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Everything posted by Chronus

  1. Link to the review of the latest MBW watch: http://www.mobileburn.com/review.jsp?Id=5203
  2. Weird... that article is dated June... perhaps Apple is the hold-up with their approval process? I agree. At some point they'll start to use it properly so that the games are fun as well as being a gimmick, which is how the early ones tend to be. Obviously it's different to the Wii as you are hardly going to swing your phone in a game of tennis because you won't be able to see what's going on With the credit crunching, will anyone be able to buy anything once it's utilized properly ? I can't believe sterling has dropped from about 1 GBP = USD$2 to around 1GBP = USD$ 1.47
  3. Regarding the accelerometer, phones from Samsung and Nokia are using it for simple things like tap the screen twice to silence the ring tone, or turn the phone over etc And coverflow is great to show off (as the adverts show).
  4. Yes that is coverflow - it's on iTunes too (Apple Safari browser decided that was a necessary upgrade for my PC... I've since deleted iTunes, don't need it at all). I go through the artist/song list as well on my phone(s) and am happy going through that way. As with all mp3 players, you need properly done ID3 tags (a pain when you are ripping hundreds from vinyl etc) I'll have to have a look at that.. I don't understand how the mp3 function would integrate elsewhere? Unless you download an mp3 and it automatically goes to the mp3 player? Which I think most phones do as it is...? A lot of the higher end (scratch that, things like Vertu won't have it!) smart phones being released have this as well. It's using an accelerometer which can tell the orientation of your phone etc. Kind of like the Wiimote. The Nokia N95 was the first to use it I think, and that's almost 2 years ago! I remember seeing a "lightsabre" app on the N95 so you wave the phone around like a lightsabre and it makes all the relevant noises etc. I know my N82 has this as well (screen rotates when you wiew landscape/portrait by default). The N96 has it. The new Blackberry Storm has it etc etc I'm sure it's only a matter of time before the 3G version has TomTom available for it... too much money to be made
  5. No one woke up so any weaponry would have been of no use in this case. I hope your Missus doesn't cram that up there .... it really would justify it's name of The Intruder Hmmm... why do you know of this site already ? (yes the last comment is a joke!)
  6. There should be no need to look on the positive as this should not happen! I'm sure if Slay had caught them, his training would have taken over and they would have got what they deserve. Hopefully your cellphone wasn't stolen along with the PS3 (but that's probably near you when you're asleep I guess). Try reporting the MAC address but unless they are stupid, they would probably replace that cheaply. Good luck!
  7. And yes I was representing RWG with the uPO
  8. I saw it last night. Decent Bond movie... but not as good as the last one. Felt me wanting more... they kept alluding to an organisation but even when the bad guy gives it up they don't reveal who... I kept thinking this was just half the movie... next one will probably expand on it. I'm guessing SMERSH or SPECTRE [or Cobra ] or whoever it was in the old movies. It just felt unfinished in the way Pirates of the Caribbean did... otherwise it was a decent enough chase movie.
  9. I think that's the rival show on Channel 5 here or something... where are you at?
  10. I run Garmin on my N82... didn't know TomTom was finally out
  11. I thought long and hard about getting the iPhone but there are too many things it can't do that I'd want it to do. I have a Nokia N82 and ended up getting a Blackberry Bold which takes care of messaging/internet/GPS and everything I want to do apart from taking photos (N82 is great for that - pretty much the N95 in candybar form with xenon flash, more RAM, and more reliable). The Bold will be able to download the Qur'an (though I have no compunction to download religious texts/audio). I admit the N82 does just about everything already, I should have just got a bluetooth keyboard and use the TV out on my PC monitor Even has FlashLite support for websites! There is also an mp3 app called "miutunes" that does the coverflow method, as well as another one called FlipSide which does a similar job. I'm happy with the stock media players on both the N82 and the Bold. Coverflow is cr*p unless you spend time getting the covers, and a lot of my stuff is ripped from the original CDs or vinyl, so it's a chore getting covers etc. I found a program called Tag + Rename that does a good job with ID3 tags and adding covers, but hey, the phone is usually in my pocket when listening to songs, the covers (which show on both phones) took too much effort to find (anyone got a scan of the vinyl covers for DJ Premier's Unlreased Instrumentals?). Storage is no problem with hot-swappable 16gb Sandisk microSDHC cards, giving me 17gb in total. 32gb cards on the way too DivX and XviD support is great too, as well as the push email for 10 email accounts Internet works well with the default browser and Opera is there too as well. Copy and paste is definitely invaluable... I couldn't do without that! Loads of apps for both phones.... all instant messaging using push is great (but sucks the battery power, or maybe it's just a weak signal here! Weak signals will suck battery power of any phone). Anyway you get what you are comfortable with and what will do what you want it to do. I'm not sure touchscreen phones are for me. The iPhone almost tempted me, but I'm very happy with the Bold and N82 (wish they'd combine it though ). The only new touchscreen that is tempting is the Blackberry Storm which apparently feels like typing on a real keyboard as you have to push the screen in and click it... supposedly almost as fast to type on as the Bold.
  12. I had the same experience at university as well, though that was towards the end of the 90s/start of this century... didn't like it either then, and not prepared to spend the money to find out. I should visit my brother more often and try it out I have no problem if it is a superior product... but I like tinkering with the insides etc I doubt my brother would let me do that though I should see if it connects to my Thecus RAID array though, cos that would be a deal-breaker. Hey what am I saying, I don't intend on buying a new computer for a while! Apart from my brother, I have a few other friends who didn't like the Mac experience. One of them is an astrophysicist who hated it... but Pug is right, you have to try for yourself first.
  13. A guy at work saw it a week or 2 ago and said he wasn't impressed... nowhere near as good as Casino Royale was his verdict... and the reviewers here, they say it's trying to be too much like Ludlum's Bourne. I'll still go see it, probably tonight I was hoping to see it at iMax, but couldn't find it on their listings... I saw Batman there (the 2nd time) and it was good on that screen. They still have Batman on for anyone in London.
  14. Chronus


    And I like Panerai But they aren't pokemon and I won't catch 'em all
  15. Chronus


    Got a link for this ? I hadn't seen it yet... and not sure which model it is on the website... not the 5000T at least...!
  16. Chronus


    Sounds like everyone's copying Panerai's strategy
  17. Now that'll really set off the Apple fanatics To be fair, until the Blackberry Storm, the iPhone appears to have been the best non-multitasking touchscreen phone, with best resolution screen but as with everything, technology moves quickly and there are higher resolution screens out etc.
  18. My sister works in marketing and did her masters at LSE where she did a project on the cult of Apple and the iPod. She says there are better devices out there but Apple's marketing make it a lifestyle and "cool" choice to go with their stuff. At the moment she is working with new technology and still maintains her conclusions are correct. She now uses a different branded mp3 player (and not her phone).
  19. Thanks, I'll check it out when I get home from work (probably 11pm again).
  20. Please be very careful... a friend of mine seems to be mutating into a compulsive gambler who won't go out anywhere but the casino anymore... He only plays poker, and has been to Vegas twice this year already and it wouldn't surprise me if he goes for New Year's too. He seems to hang around with poker buddies he's met there. he's told me sometimes he's made losses as well as wins. he always says he is around even but I can't believe it. Sometimes he's down a few thousand, but I have a feeling it could be quite a bit. He was uncontactable for a week after a bad day once. He's lucky he lives at home with no rent or bills to pay apart from his car. So be very very careful. Another friend of mine says that it starts with the rush of a big win... then you always want to recreate that and bet higher and higher, until it stops being about the money and it's just about getting that high... just like drugs. The guy is a psychotherapist who was a compulsive gambler up until a year or two ago. It took him years to quit. Now he wants all betting shops and casinos banned. (Of course this doesn't happen to everyone... but if you ever feel that urge, just stop and quit it altogether). One guy we both know fled the country from the loan sharks... only came back recently afte 6 months or so away. He would bet on NHL games without knowing anything about it, just cos he liked the name and needed to gamble. He still hasn't been able to kick the habit. If you decide to get into online poker (and that is a lot better than other forms of gambling, but is still gambling!) make sure you do what you did when you joined RWG .... read read read There are books by the top poker players out there that you can read as well... some strategies will only apply when you are betting with certain levels of money as well, so don't expect it will work in every situation (eg. someone is more likely to risk his 20 pence than his 20k on the off-chance). Don't forget, for all the big-time winners, there's a bunch of losers who must donate their money to these winnings... Good luck! And good luck to jfreeman (great story by the way) ... he's the poker expert around here
  21. Missed it again That's what happens when you don't own your own TV
  22. Exactly.... you've written what I wanted to say in a way that is readable! Sensible consumer lending coupled with interbank and business lending is what is needed at the moment. At least there are no more 125% mortgages around....
  23. This is a very interesting thread... Chieftang, Kruzer and RobbieG's comments are interesting to read, (as well as others of course!). Where can I find out about the mathematics to the quantitative finance? That kind of thing interests me... mathematical things have always interested me... The interest rate in the UK was reduced by 1.5 % last week with the government urging the banks to pass this on to customers. Some have and some have not. Too many people keep thinking it's all about mortgages. I'm not sure if that was what the government want (great for electioneering though), I thought it would be more important that small businesses have enough cash flow just to pay workers backed against future income. Most are short-term loans/overdrafts, but the lack of lending has caused some of the increase in unemployment. There have been reports of 50,000 laid off, and I personally know a few people finding it tough to find new jobs despite being highly qualified and/or experienced in the jobs they are looking for. Another thing to remember is that there is talk that the US could slash interest rates to 0%, but this had negligible effect in Japan when they tried this Anyway, I'm rambling now with my amateur thoughts! I thought the same thing as others mentioned when the interest rates were slashed - we don't need MORE lending! And definitely not the 2007 levels as the government is encouraging. Cheap credit is the last thing needed now, and penalises those who have saved, or have pensions. And we don't need the inflated house prices propped up. It needs to get back to the more realistic 3x earnings (or less hopefully). When you need to have a wage of GBP 60k+ to borrow 5 times your earnings and still only be able to get an average apartment in an average area, there are clearly problems with the house prices. The last thing we need are more numbers on non-existent paper fuelling more and more spending... Personally, I can't understand people who will re-mortgage their homes to fund buying cars, TVs, holidays etc. A friend at work was told (last year) he was being stupid and too cautious by not re-mortgaging his home to fund buying 3 or 4 houses on a by-to-let business. His caution has been vindicated now though... the other guy is still saving to own his first home. Anyway, I look forward to more informative comments from everyone!
  24. My brother got a Mac for home and loves it, but all he does is check email and browse internet and not too much else... He loves it though. It's too high a price for me though, but then the newest PC I'm running is about 3 years old and runs the games I throw at it, MS Visual Studio, DJ software etc... It all depends on your budget and what you want to do with it. If you are looking at a laptop, and just for browsing/emailing, have you seen the Asus eePCs? I think there are linux versions with solid state hard drives for around 200-300 pounds that will do the job, and be cheaper. Personally, i am not bothered if the computer looks nice or not, as long as it does what I want it to do.
  25. If you like hip-hop, anything produced by DJ Premier... I stopped the trance for a bit and switched to a collection of songs by him and remember why I fell in love with the music again.... Just a few of them here: Group Home - Livin Proof J-Live - The Best Part Lord Finesse - Track the Movement O.C. - My World Royce Da 5'9" - My Friend Mos Def - Mathematics Sauce Money - Against the Grain Skam, 45 2 Life, and Akira - Black Label Ras Kass - Goldyn Child (Remix) Sonja Blade - Look For The Name Freshco - Planet Brooklyn All City - The Actual Big L - Ebonics (Remix) M.O.P. - Rugged Neva Smoove Boss - Driveby (Remix) Notorious B.I.G. - Big Machine Gun Funk (Remix) NYG'z - Strength Bahamadia - Three Da Hard Way Afu-Ra ft. Ky-mani - Equality DJ Premier - In Deep Concentration Afu-Ra ft. RZA - Big Acts Little Acts (Remix) A.G. ft. Gangstarr & O.C. - Weed Scented Brand New Heavies & Gangstarr - It's Getting Hectic
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