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Everything posted by Chronus

  1. I grew up with his music as well... one of the first things to get me into music! What a legacy to leave... it's granted him immortality. Did you know the Neptunes wrote the album that Justin Timberlake recorded for Michael Jackson... can you imagine him singing those songs? Would have been one hell of a comeback at that time!
  2. Hope you dont mind my asking, but what exactly do you do at work that requires that power ? And can I have one ?
  3. Both look great
  4. The Zigmeister seems to be the expert... Vacuum too. Hopefully they chime in. All I can do is wish you good luck!
  5. Yeah I know someone at work who had a ticket to the concert in London too...
  6. http://www.bbc.co.uk/go/homepage/d/int/brb...cas/8119951.stm
  7. I think Ubi should be the one writing this page http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rolex_Daytona
  8. Josh's website says steel, another dealer I've enquired with says it's titanium, so we may be ok... hopefully Lani will confirm it for all of us Josh's site link: http://www.jpc8118.com/00000000000iwp10001...750-p-5690.html Clearly says:
  9. I would recommend Rolex, they have the best and most exact Daytonas, but there's a waiting list for the all-steel examples.
  10. Beautiful and informative write-up This should get people like me off your back asking about this watch
  11. Hey, I found this page: http://watches.infoniac.com/index.php?page=post&id=5 I know it's the other Top Gun watch, but it says: I'm just wondering, should this one also have a titanium caseback? My biased guess would be yes (preferring titanium personally) as the "operating elements" (crown, pushers) are titanium. The dealer website says the caseback is steel
  12. I'd be the same if I didn't like the titanium version so much more
  13. Great post, Dakatana
  14. Look up member Bricciola, who is in EU. Has rave reviews from longtime members like Yellowmen. There is a thread about him as well. The Zigmeister has mentioned many times he's never had problems with customs as well, so you have 2 options.
  15. PS. This post was never aimed at The Zigmeister, as I have no idea if anyone else does this sort of relumes either (Vacuum?), so please, no one take it like that (or use the topic in that way)! It was a genuine question after always seeing macro shots the relumed watch and trying to ascertain a real-life view of it. This place is all about learning and asking questions, and I feel I've learned here Quite a few people have answered and I thank you all for that
  16. I really don't know where the patience to do that comes from... I know I couldn't
  17. Thanks for the input Looks like I may need to get mine done
  18. That's a macro shot, but that is one where I don't see any bumps ? I know The Zigmeister is human ... or is he...? Is he the Stig? (note to Zigg and others from the Americas: The Stig is in a TV show here called "Top Gear", where he is an uber-race car driver and seen as not human and robotic... recently revealed to be Michael Schumacher... and then not)
  19. This is what I was trying to find out. Thanks!
  20. I like that Cousteau, but that wood insert/sticker was annoying.. how did you get that done?
  21. Thanks, that's what I was getting at, whether it's a result of the macro shots or not, and how it would look on the wrist. It's always difficult to tell without seeing it in person, and I was hoping those who had it done would give meaningful input Thanks for the reply I know reluming is not easy, and I'm amazed at the results. Just want to say this was not a shot at your reluming abilities at all, more my own OCD at looking at magnified pictures and wondering how the real thing would be! Thanks for chiming in with your view, as always
  22. I guess the stitching colour is to signify the colours of the Indian flag? That's what a guy at work said when he saw the pic of the watch. Do the straps normally come with that case?
  23. I think you should ask docblackrock for his This was a great and informative review I'd ignored the later models and looks like a good thing. They weren't as good as the early ones. There were so few made that very few people will have seen the real thing in person. I remember there was one version modded by Finepics which had the gold parts on the movement... he'd taken the time to put that in.
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