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Everything posted by deltatahoe

  1. i think you're actually fortunate that you didn't just get the strap. imho, this watch was meant to be worn on the bracelet. you can always buy an aftermarket strap if you really don't like the bracelet. if the 12, 3, 6 & 9 markers really are significantly misaligned (it sounds like it from your description -- posting pics would be helpful), i would consider talking to your collector about it....he could possibly send you a new dial, which could be installed when you do other mods to the watch (day/date wheel replacement or realignment, lume, etc). oh, and welcome to RWG deltatahoe
  2. sorry to hear about this sash hopefully the leg heals soon! deltatahoe
  3. @addingwatch, looks great. is that the dark brown or chocolate brown? deltatahoe
  4. don't forget to bead blast / pvd at least one buckle
  5. you're telling me!! it's been more than two months since i shipped him the watch on 4/11/07 i'm a patient guy though, and i knew going into this i wouldn't have my watch for a while. i had lost all love for my 111h, but didn't want to sell it (it was my first pam), so i figured i'd be a guineau pig and see how rbj's pvd coating compared to others provided on the board. this kind of stuff is what makes rep collecting interesting, right? anyways, i'll definitely post pictures as soon as i get the watch back... deltatahoe
  6. i know lots of people here only trust rbj as far as they could throw him, but as i said before, i should be getting back my 111h that i had him send off to be pvd coated sometime in the next week (this is the first i've dealt with joe, so it will be interesting to see how this turns out). if after seeing pictures the final product looks good, i'd be happy to ask him to inquire about the specifications of the bead blasting his person uses -- not sure if this would be helpful or not.... just offering it up if you're interested deltatahoe
  7. the watch boys have really nice alligator straps at a good price (click here for their ebay listing -- i think the chocolate alligator w/ white stitch would look good).... here's my 183h on watch boys gator: deltatahoe
  8. have you tried more cowbell?
  9. interesting. i would have guessed most would offer pvd. what are other end uses for pvd coatings? this makes me curious -- i wonder if the differences in pvd outcome (shine, sheen, etc) on watches have more to do with the bead blasting or the pvd coating what do you think? btw, the case that you provided the picture of looks well done to me. the fact that someone with a gen panerai sent theirs in to be bead blasted is a little puzzling to me, but to each his own, right? deltatahoe ps, i should be getting back my 111h that i sent off to be pvd'd by rbj sometime in the next week (fingers crossed). i'll post a review of my experience and pics as soon as i get it back....
  10. @chief, i'm curious -- shouldn't your pvd provider have bead blasting capabilities?
  11. looks really nice i'm wondering if he will eventually have a black dial/bezel tt version..... deltatahoe
  12. you have PM re: one of the second batch of ingy datewheels. thanks for all your efforts deltatahoe
  13. just a quick note to everyone -- i just PM'd pugwash with our order details for the group buy; thanks for your continued patience throughout this process. many thanks to pugwash in offering to ship the day/date wheels for us deltatahoe
  14. fantastic summary kenberg you get a gold medal for your efforts deltatahoe
  15. reads fine to me....you misspelled motivation in the second sentence though
  16. that's good stuff. it will be interesting to see how the iphone changes things (or not) over the next year or so....
  17. i was browsing on perfect clones today and saw a banner that pc was endorsed by repgeek.com; i clicked through out of curiosity and found lots of familiar names in the members list.... any history on this new board? aren't there enough boards already? i feel like a crotchety old man who doesn't like change. deltatahoe
  18. phew! if this turned out to be another mis-representation, i think there would be a total riot with some VERY angry customers (we thought the B&R situation was bad -- this watch cost at least 2x the B&R)
  19. shows what a VC noob i am..... regardless of what the cross looks like, i like it better than the new overseas versions hands down. are these still available, or are they a thing of the past? (it's funny how some of the older quality reps attain more status once they are no longer available) deltatahoe
  20. wow -- that is a looker somehow find a replacement for that cross and you're really close deltatahoe
  21. you guys are killing me. i bought the ti amg chrono ingy based on thomasng's glowing review, and was totally underwhelmed by it. then i came to my senses and realized that i should be deathly afraid of the movement (what have i done!! ), and sold it before it could die on me (the movement was running perfect when i sold it, but i still felt a little guilty selling it). but since i've sold it these ss non-chrono ingy's have really caught my eye -- especially the textured dial, and even more so with the prospect of double-sided AR. what a beauty deltatahoe
  22. just a shot in the dark, but i'm guessing this thread is a result of jumbie's most recent off topic thread
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