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Everything posted by jraines87

  1. "Phase 2" is probably the funniest thing I've ever watched.... I'm gonna get fired if I keep this up...
  2. Do you consider a 2152 square feet garage big? Hell, my house is 11,000 square feet... Na, just kidding.... I figured it wrong then.... I calculated somewhere around 1k square feet... I guess I need more coffee today
  3. Do you mean 2000 Square meters? If my calculations are correct, 200 square meters is about the size of my garage
  4. Welcome to rwg Watchlover321 No deep pockets required here. For about the cost of a Citizens watch, you can find some real nice reps
  5. So you think Chavez is a real man cause he has "Balls"? I guess you think Osama is a real man too?
  6. Didn't like the last image? Ok how about this one? 12 pages and 5,700+ views...
  7. Here I'll go ahead and post this so one of you guys can use it in your next post
  8. I was in Gainsville last week and it was humid as hell....
  9. Cray, Quit digging a Hole.... The receipt image TTK posted clearly shows he sent it on March 3rd.....
  10. Here's a good drunk picture taken last weekend at the florida - UCF football game.... I'm the Blonde
  11. I just so happend to look at the amazon ad at the top of this site and saw an album "The American" by Angie Aparo... Why is this funny you ask? My co-worker had told me probably a year ago that he went to high school with him and that they were big buddies. I traveld to Gainsville Florida this past weekend to go to the Florida VS. UCF football game and met the guys that were in the "Band" back in the day. Since I had never heard of him, I spent yesterday researching his music. I found a song by Angie called "Starship" that I not only knew, but I knew the words too. I suppose I just never knew who sung the song. Well to make a long story short, I've been invited to hang with them in Columbia SC in a few weeks. Also of Note, Angie wrote a song that was recorded by Faith Hill called Cry.... Small world I guess???
  12. And AC/DC, Black Sabbath, Judas Priest, etc....
  13. Kinda what I was looking for. I used to own the office, but it's pretty much the same since I sold out.
  14. I have a buddy who used to work for "Coors" and he claims that they could drink beer on the job.... Don't know if it's true or not, but damn.... At least they don't have to worry about running out.
  15. I pretty much sit on my ass all day, so there is no worry about getting hurt.... I guess I could possibly pull a muscle while typing, but I doubt it
  16. Kurt, You have to have thick skin to hang with some of the folks on here Just weather the storm, and all will be good.
  17. Lets just say I have a buddy who works at nothshore LIJ and he drinks every day.... Damn near gets drunk
  18. Just wondering if any of you are allowed to drink beer at work? I know to some this may seem like a stupid question, but we're allowed to drink beer here at the office provided we don't get really hammered..... Also, from my contacts in NYC it seems it's a requirement to drink a few "Drinks" at lunch
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