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Everything posted by deltatahoe

  1. good to see you back bill deltatahoe
  2. if you're not ready to buy a new computer and want to try to see if you can get your laptop running like it used to, here's a suggestion.... i have a 5+ year old ibm thinkpad and one of the features it has is the ability to do a full "factory restore", which essentially wipes everything and restores the computer to the way it was when you received it from the factory. now obviously you need to back up your music and files to an external hard drive before running the "factory restore", but it has worked well for me -- i do it periodically just to be safe (i don't run any anti-virus software -- those programs always seemed like more trouble than they were worth to me -- they always seemed to just slow down the computer). i'm sure now that i've posted this here my thinkpad will die when i get home in which case i'm getting the 17" macbook pro deltatahoe
  3. looks good johng i tried to shoot you a PM, and the messenger said you couldn't receive any new messages could someone point me in the direction of jackson tse's site/photobucket/etc? thanks in advanace, deltatahoe
  4. if you click on your username in the top right hand corner of the page, a drop down will come up with messenger as one of the options hope this helps deltatahoe
  5. well to make things even more interesting, i went home and tried the RWG skin on firefox and the PMs showed up just fine hope this helps troubleshoot T -- thanks again for all your hard work. deltatahoe ps, one other issue i'm having on the normal RWG skin is with threads longer than one page, i can't seem to advance to the next page (there is no "next page" button and i can't see the "page 1,2,3" links). please note again that i'm experiencing these problems using ie6 at work (i work for a big corporation and our IT is still stuck in the ice ages), so i totally understand that some things just might not work given ie6 is so old. i just figured better for you to have more info than less
  6. you're welcome. out of curiosity, are you running ie6 as well? my work is THE slowest to upgrade technology case in point -- we're still using lotus notes for email instead of microsoft outlook deltatahoe
  7. thanks for all the hard work T -- i'm sure it must be annoying putting out all the fires for the random bugs that have cropped up as a result of the upgrade, but we really appreciate it!! i'd much rather have a slightly buggy RWG for a couple days rather than no access at all. re: other comments above regarding PMs, for what it's worth (and note that i'm at work on ie6), i can't see any of my PMs on the normal RWG skin, but they show up using the dark side skin deltatahoe
  8. thanks a bunch fellas -- i really appreciate it. i just wish i had some time this weekend to take some pictures too much work and no play makes deltatahoe a dull boy
  9. thanks R -- seeing the 'before' pictures definitely helps give me a better idea of what you're talking about. i'm a complete and utter beginner with photo editing software, so brace yourself for a nooblicious question -- when you start with a large resolution image and then crop, is the new cropped image lower resolution? i would assume that it is, but i guess if you start with a large enough file size, then even the cropped image should look good blown up (as yours clearly do above), right? thanks again, deltatahoe
  10. hmmm.....this is certainly new to me. what software do you use ubi? thanks in advance, deltatahoe
  11. great news indeed. keep your head up lani; one day at a time deltatahoe
  12. thanks a bunch T for everything you do for the forum -- looking forward to seeing those new features deltatahoe
  13. interesting....i was in a tourneau yesterday and saw what looked like a silver dial steelfish superocean when i saw that i just figured that our "white" dial rep of steelfish superocean should actually be silver (as has been the case before in other watches), but seeing this post makes me wonder -- is it possibly just a new model? if this has already been discussed elsewhere, please excuse my nooblicious question deltatahoe
  14. ok your comments are making more sense now by-tor -- you are talking about shooting with a lightbox. maybe i wasn't clear, but i only shoot outside with natural light, so obviously i have tons of stuff around that is going to reflect off the dial. you can't just block off the outdoors this is why i have to have something black behind the camera so that the dial doesn't reflect off the sky/ocean/hot chicks walking down my street/etc deltatahoe
  15. so to be clear, are you saying that with the right amount and type (as in diffused/filtered) of light, there won't be any reflections on the dial or crystal? thanks by-tor -- i appreciate your help deltatahoe
  16. i've certainly learned a lot from all the 'togs here; i think what most beginners don't realize is how easy taking a decent picture can be. the key element really is good lighting (which can be easily created with a light tent or even better, with natural light). i pretty much exclusively use natural light, so the biggest challenge for me is finding a way to minimize crystal & dial reflections. any suggestions you guys have on that front would be helpful deltatahoe couldn't agree more
  17. a quartz watch that is lust-worthy? such a thing does not exist deltatahoe
  18. fwiw, i have been doing a little camera research recently as well and am strongly considering the g10 as well; looks to be just the right amount of camera to me deltatahoe
  19. hmm...i guess i'm the only one that doesn't like that buckle on that watch oh well -- different strokes for different folks wear it well K deltatahoe btw, it's been a while; i hope all is well w/ you & your family...
  20. got an email today confirming my order deltatahoe ps, the estimated ship date is 11/7/09, so i've got a little waiting to do good luck i have lots of training from waiting on all of my various franken projects
  21. just wanted to post here to send my regards to lani as well. ubi, you should print a list of the members that have commented on this and the other lani thread -- i think if you were to read to him all of the names of the people pulling for him, it would really be overwhelming for him to see all of the support he's getting from the board. deltatahoe
  22. gotcha. well here's to hoping you'll get one sooner rather than later
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