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Everything posted by deltatahoe

  1. definitely some interesting observations in there -- i think you both have it right -- there is just something about the replication of this watch that is pulling in folks who have had plenty of rolex reps to know the look and feel of a quality watch. it will definitely be interesting to see how the first-version "correct hand stack" story will play out. as someone else mentioned before, sometimes reps improve with each 'generation', sometimes they get the most things correct in the first version. EL's original iwc pilot's watch (3717) is a perfect example (i managed to get one from his initial run as well ); i just have this feeling that for this watch, it could be the same story. deltatahoe
  2. well i have to admit i just broke down and hit the "buy it now" button on this one too it's the first rep i've bought in months; i just had this feeling that i would regret not having the correct hand stack version many months later. this worry, combined with trusted members' comments on the quality of the replication on this watch, put me over the top. now the wait begins deltatahoe
  3. wow -- looking forward to this one UJ if this is your first ziggyfied watch, i think you'll be more than pleased deltatahoe
  4. interesting auction -- as they say, probably the only place you can buy a modern daytona sealed in the box from the factory. given these have historically been difficult to get at ADs, might not be a bad option for a watch that would clearly be BNIB... will be interesting to see what this one sells for deltatahoe
  5. my old 5513 although i know it wouldn't get much wrist time, it still pains me to see it while i'm clearly biased, i think the classic 5513 is a great choice deltatahoe
  6. wow looking great V the buckle is of course fantastic, but the leather on the dark ammo strap it looks just deltatahoe
  7. wow -- thanks for sharing pho. obama certainly has something special when it comes to speaking in front of big groups of people, there's no doubting that... deltatahoe
  8. thanks a bunch -- i think i'll order it, forget about it, and have a nice surprise several months later btw, did you specifically request painted edges (or any other special specifications)? deltatahoe
  9. wow looks fantastic timepiece -- completely changes the look of the watch. a couple questions: i) what is the width of the buckle you put on the strap? am i right in reading that it is an OEM buckle? if so, how much did it cost? ii) how much was this strap from hktan? once again -- congrats on a great new strap deltatahoe
  10. oh man chronos -- i'm so sorry to hear this deltatahoe
  11. i'll second sinn as being an up & coming brand. their U series watches are great (and fantastic relative value) deltatahoe
  12. if you're looking for a butterscotch strap for your pam, the strap culture butterscotch is a really nice strap. it has a unique look that would look good on a tantalium imho... just a thought deltatahoe
  13. wow -- who would have guessed MBW was a subsidiary of sony ericsson? deltatahoe
  14. sl 1665 dial & hands...very interesting...if my mbw gw hadn't made a trip to ziggy for a vintage superlume, i would strongly be considering this as a cost effective way to assemble a top-quality franken. while clearly not as rare as a genuine t dial, a genuine sl 1665 dial & hands in NOS condition would make for an interesting project watch (& discussion piece) imho. deltatahoe
  15. wow -- that's crazy freddy interesting post deltatahoe ps, not sure i'd ever consider one though -- hard to imagine wearing a 47mm dress watch unless you have gorilla arms like twotone
  16. i'm interested in seeing people's responses in this thread, as i haven't had the urge to buy a watch in over a month, and i'm beginning to wonder if something is wrong with me deltatahoe
  17. wow -- 20 pams not including the ferrari line -- i bet that is the largest selection of pams nationwide deltatahoe
  18. or on top of his long sleeved shirts good luck in your first year, and with all the little (and big!) decisions involved in parenthood deltatahoe
  19. personally, i'd go (and am in the process of going ) the route V took and make a ziggyfied 45mm unbranded cali dial homage. that way you can make the watch the way you want it and you won't have to go explaining to anyone about how accurate it is to panerai's branded 249.... just my $0.02 deltatahoe
  20. @k, just saw this thread -- congrats my man -- such an exciting time in your family's life! my suggestion = forget about RWG for a while and enjoy your new son (of course, no harm in taking a break to log on and keep your sanity )! deltatahoe
  21. i tried using the search box and got the following error message: There was an error processing the request. Please go back and try again, or contact an administrator for assistance. connection to localhost:3312 failed anyone else experience this problem? deltatahoe
  22. i think it is important to note a subtle distinction here....ziggy isn't necessarily saying that these aren't ETA movements (note that i left off the swiss part, as we could debate till the cows come home about what makes a swiss ETA vs. a non-swiss ETA); he is saying that the quality of these movements (part by part) is lower than he has ever seen before....the movements have all the right ETA stamps/markings/etc, they just don't have the quality that he is used to seeing from ETA. my (uninformed) guess is that we are getting to the bottom of the barrel of remaining ETA movements, and we're starting to get the dregs that have been previously cast aside when ETA movements weren't in such short supply. the struggle here as this relates to our 'trusted' collectors is that there is no (reasonable) way that they can examine every movement stamped ETA to inspect and see if it is a "good" ETA or one the "bad" ETAs that ziggy is describing.... anyways, just my thoughts.... deltatahoe
  23. @dakku, i wouldn't feel the need to apologize for the thread or have it locked -- you started a healthy and interesting discussion. threads like this keep things interesting around here for us oldtimers deltatahoe
  24. better be careful doc, the aquanaut will grow on you..... deltatahoe
  25. it's crazy how fast one year passes by, isn't it? the first year on RWG can be a tough one on the wallet anyways, just wanted to say hello & thanks for your contributions here on RWG; here's to another great year deltatahoe ps, haven't taken the gabomagic strap off my 112 since i got it last week (and that's saying something!!)
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