I needed 3 watches to watch the Liverpool - West Ham FA Cup final
Left wrist: Breitling Avenger Seawolf Titanium (diver's extension deployed)
Left wrist: RXW Plasmir Milgraph 7750
Right wrist: PAM029 on metal bracelet
It's true PAM192s may be out of production soon... but POs will still be around.
With the PO I prefer the orange bezel with the orange band... stands out
And it goes with my Cruyff 14 Holland shirt
Nice one.
I didn't know I wore a Panerai because of Russell Crowe... I thought it was because of kruzer, finepics and highflyingclive
I was the same as you to begin with. Panerais looked ugly.
Then I got one for myself and now getting too many.
Paneritis takes hold and the bank balance is over!
PAM stands for PAnerai Model (the first two letters of the first word, and the first letter of the second).