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Everything posted by deltatahoe

  1. wow. your two recent posts remind me of this (in a raspy voice) - "oh the times, they are a'changin" - bob dylan deltatahoe
  2. thanks for the update bryan -- if this one is the same case build quality as the ceramic bezel gmt ii, i think we have a lot to look forward to deltatahoe
  3. good advice from the toad -- sometimes it's better to wait, sometimes it's not honestly, i normally go on my gut feel -- you can normally get a sense for watches that are close enough on the first go-round that they aren't going to bother making it any more accurate. others that have multiple big glaring flaws initially and are a potential big seller if they get it right, well those i typically wait for. hope this helps deltatahoe
  4. holy smokes batman deltatahoe
  5. i saw that -- 400 watches in some brand i've never heard of (enicar who??!!?) he's really going to have a problem when he sees the selection of tasty treats we have here deltatahoe
  6. threads like this (where people get their questions answered and help each other out) are what make RWG great. how about a group hug? deltatahoe
  7. first off, welcome to RWG well at least you're honest and know that you're about to become addicted want to see what your collection might look like next year? take a peak. hold onto your wallet -- it could be in for a rough ride deltatahoe
  8. kruzer, if bertieng's comments are true, then the oracle end links most likely will NOT work with the gen AP strap. not sure if the spare end links will work better than the oracle end links though at some point i told myself i would do the proper research required (ie. reading all of the threads about straps for the offshore here) to see what works with what, but seeing people's responses here, either i) people haven't tried all the variations we are discussing here or ii) the people who have tried aren't chiming in with their experiences. given the only royal oak offshore that i would put on anything other than an oracle strap is the safari, and i'm still too disappointed with the accuracy of the dial on this one as currently offered, i'm just not willing to bother doing all the required research. man that post felt wordy -- hopefully people know what i'm talking about deltatahoe
  9. wow -- i have to say that your lume shot is fantastic. could you let me know the setup under which you took the picture, as well as the exposure time / settings on your camera when you took it? thanks in advance, deltatahoe
  10. i'm not so sure the HEV on the stainless steel version should be orange. it is definitely orange on the PVD version; it's not totally clear what color it is on the stainless steel version, at least from the bell & ross website (i've attached two pictures below). i've searched high and low for some real life pictures of the ss version, but it would appear that no-one has one of these in real life the quest continues... deltatahoe
  11. hmmm....are we looking at the same pics? looks like an HEV valve to me. not sure what the biggest differences are on the two versions, but i do remember comparing the old version to the genuine article and thinking i'd wait for a better version... deltatahoe
  12. i know for a fact that the oracle strap end links can be made to fit the seconds at nine mbw ap roo -- it is a really tight fit, but it will work. i'm not 100% sure whether or not the ap bands straps will fit to the oracle straps end links, but i bet if you post here someone will have the answer... good luck with the search deltatahoe
  13. what kind of strap do you have on the watch currently? i'm guessing it depends on what type of endlinks you have....only one way to find out for sure deltatahoe ps, while you may be against oracle straps, if your existing end links don't work, you can buy some end links from oracle strap for a lot cheaper than the ap bands conversion kit.....
  14. i'm 100% with you gil. i think first business meetings (or just about all business meetings for that matter), first dates, and pretty much all special occasions deserve genuine watches. like you said, why have some nice gens if you aren't going to wear them? deltatahoe
  15. i just updated my post; as if there was any doubt before, now it's official -- i have a serious watch problem deltatahoe
  16. deltatahoe


    another noobie sees the light deltatahoe
  17. interesting to say the least, and a good reminder to all those that complain about all the problems with reps. the reality of the matter is that gens have issues too, and they are MUCH more expensive to take care of... the most interesting part of that post for me was that the hands on the watch were touching -- i had the exact same problem with my b&r 03-92 deltatahoe
  18. first off, welcome to RWG glad to hear you've had a good first experience. waiting for that first rep is a little nerve-racking, huh? i think everyone finds themselves thinking: did i really just send several hundred dollars to someone i don't know in china, expecting to get a high quality replica watch in return?!?? the sheer volume of information here can be daunting, particularly at the beginning just keep reading and you'll be surprised how quickly you can learn based on your description of your experience, it sounds like you've got the patience to deal with random issues that arise, which is a good thing -- you never know what kinds of curveballs our reps will throw at you welcome to the madness deltatahoe
  19. glad to hear it went well!! sometimes taking the first step is the hardest part keep us updated -- we want details deltatahoe
  20. imo, there is a difference between being a hater and pointing out to other potential buyers that while a nice looking watch, this one just isn't very accurate. personally, i don't understand why someone would choose this version over the infinitely more accurate v1 5002 just my $0.02 (which we all know isn't worth much) deltatahoe
  21. i say have fun with it!! the key to dancing is ignoring the feeling that you look like a fool and having fun. if by chance (not likely) you do look like a fool, and you look like you're enjoying yourself, then people will probably just smile and enjoy watching a "non-traditional dancing style" but more likely than not, you will look just fine and be having fun along the way... just remember -- exude confidence deltatahoe
  22. wow...sounds like a pretty legit collection this guy has assembled it's fun checking back in this thread to see what watch is going to pop up next deltatahoe
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