

    Your +5 minutes/24 isnt acceptable. It is an easy fix, as I saw that there is a nice regulator that you can adjust yourself.

    If you dont feel comfortable doing that, any reasonable watchmaker should easily take care of that for you.

    Wear it well!


  3. I have one grave fear though, after recieving this watch, i just know i will be an addict, just good too know there are quite of few out there too.

    Thanks again

    It is a steep, slippery slope.... :)

    Wear your purchase well!


  4. Good choice!

    That was one of my first reps also. I would suggest searching throught the archives to answer alot of your questions. Chances are, the majority of your answers are there. I will also tell you that a long time, outstanding member RobbieG has some amazing photos of one and is quite a wealth of information on the VC line...

    Good luck!


  5. Go to Cesars Casino and go through the forum shops. There are several high-end watch shops there. Perhaps the biggest is Torneau. They have everything there... The prices are a little high, but fun for a good look!

    Have fun!


  6. Greetings all,

    I was in process of doing a movement swap on a noobmariner for a DG4813. All was going well until my young daughter reqired my attention at an inopertune time. Long story short, the small spring required for the date wheel change managed to disapear into the triangle... Any ideas of how to fabricate one? Does anybody have an extra I could buy? Or a part number to order? Thanks for any input....

    (Its that little spring in the jaws of the tweezer)



  7. Greetings all,

    I was in process of doing a movement swap on a noobmariner. All was going well until my young daughter reqired my attention at an inopertune time. Long story short, the small spring required for the date wheel change managed to disapear into the triangle... Any ideas of how to fabricate one? Does anybody have an extra I could buy? Or a part number to order? Thanks for any input....


    (Its that little spring in the jaws of the tweezer)

  8. Well,

    First off, welcome to the forum! As I am sure that you will find out, this place is a real time sink.... Be prepaired to spend many, many hours surfing, asking, reading and learning :)

    Oh, yeah... hide your wallet!

    As for your question, both are excellent choices. Both are pretty accurate- enough that the casual observer wont notice the major flaws. Most people are not real watch savy and wouldnt know a cannon pin from a crown guard.....

    Having said that, choose which ever one you like and the one that you will wear the most! I am partial to the 177, as that was my first rep. The only way to be sure you got the right one is to buy both!

    Welcome and have fun!


  9. Making your own datewheel overlay is NOT as easy as it sounds. Even if you have a high-res scanner and an equal quality high end printer and try to do it 'on the cheap', the resolution is just horrible. Especially when you have a cyclops with its magnification-- even on a good machine there is unacceptible pixilation. If you were to attempt to do your own, silk screen or some other form of paint is the only way to go. I dont have that kind of expertise, nor the time. Its just easier to purchase one elsewhere.....

    Good Luck, hope it turns out.


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