Please accept my apologies, guys.
The only person that was able to figure this out needed me to put two keys and a ring in their hand. Perhaps the physical / visual aid helped with the solution. However, I have learned something invaluable from all of this.
Most of the "interesting" or "creative" matter of my mind is a product of over-analysis and a source of my own frustration. What do I mean?
Well, I was going to type a whole experience about thinking that someone is interested in you (before either of you say antything concrete) only to have them say a series of things that makes you think it was all in your head, but I rather just stop here. I was trying to add up the "signals" before opening my mouth. Opening my mouth proved embarrassingly painful in the past. But being "quiet" and playing "signal tag" before busting out with the whole skillet and butter can be equally embarrassing.
Today will be a somber and mute one. I just think too darn much. That is NOT intelligence. It is a mental liability 99% of the time, and the 1% that could be profitably converted is rarely ever done. If you have done so, let me know your secret. Sometimes I'm right, but most of the time it is just worth more to acknowledge my own thoughts and end it with:
"Let's just keep that thought between us, ok?"
I'm learning to do that.
By the way,
If any of you out there is named Christian Bradley (Or Christian David). I want my manuscript back dude. That was dirty, and a lasting example of my being stupid again. Never hand over three years worth of work to a person you just met, seemingly by divine intervention, who just happens to have your same interests. It is not like in the movies. Nothing grand will happen. Or, as in some movies, what happens might just suck.
I hope the next 29 years will be a lot more calculated, and less intellectually and emotionally costly.
Because, I seriously have a lot to get done.