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Everything posted by b16a2

  1. Completely understandable. As you have stated, both here and on the other topic people have had bad dealings, and therefore it would affect the community as a whole, therefore they don't deserve to be part of it (in a nutshell) One point I would like to put across here (and in fact I agree with most of your points on the other topic, which we shall not delve into, blimey that would be a can of worms haha) is that I feel that in this case there are genuine mitigating factors that affected the charateristics of Mark. He wasn't thinking straight. Now obviously the acts were done, and therefore the bad circumstances that Mark found himself in are mitigating factors, and it doesn't take away the fact that people lost out, but I would personally draw a clear line between people who have an intent to scam (as there was suggested in the dare I say it 'cartel threads') and the situation here, where things got out of hand, and the wrong action was taken, and a few people lost out. I cannot, and will not speak on the behalf of Mark, but I am certain he will fix things as best he can. This should not be construed as an act to win back any titles, but it should be construed as evidence he is genuine, and he is trying to make amends where appropriate.
  2. @ the forum. When I stated I didnt want anyone disecting my post, I meant it in the sense that I didn't want for it to become a back and forth discussion of our opinions. I cant change peoples opinions on this matter, but I can help towards a fuller judgement on the topic. However, if someone has a genuine reply to a statement I have made, then obviously who am I to plead a immunity to replies that are different to mine.
  3. Dear all. Teejay I am not singling out your post here, just the l;ast one, and a an appropriate one to reply to, as a general one to reply to them all. Firstly, in September of 2006, I sent a watch to Mark. Communication suffered, I didnt see my watch again for a period of many months. So like many of you, I was suspicious. However, I like to think that I am a good judge of character, and when we did speak during that time period, although few and far between at times, Mark was honest with me, I have no questions about it. He genuinely was going throuigh a bad patch. I am not going to analyse what should have been done, what did happen, we can all draw conclusions, and Mark himself has replied with his reasons. I say, take them or leave them,l I will however say they are genuine reasons (Im not saying it makes everything alright, but they are genuine) Secondly, I am in no way affiliated with Mark. I am a friend of his, and got to know him through the board, over the phone, and met with him once face to face. I haven't got any monetary interest (meaning that I dont have a reason for putting a good word forward other than what I sincerely feel), I am doing so because I know he is genuine. Some might say a Leopard doesn't change his spots. But what spots are we attributing to Mark. Are we saying because of the past year, some people had bad dealings, and therefore he is an untrustworthy person. Or should we look, in reflection, at the fabulous work he had done over the years previously to this. Thirdly, risti's are anal (stereotypically) do you think they would even consider cutting costs to send it to a third party, when they can send it to an AD and have the quality Panerai technicians do it? I believe Mark is on that board to help people out. To spot reps. We do it here, in our own scam and auction section. We are speculating too much on things that just won't happen. Fair enough, beware of Mark if you believe he is a scammer, but I want you to know, I dont suffer fools gladly, and Mark is no scammer. If he was he wouldn't be back here today. By his own submission, some mistakes were made. Bad patch in his life = bad dealings which he has shown remorse for. This isn't the attitude of a scammer. Far from it. Fourthly, I want you to read this as my view and my view only. I cannot delve into Marks mind, because if I could do that, I wouldn't be training to be a lawyer, I would be making millions telling fortunes to people, but I have given an account of how I see things. Fifthly, please don't dissect my post and repsond to it in this way. It is merely a post that is for you all, and is meant to be used as a piece to put in the jigsaw. For some it will mean nothing at all, you have views set in stone. For others ewho didn't deal with Mark, and are forming judgements based n the 'bad press', here is something for you to consider. It is my account of my dealings with Mark, and my account of how I value him as a friend. Best Wishes to you all. b16a2
  4. If you are looking for a 127, check out Angus' new offering, I have just bought one, and waiting for it to be delivered, fot the price it is one hell of a watch! Not to say DSN's are inferior, I had a 005 from him which was sublieme, but $218 for a great Fiddy from Angus sold it for me.
  5. My thoughts are with those who lost lives to give us freedom, and for the current military who continue to strive to protect HM's State.
  6. I am by no means a Rolex expert. From reviews I have read though, it would seem that the flaws are minimal. CG's and pearl insert? I would submit that for such minimal things, and bearing in mind the next nest thing is an MBW Sub, this is a super rep using these factors. What is a super rep though - I would also submit a super rep is a hyped up watch that is usually overpriced. So I would therefore conclude it isn't a super rep. A Super rep for non super rep money?
  7. Nice on, you won't find much better in the way of watch and 'collector'. After having sold my Pam, I have just ordered the Fiddy from Angus, Im also very excited about getting a Pam into my collection again
  8. Good to see you back. We've seen a fair few nice reps since you last logged on, and at last, a Seadweller that is worth buying
  9. AR should not be removed that easily. Sounds like some kind of film to give a blue tint has been applied rather than an AR coating, hopefully your dealer can remedy the situation and shed some light on the nature of this coating!
  10. Wow, that is a truly satunning 6 series. I have never see one in condition quite like that before!
  11. Roadster, look no further than the DB7 Vantage Volante. Aston Martin without a doubt make the best looking cars in the world, and the DB7 was no exception. Great cars throughout!
  12. It depends where I am. If Im away with the Navy (URNU), my Breitling doesn't get too much attention, as alot of military personnel have them. If I where my Omega PO round in pubs etc... it gets a fair bit of attention from people who know what they're looknig at. I have a Fiddy on order at the moment, so I am imagining this might attract some glances due to the sheer size of it haha
  13. No I've heard of this happening. AR coating is very durable, and hard to remove even with a piece of sandpaper. I would contact your dealer as it sounds like it is a fault with the crystal/coating that has been applied.
  14. How many people here still have outstanding work with Mark?
  15. Unfortunately most of the specific ladies Breitlings are not of great quality. Have a look at the Navitimer. It is a very elegant watch, and the Navitimer is worn by women.
  16. How about the replica of the Tag Heuer Carrera (non chrono) on a strap. Looks very smart, and the genuine isn't too highly priced either!
  17. Nice work, the brushed finish really adds something to the watch!
  18. I started off buying reps, I look to buy gens now. My rep buying has certainly slowed down somewhat.
  19. Im not sure that he did, as he did put things right. He returned watches, he returned parts. As far as I am aware he went through every effort in the end to put things right.
  20. I sincerely hope that wasn't he bought for 500 euro, as they are made in china and are available for 250usd.
  21. In outing Mark on risti, what would the objective be.... Retribution.... a form of punishment? I seriously do not buy into the fact that he is a scammer. He got in over his head yes, but I refuse to believe his intention was to scam this forum. Things went wrong, he fled. Not the wisest of things to do, but it has happened. Before we go outing people through our own anger just consider first of all what would the objective be for doing such a thing, is it to warn the risti's or would it to be a form of punishment. If it's the latter, then I would hope we could all think about it first before lowering ourselves to such an act.
  22. very nice! proof that you don't need to spend big bucks for big results!
  23. Looks like the Omega logo is crooked (might just be the lighting) and the AR looks like it is a single coating as per the UPO, not double like the genuine
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