I've not been posting here for a while since I spend most of my time on RWI, most of us belong to one or more forum, and have a place we call home, for me it's RWI, but I come here once in a while to check out the place.
Anyway a few months back we started the idea of having a GTG in France, and Lyon was choosen as GTGs already existed in the Northern part of Europe (Bruxelles is easy to get for french people living in the north of France) and people didn't wanted Paris.
So here the deal:
- Meeting at 11am in a Place in Lyon (Pm me for details)
- Traditional french 'APERO': I'll take a Ricard, I'm from Marseille and Ricard is my second addiction after rep watches
- Lunch at around 12:30/1:00pm in a nice 'Bouchons Lyonnais'
- Afternoon together
- Diner in a different restaurant (I have to get back to Marseille but many of us suggested to continue until late night)
For those interrested here is the post on RWI: http://www.replica-watch.info/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?t=48516
Hope many of you guy will join us!