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Everything posted by Chronus

  1. Stilty: My N82 has always been able to open up Excel, Word and PDF files, so that's nothing new. Of course it won't look as good though. I haven't tried Google Maps on it yet, as Nokia Maps is pretty good, and I have Garmin XT installed with voice directions, which works really well. Gotta say GPS really likes to suck the juice out of the battery! I use bluetooth quite a bit too... sending ringtones/business cards/mp3s/games/photos I've just taken etc right there and then. Not everyone has email on their phone, and not everyone has yahoo mail (which does push mail for every device). With the Push email, is it just like a Blackberry, so you can have multiple accounts like all your hotmail, gmail, hushmail, your home internet address, your mobile phone company address etc and it arrives instantly? And of course work email if you want... if so that is pretty good and takes away an advantage Blackberry has had over everyone for so long! Does it have an Apple Messenger like Blackberry Messenger too? How does the touchscreen scrolling work ? My brother speed reads and tells me his BB Pearl is perfect as he can constantly scroll (he used to read 24-30 books a week as a kid, books the size of Lord of the Rings... so he really reads quickly... and retains everything he reads!). Do they have scroll bars on the side like windows? And you can just press on the down arrow and it slowly/quickly (depending on what you set it as) scrolls for you? That would be pretty good for reading long papers and everything Phoband: Have you seen the HTC Touch Pro HD? That has a higher resolution (480 x 800 pixels) and a bigger screen (3.8 inches)... but then it is "blessed" with Windows Mobile... I think the BB will do well ... I know people at work who have BBs as their personal phone that they bought themselves and love them. I think they are trying to go consumer as well as business. The memory card thing... well I find it a lot quicker to transfer things using a memory card reader... you can still play around with the phone browsing etc while you transfer stuff via the memory card reader. 32gb cards will only be around the corner too. I remember when I used to think a 512mb hard drive was big... so it doesn't hurt to have the option of expandability or hot-swapability. Just in terms of music, I have over 3000 cds and vinyl records (I used to be a DJ) so I could easily fill up the space and then some. Normally I'd want space for taking pictures, but the camera is so poor on the iphone, I guess that won't be an issue, but for the N82 it IS a big deal. I've recorded lots of videos (640x480) and taken lots of photos (5MP) so having 32gb would definitely be useful. I usually have 2 memory cards around so I can swap one out when I want... I may fill one with music and the other with videos and leave enough space for photos (and delete albums or movies before recording video). And BBC iPlayer is available on the Nokia N-series phones now I guess Apple have done it this way so that fans will go and buy any new ones with even more on-board storage, much like iPods ramped up storage space over the years. iPhone being such a great internet browsing device, I have a tendency to copy the webpage address and send it on to people... I can't think of an easier way than copy and paste... or just copying and pasting things from the body of a page as a quote or from an email that's been sent to me etc. but especially for large passages of text. =========================================================== Things will get interesting in the coming year... how will the credit crunch hit? Perhaps Apple will make the phone *I* want... but I'm not the mass market! The BB Storm has a few minor things missing as well so that may not be the right thing. I think it's the closest to what I'm looking for but there are still things I'd want. Only way this N82 gets replaced is if a similar 5MP camera with xenon flash appears on a BB or Apple phone... I can't see them doing it though Samsung are on 8MP but have Windows Mobile Where can I borrow an iPhone so I can see over the space of a few days if it is really for me ? That is the only way I'll know... but I don't want to do it by having to actually pay for it just in case I'm not happy with it. Hmmmm seems like I've written a lot again!
  2. It is an exclusive and uniqued design so I think it will still have it's rich customers - after all, non of the riff-raff will be able to get one
  3. And I reckon, Apple'll release a new phone soon enough. 3rd time lucky... it may do everything by then. Still excited with this Storm release though... probably won't even get one, but it's the only thing that looks like competition, and competition is always good
  4. I REALLY don't want Windows Mobile... it's kept me away from the Sony Ericsson Xperia, the HTC Touch Pro HD etc I've gotta say I've been happy with how the music is on the SE Walkman phones and the Nokia N-series. I'm surprised you haven't tried the N96 yet.. that has a mobile TV tuner on board Sadly, won't work in the UK as it is DVB-H rather than DVB-T (I think). I asked a couple of friends who have had the iphone for the best part of the year and they say the biggest problem for them is they don't like typing on it... but that is just personal preference I guess. They never use it for emailing anymore and I hardly ever get any text messages from them nowadays either, which, come to think of it, is strange. They always used to forward lots of SMS jokes... hmmmm weird
  5. I thought it'd work for me too... and I really wanted it to, as well... but there are too many little things that add up that just won't work for me. Biggest things are lack of memory cards, lack of multi-tasking, push email, and i need copy and paste (kinda strange the inventors of that didn't implement it). Other things I have taken for granted over the years are sending and receiving files via bluetooth. Also, I refuse to use itunes. I have no need for it.... if you could use it as a mass storage device via USB perhaps it wouldn't have been so bad for me. I've got a huge list of things that put me off it though I did look at the tariffs as well, and wasn't happy with them... it works out to a lot! I could get the Blackberry Bold sim-unlocked and get a better tariff for less! It's pretty much little things for everyone I guess but it all adds up. My first ever smartphone was at the start of this year with the Nokia N82 and it's great. I guess the only thing I really need added on that is a keyboard so perhaps the E71 is what I should be looking at. It has native FlashLite support (so full version of YouTube). I could always get a bluetooth keyboard too... you could probably get one for your iphone too I've kept up with all the stuff on the upcoming Storm and that looks the closest thing that may work for me. But agtain, I'm really not sure if touchscreens are for me... I need tactile feedback!
  6. LOL only problem with repping these relatively basic phones (for the current day and age), they still don't replicate the OS for some reason. I have no idea what is the difficulty with doing that. Perhaps using cheap internal components that can't handle it ? And a dud OS is not the same as not having a flyback on a 212 ... that's a function that most people with genuines may not even use! I'm sure these phones will get repped superficially at least
  7. They've done well... still don't think touchscreens are for me... perhaps the Storm with the ClickThrough screen will do it... but maybe not. My sister did her dissertation in her MSc about Apple's marketing, they truly are marketing genius! Doesn't matter how good (or bad) a product is, without the right marketing, they won't sell this many...
  8. You could rent it and see if you still like it.
  9. I always thought of the iPhone as a fashion statement, but at least it has some funcitonality... These are the "high end" (in terms of style and materials used rather than operatability) phones coming out. Motorola are releasing their premium phone range soon... a lot of familiarity for us watch fans. "The assisted-opening blade mechanism with a Swiss-crafted main bearing is another construction highlight of the swivel handset." "The Motorola Aura surface has a protective PVD coating and mirror polish finish (purportedly the same as the ones of luxury watches). " It does actually look interesting... but it's $2,000: http://www.gsmarena.com/luxurious_motorola...00-news-638.php Mobiado release 3 expensive phones. "The 105EM Special Edition White of the Mobiado will be have a body made of burl wood inserted into a nickel-plated brass frame (dermatitis, anyone?). The screws are made of titanium and the buttons are made of pure sapphire crystal, hand painted with silver paint." "The Red special edition is too made of burl wood but unlike the white one its brass frame is 24K gold plated and so are the brass screws. The buttons of the 105EM Special Edition Red are made of sapphire crystal, hand painted with 24-karat gold." "The new Mobiado 105CLB has been crafted from large pieces of sapphire crystal and printed from beneath with the silver Mobiado monogram. Its frame is manufactured from aircraft aluminum, polished and then again nickel plated. The unique battery cover is made of a single piece of sapphire crystal." http://www.gsmarena.com/mobiado_releases_t...ch-news-637.php And here's a review of the Nokia Carbon Arte 8800: http://www.gsmarena.com/nokia_8800_carbon_...-review-284.php For those that want to say "I am rich" without opening their mouths, flash these phones around... the downside is that they don't have as much functionality as many low-end handsets you can get with the usual firms like Nokia, Samsung, Sony Ericsson, LG etc. Until they get at least the functionality of N or E series Symbian phones on Nokia, these will pretty much be hamstrung for me. Then again, if I could afford one of these phones, I wouldn't need a lot of those functions, I'd probably have a personal assistant (or two) to take care of everything.
  10. My brother used to do that to everyone.. it was never fun playing against him... he'd always play it enough that he'd find all the little tricks and things you could do to get guaranteed goals...
  11. That's ok with your gf... but don't always be chivalrous... my sister would hustle you If she goes to a friend's place and they have it there, they think she doesn't know anything about football and play her... they change their mind after getting thrashed! She's a Spurs fan and goes to quite a few games, but is quite a girly girl and most guys would say good looking too so I guess that's unexpected ! Keep everyone posted on how this one goes.... I'll have to try it at some point... I still want to try the new Colonization game (ah the original brings back memories )
  12. I've always used keyboard too - still undefeated on keyboard with Street Fighter Dragon punches are so much easier! Zangief's piledriver is very difficult though, but I rarely use him. I have a gamepad convertor somewhere ... I think the one I got for the BlueShark pad (for things like In The Groove) will probably work with my PS2 pad. I only got the PS2 at the start of the year though... waited for the price to drop My brother was too good on PS1 Pro Evo ... him and my sister on the same team were unbeatable!
  13. and i've seen 3 different sizes for this ... 7gb, 3.71gb and around 1.45gb no idea which is best... though by-tor has tested his one
  14. Thanks... I havent played PES since PS2 days ... and even then sparingly with no time available May have to try this one out... What controller do you use on the PC versions ? I have an arcade stick with all Japanese components that I use for games like Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo, Marvel Superheroes and all those old arcade games...
  15. I've already got ... well a friend has ... matches of Holland from the '74 and '78 World Cups on DVD... he is a huge fan of Cruijff. He got them from eBay.
  16. Thanks for that! I'll definitely check it out this week
  17. great stereotypes, and yes that is what many people think of Americans outside America ! Happy thanksgiving to all the warm Canadians here
  18. If they could merge the features of the N82 with the Bold or the Storm, that would pretty much be the perfect phone for me right now... N82 has the great camera and xenon flash as well as other things like SIP, RealPlayer, FlashLite web support, etc (and if you don't have these free programs, get Mobitubia to play YouTube videos, and Fring to make VOIP calls!). Texting is fine with the N82 but a QWERTY keyboard is always easier If I got this Storm, the N82 would still be with me, I'll need it for the camera and other functions (pdf viewing etc, ok i know there is the free BeamReader on Blackberry, but that is in beta and limited til Oct 31 at the moment).
  19. Of course if you are going to stick around on T-Mobile, I have no idea how good it is there, but if you are happy with it, no problem
  20. Verizon's 3G coverage is supposed to be the best in the US, so you shouldn't have problems getting onto websites there. I've heard the iPhone (and unreleased Blackberry Bold) on AT&T have had numerous problems because of the awful coverage. Apparently there is poor coverage in such a major city as New York! Wi-fi is definitely a must on that network, by the sounds of things! I haven't seen anywhere list that the Storm can natively play DivX and XviD like the Bold does... anyone hear anything on that?
  21. There are also rumours that Verizon (USA) didn't want WiFi as they have no WiFi network of their own. Doesn't make sense to me, but perhaps they charge people once their 5gb limit is used up ? It's a phone that can be used virtually everywhere in the world and apparently has a dual processor... but I would still have added the option of wifi.
  22. I have a feel you're right though the option would be nice. I'm surprised at how many people don't switch off auto wi-fi search and then complain their battery doesn't last... you DON'T need wi-fi and bluetooth turned on 24/7 ! I tend to use wifi at home to load stuff on, never got to try it out and about though.
  23. I agree with Pug, I'm in a similar situation... I've never had shares or a pension either. I just hope house prices really drop so I can get my own place someday...
  24. I read that you can type as fast as a normal phone qwerty keyboard so that looks very promising. I think I'll have to try it out in the shop and see how good it is
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