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Everything posted by Chronus

  1. Pug - which branded dual-layer DVDs do you use? I tend to stick to Taiyo Yuden for CDs, Taiyos or Taiyo-dye Verbatims for DVDs but have never tried dual-layers. Never had a problem with degrading discs since I started getting Taiyo Yuden - I think they were one of the first to make CD-Rs and were always known as top quality, I did a lot of research at the time and found them so much better than Ridisc, Ritek (which have improved a lot since then0, Prodisc, CMC, etc. I was thinking of Verbatims but they arent cheap and use the MKM dye. I figured they arent *too* much more than single layer and I need the space saving as well as backing up all my junk! If dual-layer really isn't that great I'll stay away, or even consider a Blu Ray writer... 25gb would save me space... I have over 2TB in hard disks for 2 computers and NAS now I think. PS. Slay - sorry I can't help you, I don't have it.
  2. That's the main point Dani and DocBlackRock were making as well... And also that working late and drinking Red Bull does not help you concentrate... like right now, I am writing on here instead of sorting out this mess at work! Everybody else has gone home a couple hours ago...
  3. Sorry all, I was at work and tired, and should have highlighted the "lack of data" part in docblackrock's quote (and probably not posted the first link i found!). It was more a general thing about the danger of rep mobile phones, with no proper QC or standards, and the rush to cut costs to produce the most superficially accurate phone, who knows what it could be emitting.
  4. I find most people upgrade their phones every 1-2 years so an expensive one really DOES become expensive, while watches can be for life
  5. PS. this is not a shot at anyone (especially sql_pl as he is not making any profit!) but more for informative reasons. I had never thought about the Faraday cage effect when using mobile phones, but it's pretty much common sense, I should have realised earlier!
  6. I think this deserves a topic of it's own as it is bigger than the topic of one branded rep phone (which Dani is referring to). These quotes are from that thread and include information on the dangers of using rep phones as well as genuine mobile phones in cars.
  7. Didn't he have the woman in the hotel who was supposed to turn him around at the airport? And he was smart enough to know Russian (the character, I know the actress is Ukrainian) women aren't worth the bother, they'll suck your wallet dry before you're done Going to Bolivia, they needed a character called Alejandro Sosa in Cochabamba
  8. Some info on the Faraday cage effect when using a mobile phone in the car. It's pretty obvious really isn't it? http://www.rfsafe.com/research/rf_radiatio...y_cage_cars.htm
  9. Great ot get a proper opinion on this issue... I'd never thought of the Faraday cage effect on using phones in a car... i blame mobile phone use for my failing memory ... and I'm not sure if I'm joking there! Great to see you around too
  10. Read some of the other posts which details what functions are available as well as some IMEIs being blacklisted (but I think someone found a way around this). The Vertu range is owned by Nokia and uses Symbian I believe. The rep uses a Chinese-made OS which is different in some instances. And of course the "concierge" button won't behave the same way as it is a rep. Do not expect the same experience to the genuine - it is after all a rep, and they have to cut costs to be able to produce these at a cheaper price (eg. lower megapixel camera etc). Don't forget the genuine hardly has the most fully-featured functionality, but then purchasers of the genuine have no need for GPS as they have a driver for that Think of it like the PAM212 which is a great rep but not perfect - it doesn't replicate the flyback functionality, but it doesn't stop fans purchasing it. This rep will be close looks-wise, and it seems many purchasers have been happy. Personally, the biggest worry would be radiation emissions, exploding China-made batteries (I would buy a genuine battery if I got the rep just in case!)... and general lack of QC could have more effects healthwise than a rep watch could. sql_pl puts his money where his mouth is - I believe this is his regular phone, so if you like it, and it's good enough for him, you'll probably be happy too
  11. That's why I can't see myself buying a phone rep.. but it seems there are enough who aren't worried about this issue.
  12. Here's a new Motorola... Eye-hurting Motorola MING A1600 Gold Edition emerges
  13. There's gotta be some truth in that. There's a TV show that's started here yesterday called "Survivors" (i think maybe a remake of an older series) that has the basic premise that a worldwide flu pandemic has wiped out 90% of the world and people have to learn how to live in the real world... where natural selection no doubt rules!
  14. I find that common sense is uncommon.
  15. I guess they must make a lot in the US as a nurse.... It also says she's a reverend that gives spiritual guidance? Must be skimming off the collection every weekend...
  16. I want to know what job she does that she only needs 3-4 years to recoup the $400,000 she gave to the scammers... I need a job like that.!
  17. Yeah along with those that believe some dealers "waterproof" their watches for a fee
  18. I can't believe this.... pure greed.... a reverend too. I guess it takes blind faith to believe you'll get something back This woman sent Nigerian scam artists $400,000 Perhaps someone like Dr. sssurfer can explain the compulsive mentality that is needed to continue with this. It reminds me of gambling... betting bigger and bigger on the off chance of winning and off-setting all the big losses.
  19. There have been a couple of times I couldn't wolf down the food as I normally would. One was a lamb phall curry for the first time in Brick Lane.. that one had me pausing between spoonfuls and savouring the rarely intense burning sensation in the mouth. There was an Austrian guy who took a pinch of the gravy and his face went red lol. The other time was some special chilli my mother got. I think it originates from Bangladesh. I could take a pinch and it would burn my mouth. She wouldn't tell me where it came from so I couldn't buy any more. She's always saying I'll get an ulcer. A cheap substitute is Encona Extra Hot Pepper sauce... but I go through half a bottle or more just to get a mild kick I think I tried those Caribbean peppers before.. they were nice I think I prefer chillis to get the sting though, peppers don't quite get me as much or taste the same
  20. Not everything will be upto the standards of the genuine (see the Vertu reps) such as camera megapixel count, operating system, different materials used to genuine etc. They'll be close, especially superficially, but don't expect *all* of the functionality of the genuine (not that the genuine had *that* many features compared to Nokia N82/96, Blackberries, HTCs, Samsung Omnia, LG Viewty, and yes even the iPhone). I would also recommend purchasing a genuine battery as the chinese-made ones have been known to blow up... genuine batteries are not too expensive luckily Good luck on your purchase and hope to see some reviews
  21. Any physical activity will release endorphins and make you feel good. Once you get confident, try a little salsa, the buzz from nailing a complex move or with a bunch of spins is just great And don't forget it's good exercise too
  22. LOL! I can't help laughing! What is your definition of spicy (if I may go off on a tangent for a second)? I eat spicy food everyday... it's normal for me to get 10-12 red or green chillis and chop it up and put it in my food. Today I had lots of tabasco sauce at lunchtime along with some kofte kebab/meatballs and rice, but the tabasco sauce isn't spicy at all (to me), it's more for the flavour, even though I doused the rice with it Back to dancing... the trick is not to worry about how you look...there's always someone worse than you. If you are worried, just copy what the next guy is doing and you won't stand out. I am the most self-conscious shy guy you'll ever meet, but come to a club, I love to get on a dance floor (and I don't need a drink)... it's just fun... I was a basketballer and saw it as more exercise, which I always love... and then when it comes to grinding...... well I'll leave it at that RG - you'll do fine, just enjoy it (sounds like you already are). And hopefully it doesn't happen, but if you are (for whatever reason) single again, dancing and dance classes are an easy way to meet a woman. (as long as you aren't super-shy like me of course!)
  23. Great article... explained what's going on to me. The only part I am not sure about today (seemed ok yesterday) was how the banks were creating these phantom bonds out of thin air when they were laying side bets to short the market?
  24. The "shaky action cam" definitely won't be good for those with LCD TVs once the Blu Ray is released. I agree with the feeling that there wasn't enough, I felt the same thing, and when it ended, I was a little surprised as I expected more. It felt like half a movie, kinda like how Pirates of the Caribbean 2 was left open for the 3rd. I hope this isn't the way movies will go... (in terms of endings).
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