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Posts posted by trailboss

  1. And I do it with Spam posts all the time. It's even more fun if they are human and still in the thread :)

    Geting creative with their profiles is also good fun. Go have a looky at the profiles of some of the banned spamers at 1.1 gran. You will find "goat bothering" and "interfering with my sister" particulary popular hobbies around Gomel and other parts of the Russian west. :lol:


  2. No fair DBR, there's only one stable shape for a SST and that's it!

    Any Soyuz blowen up recently? I thought not.

    The shuttle may be the most complicated machine ever built but I'd hardly hold it up as an example of moden design. It actualy belongs on the ark.

    Remember also it's replacment is basicly a revamped version of the boster that put the Apolo into orbit.

    Russians know how to build a good, simple device that works under all sorts of condidions, something the US has allways had a problem with.

    Russia never does tech for the sake of tech. The subs, yes they tend to go down once more than they surface but it's mainly QC matters rather than design. I was briefly part owner of a Russian diesel/ electric sub, the Skorpion (it's a long story involving abalone diving, ASIO and da feds that I'll tell some other time) and there was nothing wrong with her I can tell you, we got her home to OZ.


    Look for your self, she's moored beside the Queen Mary now.

    Geting [censored] off workers to build an atom boat propperly is another story however.

    Back on the subject, Moonie? I got a pair of gen dials :)

    I would think just cases would be the way to go on this. Let folk build their own master piece. If it turns out 1:1 there are heaps of bits to fit whatever the watch chosen. Less chance of geting in trunie as well. The only other thing that needs to be made are MVT holders for the gen and an ETA MVT to suit. All the rest can be sourced easily enough by the buyer.


  3. But what of the future for this board?

    Good question. Is the fact that the dealers section is now colapsed into a single header on the index page whilst a section on Men's Health and Grooming sits there in all it's glory? I hope not but it does seem a bit [censored] about for a watch board. Any forum will slowly but surely become the forum it's members want, or die. So basicly, what this place is/will be is entirly up to you guys (the membership). All fora evolve and change. Change being the only constant in the universe after all. Well, change and the quality of The Zigmeister's workmanship :)

    Thanks for the kind words Dems and remember, while the crazies are over there, the're not anoying folk here :)

    Just think of RWG1.1 as one big loony bin with some quality watch talk thrown in as a bonus. We do actualy talk watches too ya know :whistling:

    Actualy, of late, if it's homage watches that float your boat there is a hell of a lot of info there as well as the only two homage dealers in repdom.


  4. Getat lume is about to undergo a quantum improvment thanks to the fact that Tat actualy listens to customers wants. John put him on to Glowinc and that will (with any luck) soon be the std lume for Getat watches!

    The guy is amazing, he even does a five position timer test on each watch before shipping!

    As to does anyone have that watch: Only about half the board at RWG1.1. Been a very popular choice along with HD's BBP above.


  5. Hey all, I've done a bunch of searching around and have found prices ranging from $260-$388. Most post $278. I only searched the reputable dealers on these forums. Can anyone tell me if there is a difference in these reps or simply some dealers giving better deals?

    P.S.> They all seem to spec it the same.

    Same watch my friend, same watch.

    Amazing spread of retail pricing tho ain't it?


  6. aaaaah too bad you lost the page, you had so many things to tell today...

    I don't want to divulgue what he did and what he saw, but I believe OS has now a much clearer view of the rep market in China. The conclusion will be interesting for sure...

    have a good rest dude, tomorrow you must have full of energie for the last rush :Jumpy:

    take care


    Ahhhh! I think I know who this is!

    Bienvenue mon ami. Tu seras un grand atout pour cet endroit, je suis s

  7. I miss Neil (aka TTK) they say he is in the hospital!? Hope he has recovered and will be allowed to bring back the entertainment once again

    Like john said. TTK is no better at taking care of himself than he was with other folk at the end.

    A source of endless entertainment tho. Who can forget him calling poor ole' Fakey a water bufflo pussy? :rofl:

    The FM vs TTK thread at the old RWG was an all time classic, pity it's drifting somewhere in cyberspace.

    I think that for pure tech info this place is lightyears ahead of most but as a result it does tend to be a little dry in it's content. A common remark I have heard is something like "For tech I can't go past RWG2 but for entertainment and just hanging out I go to RWI/1.1/'geeks (insert favorite here)." The wealth of info here is without par tho.

    When it comes to the diehard base members I think all the fora tend to atract a different demographic and the one here is proberly just a little more "hard core" than the other fora's. Whether that tends to intimidate newer members and make them reluctent to post or not I don't realy know.


  8. Have you got any pics to ferment the imagination? :thumbsupsmileyanim:

    Ahh PD, the king of silly questions! Did you read OS's last post before asking that mate?

    Awesome. Makes me want to dust off my American Tourister and go. Hey, thats an idea. Lets get an expidition organized og a dozen or so members here!!

    Been done before and was a roaring success.

    Wealthy Gweilo :thumbsupsmileyanim:

    Not any more brudda!

    Of cause that sign is still there! The CN gov promised a crackdown on reps and that's it :)

    Great writeing OS. Quite the travel story. Is it oke if I cross post it?

    The watch market is an amazing place for shure, 'specialy what goes on upstairs. Did you run into Hont? Narika is in town too I think.


  9. RWG has become to civilized (That is showing too much evidence of moral and intellectual advancement being too humane, ethical, and just to damn reasonable) ...it does not have the new frontier and gun slinging attitude anymore......

    Um, I think you have the wrong RWG Gran, The "wild west" is still there :)

    Who knows, but RepGeek is generating over twice the postcount of here. :black_eye:

    They allways did Pugsy but a lot of it is drivil.

    I gotta put it down to the new V3 format. The number of members on line has never recovered since the change over. Gone from 230+ to around 120 or so on average. The Users on line to total users ratio is under half of what it was pre V3. Those actualy here are not posting as much either. One big factor in this is(IMO)the lack of the "new posts" box. It's replacement only registers new threads, not posts making it very hard to keep track of replys without going to the trouble of "subscribing" to each post.

    While opening a thread page is now lightning quick a refreash of the index page can take forever and result in a half loaded page. Another possibility is that folk are using the "improved" PM system to hold private chats instead of posting since it's allmost a chatroom now. That's just a guess but admin could see how much traffic there is in PM. Browser issues may also be having an effect since with IE it is necessory to fine tune the settings to get the place to work and that may be beond some folk. FF works a lot better as does Chrome but the majority of internet users are still on IE naturaly (damn you Bill Gate$!).

    As I said over at RWI the other day, RWG2 is geting far less trafic than it deserves ATM and I hope you guys work it out 'cause it's a slippery slope. I expected a dip after the changeover but the recovery seems a long time in comming. Let's hope it comes soon. Comparisions to TRC are a little worrying. I hate to thnk this place would ever become no more than a searchable data base!

    Regards, Col.

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