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Everything posted by deltatahoe

  1. welcome to RWG ronin -- as others have said i think you're in for a treat you'll find quite a few vintage rolex fanatics here; not least Nanuq, one of our co-admin (who has several pieces to die for)... finally, consider yourself warned -- you wallet could be along for a wild ride deltatahoe
  2. nice writeup b16a2; i'll agree that this watch is an absolute beauty with a double AR coating (see picture below courtesy of verbal; sorry for the huge picture), the dial on these watches really does pop deltatahoe
  3. all this blue lume is making me green with envy i might have to get a deep sea just to scratch the blue lume itch (not to mention my "i need a new watch every 10 days" itch) deltatahoe
  4. true or not this is a funny post glad everything is OK robbie deltatahoe
  5. i agree with lani -- the 5002 is extremely accurate, so that's an easy choice. the question of faux power reserve re: moving power reserve is also an easy one -- go with the faux power reserve, adjust the hand to show fully wound, get the crystal double AR coated, and you've got yourself an incredible rep.... deltatahoe
  6. looks like i saw this too late -- i've gotten water stains out before with a good cleaning with saddle soap. not sure if it will work after an application of water sealing grease though deltatahoe
  7. only certain sellers offer MBW/MBK watches; they will typically be advertised as such... good luck with your search deltatahoe
  8. lani, well thought out post; couldn't agree more with your thoughts while i wasn't around pre-RWG, i often feel like an old-timer. the reps these factories are coming out with now are truly amazing; even two short years ago i wouldn't have believed you if you had told me reps would get this close straight out of the box deltatahoe
  9. glad to hear you're happy with it arty; i wouldn't be worried about correct markings on any straps -- gen owners generally put nice aftermarket on their watches as well. so pick out a nice strap that you like & don't look back!! happy new year to you as well deltatahoe
  10. ok, now for the $15k question -- where did you get genuine tritium??! deltatahoe ps, given the answer, i'm still puzzled about the different colored subdial tickmarks
  11. good to see you back JTB given we aren't supposed to be posting here and it's getting close to the end of the year, looks like i'll have the last post of 2008 in this fine thread deltatahoe
  12. first off, welcome to RWG the short answer to your question about the royal oak offshore is that you're not going to find one with a swiss ETA 7750 from one of our standard dealers. for what it's worth, our resident in-house movement expert ziggyzumba has reviewed the asian 7750 w/ seconds at 12 movement that comes from our dealers, and given it a hesitant thumbs up (albeit with some concerns). now if you're REALLY serious about wanting an ETA and are willing to drop some major dollars (think $2k+), i believe it is possible to purchase an ETA w/ soprod module that achieves the seconds at 12...if you are wanting to do this, try a search -- a member here used to own one of these (although if i recall correctly it wasn't for the themes dial offshore). MBW/MBK = name of a stall in thailand that sells replicas made by a factory that became well known for making vintage rolex models (eg. 1665) that had 1:1 interchangeability of many genuine parts. for a long time it was very difficult to source these MBW/MBK models, which only added to the lore/history surrounding these watches. hope this helps deltatahoe
  13. hmmm...maybe this explains the question i raised in my EDIT above.... i'm guessing the (genuine) subdial tickmarks for some reason used pure C3 superluminova instead of tritium (possibly some sort of mysterious transitional dial??!), and so you relumed the hands/pearl with C3 as well... am i right??! deltatahoe
  14. looks like i'm late to the party only thing i was (pretty ) sure of was the gen dial... deltatahoe EDIT to add: i think it's interesting how the tritium on the subdial tick marks hasn't aged like the index markers...i wonder what the reason behind that is? different thickness / texture / application process?
  15. couldn't agree more with all the sentiments in this thread @TT, it was a pleasure getting to break bread with you this past summer; i'm bummed we couldn't get together on your most recent trip. RWG really is all about the people -- the watches are nice of course, but it's the people that makes this place special. best wishes to everyone during the holiday season!!! brad
  16. deltatahoe


    thanks b16a2 -- i know i'll be watching this space deltatahoe
  17. at first glance, looks real to me. the big tell on the rep vs. genuine deployment clasps is that the PANERAI etching on the rep is too wide relative to the genuine. take a look at some pics of the rep relative to a genuine and you should be able to see what i'm talking about. do your research before buying -- i don't want to make you think you're safe only to get an expensive rep strap & buckle. but the sellers seems to be reputable (100% positive feedback), so i'd probably feel pretty good about the purchase. hope this helps deltatahoe
  18. i think he's intentionally not showing the date -- it will (should!) be obvious when you see the date deltatahoe
  19. ok, i'll bite. i'm going to guess (along with the others) that it is the one over the date deltatahoe
  20. yup, it is definitely rubber, but with stitches like a leather strap. one of my buddies has a gen 42mm planet ocean (sound familiar? ) with this strap, and i thought it looked great. not cheap, but nicely made and feels great deltatahoe
  21. been meaning to take & post some pictures of one my new favorite watches, which has been getting quite a bit of weekend wrist time. the classic uPO with a chieftang double AR coating and genuine rubber strap. enjoy anyways, just wanted to share. by now everyone knows how amazing the chieftang double AR coating is -- truly amazing. when you combine the AR coating with the genuine rubber strap, this watch really sings. thanks for looking deltatahoe
  22. great to finally see some pics of your watches together kruzer; lots of beauties in there (not to mention RWG lore ) ok, now let's see the other eight boxes deltatahoe
  23. yeah, i guess i wasn't clear in my response....i had a hard time deciding what color strap i liked better given the color of the blacksteel (watch head) looks different at different angles and with different lighting. so i told him (or tried to tell him, probably not very effectively though) which strap i liked better depending on the true color of the watch in person. does that make sense or am i going nuts as usual? deltatahoe
  24. it's always hard to tell what one of these PVD watches really looks like from pictures. i think these two pictures i pasted below look best, so depending on which picture you feel is more representative of the actual look of the watch, that's what color strap i'd go with. hope this helps deltatahoe
  25. genuine laughter on this comment kruzer -- too funny deltatahoe
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