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Posts posted by vizsladog

  1. it's a rep. Actually the crown position in particular suggests it's a rep. It should be even higher. Another tell is the lugholes being too high. This is a Euromariner V3. Other parts also are not gen. The crystal lacks the top edge rounding. The top edge of the crystal is way too sharp to be a gen crystal. the pearl is most likely a watchmaterial pearl. The tell of that is the luminous material doesn't fill up to the inside of the rim. The CGs were reshaped superbly. Amazing job. But there's a tell at the CGs. If you draw a line across the base of the U of the CGs, below the line, the surface should be brushed, not polished. But hack, I won't even do it. Again, it's an amazing CG mod. The gen crown and gen/generic springbars are great additions to this superb rep.


    And this is why Bk is modding my watch.....

  2. I have PT's Ultimate/W9 Sub (without the engravings). I know the early versions had the etch crown very visible with the naked eye. Mine isnt that bad, hardly noticable, but then again, I dont have the best eyesight.

    Question - is the Clark's crystal better than the W9 crystal? Is the mag better on the Clarks?

    Yes the clark crystal is better. It doesnt have any etching at all.

    The mag on the clarks is 2.5 just llike the gen.

  3. AS fakemaster says.

    There is no 1:1.

    There are watches that are great starting points (bk's wm9 may be the exception) but they still need mods.

    For the most part the otb that you buy claiming to be 1:1 will be good enough,but onc et=you know the differnece you want it as close to gen as possible.

    I bought a euromariner and said it would be fine the way i bought it.

    Nope,BK has it right now and it's getting fully modded.

    I also find myself scanning the for sale section looking for a vintage sub or another fully modded wm9.


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