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Everything posted by deltatahoe

  1. methinks he's pulling our legs, at least about the strapmaking
  2. happy to help and it makes me happy that i helped seriously, situations like this where my review helped someone make a decision about a watch is satisfying -- writing reviews takes time and effort; it feels good to have a (small) contribution appreciated. deltatahoe
  3. the santos chrono is MUCH more accurate than the standard santos 100. i did a pretty comprehensive review of the santos chrono here one other point -- in case you decide to go with the standard santos 100 for whatever reason, the dial shouldn't have waves on it. there are other inaccuracies w/ the dial that doesn't have waves (i believe the swiss made positioning was wrong), but much less noticeable than the one w/ the waves. hope this helps... deltatahoe
  4. the genuine breitling gator straps are definitely nice.... deltatahoe
  5. i'm w/ doc on this one -- my preference is for the folded link oyster as well. for whatever reason the jubilee bracelets just look cheap to me deltatahoe
  6. nice work josh -- the pictures look great i'm curious -- what's next on your rep wishlist? deltatahoe
  7. figured i would point out that sssurfer did a nice review of the pvd/blue version here; i think he would concur w/ your decision to go w/ the white hands & writing be sure and take some pictures when you get the watch -- i haven't seen too pictures of these... deltatahoe
  8. first off, welcome to RWG hardingjosh hold onto your wallet and stay away from the hockey pucks (ie. panerais), and you might just survive your first six months of rep collecting enjoy the ride deltatahoe ps, take a look at pugwash's photography tutorial and you'll be taking quality pictures in no time
  9. i'd definitely write up a review -- more details than "she didn't ship what i paid her for" would be helpful, such as i) what you ordered, ii) when you made the payment, iii) what (if anything) was received. whatever you do, don't go issuing a chargeback via paypal before raising this to the board's attention. once you do, i'm confident you will get this resolved. regards, deltatahoe
  10. option d: send it to ziggy and have him service the movement to bring it back to life, then place the watch somewhere in your house where you will see it regularly and enjoy a true family heirloom. deltatahoe
  11. i'll keep that in mind nanuq hopefully i will have gotten to wear it a couple times before sending it off to you though -- pretty sure oli has left for a month-long trip; the wait continues deltatahoe
  12. hmm....personally, i find this relatively hard to believe.... i would guess the kind of people collecting expensive timepieces aren't going to be selling their watches b/c the economy is in a temporary slump... not that i wouldn't be VERY excited if your prediction ended up being true deltatahoe
  13. QUOTE(deltatahoe @ Nov 8 2007, 07:15 PM) ahem....do we have some confessing to do doc? it's funny....when you mentioned those particular watches it didn't occur to me that those were the vintage models our alaskan friend happens to have.....i was just making sure you weren't holding out on us also, re: your back on topic post, i agree that the 212 & 213 are good relative value in the premium panerai range...i saw the 212 in person and the flyback feature is PRETTY nifty deltatahoe
  14. ahem....do we have some confessing to do doc? some good observations to be sure....right now i'm thinking a 1675 and a 1680 would be two smart purchases that could pay off nicely in several years (leaving the pure enjoyment of the watches themselves aside)..... now where did my piggy bank run off to? deltatahoe
  15. don't mean to go off topic, but since it's at the top of my mind, any thoughts on why vintage rolex sports watches don't fit into this same category? i don't necessarily think they DO fit in this category....just thought it would be an interesting discussion, as well as a very relevant one given i'm currently looking to buy my first vintage rolex. they HAVE taken off in price in the past couple years (albeit from a relatively low price)... euno, nanuq, & other vintage lovers, i'd be interested in hearing yall's thoughts too... deltatahoe
  16. totally agreed. i seem to be agreeing with you a lot this morning doc deltatahoe
  17. totally agreed. this is why i've refused to get the fiddy (despite all the hype) and instead had my 217 modded to the max (lume, cannon pin fix and chieftang's AR coating) deltatahoe
  18. umm...i think people would be interested to hear how she ripped you off have you posted the dealer review somewhere else? deltatahoe
  19. i'd definitely post some pics; if the leather is good quality, i'm sure V would consider adding the leather to his collection in exchange for making you a couple custom straps deltatahoe
  20. well if it makes you feel better i received a breitling blackbird today and it looks great (off-center pearl really isn't too bad and the other tabs are aligned nicely in their cutouts), but the quick-change function doesn't work when trying to change the date deltatahoe
  21. i see you held onto your GPF Mod Def buckle i'm surprised you didn't put it on the new hide you brought back from greece though deltatahoe
  22. first off, what a nice gesture for a friend i think the steelfish is another nice, relatively inexpensive option (particularly w/ silix's current special). deltatahoe
  23. @bazz, you're welcome -- i'm glad you were able to find one -- the u2 is a really nice piece, and great relative value @cornerstone, that picture is incredible; thanks for posting it. can you imagine what was going through the photographer's (and the bear's!!) mind when he took the picture?
  24. yes, luckily we didn't have any encounters that would have qualified for one of your "life in alaska, part vi" posts. we definitely tried to focus most of our fishing in the morning and evening hours, but still didn't manage to catch any fish. i did manage to catch several tree branches, bushes and rocks though despite the lack of fish, we had a great time. with the right attitude, it's hard NOT to have a great time in the outdoors deltatahoe
  25. thanks guys for the nice comments; it really was a beautiful trip. for those asking about pictures of fish, unfortunately we didn't catch a fish the whole weekend the two rivers we were on were certainly on the advanced side (these aren't stocked rivers; either you catch a big one or you don't catch one at all), and to be honest we spent about as much time hiking as we did fishing. but now that i think about it though, i didn't actually see any fish the whole trip either we were in the wrong spots or the fish in these rivers were much smarter than we were. @bazz, it's funny you mention the depth rating -- i laughed about the fact that i was bringing a watch rated to 2,000 meters despite the fact that i wouldn't be getting in water any deeper than 4-5 feet deltatahoe
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