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Everything posted by Agrippa

  1. True enough. I guess importing a replica makes a rather weak case for linking you with Al Queda, Taliban or the Sicilian mafia.
  2. Actually you don't. It's a while since your government agreed to give out account information in criminal cases and the like.
  3. Being in Switzerland, the way I see it you choices are these: 1. Pay the fine. It's just a fine, or a slap on the wrist if you like and you "crime" won't be recorded anywhere for posterity. That's it, you're done with the whole thing and it'll never resurface in the future. 2. Deny/stay silent. It might work, but you have no idea. Again, elsewhere this would be your preferred option, but we're talking of Switzerland here, where importing replicas is comparable to attempting to assassinate the Pope if you're living in Italy. They MIGHT not bother with you at all, but they may also decide to take you through all the crap they can muster. There's simply no way of knowing. If IWC decide to pursue the matter (quite unlikely, but possible), your "crime" will be recorded for posterity regardless of the outcome.
  4. Switzerland is indeed not part of the EU, so ordering from the EU would likely have little positive effect. Normally I'd agree that simply not responding is the best course of action, but in regards to Swiss customs I don't know. They have more and wider powers than any other customs bureau in Europe, so what goes here doesn't necessarily go there.
  5. Presumably the $60 is on top of having the watch confiscated. As the OP says there's no way they can prove that the watch is not in fact an unsolicited gift or something of that sort, but the question is if $60 isn't quite a reasonable price for avoiding all the bother that's bound to come with denying guilt. Letters to and fro, possibly having to appear at an interview and whatnot. Depends how valuable your time and energy is I guess.
  6. Something tells me that if the answer is "watch", then "woman" probably isn't an option anyway.....
  7. I'll take a copy, if I may.
  8. The rest of us are all doing the same thing though, or rather our countries are. That's not insanity, it's just a tacit admission that the folks up top have no idea how to solve the problem and, in addition, are entirely unwilling to address the actual root of the problem - the sad fact that the economies of all developed nations are based on the unsustainable premise that economic growth is the one and only measure of success, prosperity and advancement.
  9. I shouldn't have said the only one, but rather the only one which in reality is paid any attention to whatsoever. The UN, the EU, the WHO and more all publish lists and national rankings based on all manner of criteria every year, but only the ones detailing economic growth actually matters. The remainder at best make it to a tiny notice on page 17 in the newspapers. It's not going to change either, crisis or no crisis. A modicum of new regulations will be halfheartedly designed and put in place, which at first will be overseen, only to be gradually loosened, ignored and circumvented in new and creative ways as time goes by and we put the bad times behind us. Until the next meltdown, when the process is repeated. After all, it has always been basic human nature to brush all things uncomfortable and threatening under the carpet once things are stable and go back to just letting things slide. That's been our base strategy since we first came down from the trees, formed communities and came up with civilisation. Hence, we have the exact same same types of crises every 20-30 years, although comprised of somewhat different components each time as technology and social structure changes and moves forward. Personally I firmly believe that we, as a species, are fundamentally incapable of learning from history and past mistakes.
  10. Well, when economic growth and thereby consumption, personal and national, becomes the only yardstick by which the success and failure of nations are measured, and control, oversight and regulation is fought against tooth and nail at every junction, it's no surprise that the resulting pile of financial manure is hard to sift through.... That said, her performance really was astoundingly lame.
  11. In "proper", professional photo contests there is usually a separate category for digitally enhanced/altered images. To mix pure photography and photos which are digitally altered/enhanced frankly make no sense at all, since the criteria for judging the two ought to be very different indeed. Simple cropping and perspective adjustments are of course a different thing entirely.
  12. I have absolutely nothing to add to the discussion; I just wanted to say that I hoped for something entirely different when I saw the heading of this thread and was sorely disappointed when I started reading....
  13. Roger that RoninQ, although I'm not entirely sure what you mean by mixing chemicals. In any case you're probably right that the citrus clean is superfluous.
  14. Great advice, thanks a lot! I was wondering though, if first a deep clean/soak with/in a citrus based cleaner might be an idea, before this step? Just to get absolutely all of the dirt out? Whaddaya think?
  15. Quite frankly I think Glash
  16. That Serpente is seriously nice and I'll sling an order your way as soon as you're taking orders. Can't say I'm hot for the Machete or Scarface really, but the snake is just pure candy!
  17. 18x22mm @ TZtoolshop.com
  18. A raised glass and an abundance of respect for perhaps the toughest soldiers that took part in WWI, from here at the other side of the globe. Perhaps more than anybody's, their service truly extended above and beyond the call of duty. Long may their sacrifice be remembered.
  19. By all means Lani, I never meant to suggest that running a forum is an easy thing; I know all too well that it can in fact be a full-time job and more. Running a compo such this needn't be though, if you set it up right. A couple of the other forums I hang out at stage regular 2-3 monthly photo contests and they more or less run themselves. You do need a volunteer (or someone from the admin/mod team) to do little chores, but really it needn't be a big deal in terms of time spent. I'd volunteer myself if it wasn't for the fact that I work a lot of nights and have little or no free time when I do. Anyway, that's all a bit OT in terms of this thread, so I won't go on about it. If you think it's worth pursuing just give me a holler and I'll tell you how to set it up. Firmly on-topic I hope lots of folks sign up for this, since lots of nice pix would be....eh...nice.
  20. How about making this a regular feature though, like bi-monthly perhaps. Different theme every time, decided by mods or some other way. A dedicated sub-forum for submissions and discussions, where the winner is decided by a general vote. Who knows, it might catch on and we might get that many more excellent photo reviews and whatnot in the future. Shouldn't involve a lot of work either.
  21. I'd love to be in on this, depending on when it kicks off. My digicam is dead and I can't afford a new one until June. Got a 35mm as well, but I'm not digging that out of the attic....
  22. Quite a number of people must do, or it would be shorter....
  23. In relation to www.aescustomknives.com, I just received a reply from Ariel (very fast, sent him a mail a few hours ago). Damascene steel buckles cost $270 and there's a waiting list of 8-10 months. Mokume (stainless/bronze or nickel silver/copper) is an additional $50, same waiting time. A bit too rich for my wallet, particularly given Maddog's price of $150 per damascene buckle and $200 for buckle and strap. Pretty unique though...
  24. Is this where I'm not supposed to post? I'd like to know, so I don't post here by accident.
  25. Thanks a lot wothrottle, that's good to hear. I haven't quite managed to decide between the Legende and the Datora, which are both amazing watches in my opinion, at least now I know I can shop with confidence.
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