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Posts posted by apollo22

  1. There are loads of fake AP ROOs on eBay these days, just do a simple search and you'll see all kinds. From those who try to pass off fakes as GEN and trying selling them at US$20,000 to those who blatantly tells you that it is a rep with an Asian movement.

  2. Yes, Mrs King is great, and I highly recommend her.

    I have been dealing with Mrs King for well over 2 years and bought all of my three US$500 AP Royal OakOffshore from her, plus loads of other things.

    Right from the first order the impression she gave me was good. Email responses were prompt; replies and info given were good and accurate, good after sales service and great attitude, and never disappoints in what she promises to deliver.

    To me, in a hobby such as collecting reps, it is important that I have a reliable, friendly and trusted dealer whom I can work with and buy from with full confidence, someone who is easily contactable and would help fix things when they go wrong.

  3. The AP Orchard Road is one of my favourite ROO, and when the rep came out I just had to add it to my collection! :D it doesn't bother me that it is titanium and not tantalum.

    I got in touch with my regular dealer (King) on Sunday and she had it shipped out on Monday and it got here in 4 days flat! amazing!

    Here are two quick shots, I promise I'll take some better ones over the weekend and post them up here together with a short review.



  4. looks nice, wanted to ask is the size of this the same as the usual roo case?

    i see some sites list it as larger but your photos make it look same

    and is the sub dial spacing similar to the gen?


    The Montoya is actually the same size as my two other regular ROO (I have a Black Themes and a Volcano). It is the two chronograph pushers on the Montoya that makes it looks slightly bigger overall.

    I can

  5. It wears big due its lugs..

    Best option if you want a ap roo, go for a rubberclad since the rubber hugs better to your wrist then what leather straps does on the roo's.


    I must say that the factories did a great job with the Montoya secs@12 in producing such a sharp, solid rep at the very first attempt.

    The watch has lots of presence and actually looks much nicer than what the photos are showing you. My photography skills (or the lack of it), does not do justice to the watch.

    Guess they are (slowly) learning from all the silly mistakes with the other ROOs like having a 000/000 numbering with the Singapore F1, wrong material and case back for the Jalan Bukit Bintang.

    The carbon fiber has great 3D effect, I had a hard time capturing them with my camera.

    They even managed to have a few mm of carbon fibre between the bezel and the main casing, something that I thought they might not be able to accurately replicate.

    Regrettably with AP using forged carbon more and more such as with the Singapore F1 and the BumbleBee, it would be difficult for the factories to replicate. If they could find a suitable material to do a forge carbon lookalike I would buy both without much hesistation.

  6. My AP Montoya LE arrived today!

    I ordered this racing monster from my regular dealer, Mrs King, on the 20th and was extremely happy that it took just 4 days to get here, making it in time for Christmas!

    Making the decision to pull the trigger on the Montoya was tough as I was considering 3 other ROOs - the Black Rubberclad, the White Themes and Singapore F1, but eventually decided to go with this one.

    The transaction was easy, as usual, Mrs King

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