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Everything posted by deltatahoe

  1. i'm assuming everyone has at least heard about the movie once? fantastic movie. into the wild is a recent dvd release that i really enjoyed as well.... deltatahoe
  2. congrats dani -- nothing quite like finding something that was once lost deltatahoe
  3. on a lighter note, can we reinstate post of the month? if so, i nominate this post by by-tor:
  4. ummm....call me crazy, but i wouldn't go pushing any chrono pushers till you get your rotor properly reattached sorry to hear about the watch arriving in something less than ideal condition...hopefully it will be an easy fix deltatahoe
  5. boy i hope you're wrong T do us a favor and post here about a future steady increase in activity, will ya??!!? never hurts to be prepared speaking of being prepared, any good ideas (aside from buying one of these kits)? deltatahoe
  6. do people actually live in LA proper? i'm going to be in manhattan beach i could possibly make a mini-GTG happen -- i could probably make it happen this sunday night (aug 3rd), or if not, maybe one night next week? let me know what you think... deltatahoe
  7. while my forum name is certainly northern california based, i've grown kind of attached to it.... however, changing names seems to be the thing to do recently (ahem...chieftang errr...i mean bulldog )... i've used the name surfside as a login before given i'll be living at the beach, it would be certainly be consistent with my location-based naming history @lani, sorry to derail your thread (i hope you don't mind).....consider it a free bump deltatahoe
  8. yeah there's a reason i haven't been around much freddy -- been trying to spend as much time with friends in family before moving from SF to LA, which means not much free time for RWG... i promise to be back with some new pictures in the new (sunny) setting once i'm all settled deltatahoe
  9. just seeing this ziggy; glad to hear you had a good night's sleep and are on your way to recovery. deltatahoe
  10. @euno, great watches & pics in particular, i think that strapluxe strap looks great. would you mind sharing what end-links you used -- they look nice & flush with the case & strap -- a perfect fit!! thanks in advance, deltatahoe
  11. thanks for the update lani -- great news deltatahoe ps, i wish i wasn't getting ready to move & had more time to spend on RWG at the moment -- lots of exciting projects and developments going on at the moment
  12. congrats taka -- she's a beauty totally agreed re: comfort and readability -- the sinn u2 is a winner deltatahoe
  13. i would have expected aliens from neptune to be a little brighter every rep has its flaws; pams are no different. the good thing about panerai is that they come in so many different varieties. choose one you like and go for it. if you're trying to make sure people won't know you are wearing a rep, remember that 95+% of people won't be able to tell your panerai from a patek, and those that do know something about watches will likely be able to tell yours is a rep (not necessarily on the wrist, but certainly if you take it off and hand it to them). hope this helps deltatahoe
  14. well a couple quick options (although no guarantee this will fix the watch) to get the water out would be to pull out the crown, then leave the watch either in a bowl of dry white rice or if you have them, in a tupperware container with silica packets... pretty good chance your movement is dead though...good news is it is a cheap asian movement; i believe you should be able to find a replacement (do a search re: b&r asian movements -- it's something like DG.....) deltatahoe
  15. i'm a sierra nevada fan myself (good to see other folks are pale ale fans) deltatahoe
  16. i'll throw in for one as well; let me know when & where to pay. thanks lani deltatahoe
  17. yup, sounds like patience is certainly important in watchmaking. one of the things i've heard ziggy say many times is the following (please excuse my rough paraphrasing): "if it doesn't fit/work at first, do NOT push harder -- you'll probably just end up making things worse. trying to get things to work by using force is generally a bad idea in watchmaking." i'm certain that i would get a lot of pleasure out of learning to uncase a watch, etc. i wish i would have held onto one of the cheapo entry level subs that i bought early on for practice; i may just have to buy a noobmariner to practice on deltatahoe
  18. great thread lani -- always good to learn from others' misakes. i'd like to think that one day i'll learn how to fiddle around with my reps (and hopefully manage minor repairs, etc). maybe this thread will help spur me on to make it happen. deltatahoe
  19. thanks boss -- this place is 80 times better than any other watch forum ah, and i see the crazy finger man emoticon is now entitled 'inverted' thanks again, deltatahoe
  20. happy bday W! any watch related bday gifts for yourself we should know about? deltatahoe
  21. am i reading this correctly -- these cyclops cost $2.50 (ie. 250 pennies )?? hot damn!!! i'll take two. thanks lani deltatahoe
  22. we've had some great new emoticon additions over the last couple months. some of my favorites are as follows: shock drinks not sure what this one is supposed to be, but i like it :: however, one of the new emoticons keeps rearing it's ugly head in unintended circumstances: 80 80 can somebody delete this thing so it doesn't keep showing up in things like sales posts ("i'm asking 80 pounds for this watch"), music discussions ("music from the 80's was clearly the best") or golf discussions ("i regularly shoot in the 80s")? am i alone here? deltatahoe
  23. i posted a side by side review of the (old) rep strap and the genuine here. although i feel like i remember hearing that a new rep version was being released recently (or maybe soon)? deltatahoe
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