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Everything posted by woody

  1. how about that lume shot so we can see the "so called" poor lume job? Zigman's work typically speaks for itself. So can we see the evidence that you are referring to?
  2. Any updates on this great project fellas?
  3. plus, there was already a thread talking about that hbb thread, it really is not necessary......
  4. Is that the watchmeister's overlay? just wanted to verify that, it looks really good Avitt, that is the look I am after too with my DRSD.
  5. Great read, now, if I can only find that guy that travel in a gym bag, I may be in good shape!
  6. Nice one Kurt. That is some fine work, and just wanted to let you know that I had shipped the watch today. Will be in touch with you later today to give you the details......Nice work all around. Can't wait to see it on my 1680, if you know what I mean....
  7. I agree with many others, the case looks like a modded MBW, and threw in a lot of gen parts. when do we get to find out the "truth"?
  8. If you have the money, and really like the watch, then go for it. It all depends on how bad you want a gen. If you don't need it that bad, save yourself some money and get 2 reps, and bank the rest under your pillow.
  9. Looks good Kurt, and I will get to experience first hand, so yes, they look great!
  10. it got me too, although I did not get to freak out as much as others, as I did not get to read the part at the bottom about the IP tracking. Initial thought was just that it was really sad....but way to go admin, you had me at shedding a tear almost!!
  11. 005, fresh off the press...........
  12. Hi TeeJay, It is ok. Based on your previous statement. It is ok, perhaps the wording of it could be fine tuned. I was not born in America. Neither are my folks. As a matter of fact, my folks are still in Asia. Taiwan to be specific. The practice of business can be differ in China vs. Taiwan, but I think it was still a tad harsh. But all is well, and I have half of eastern and half of western thoughts in my upbringing actually. Apologies accpepted if you can especially get me one of those Pilot Chronos!!
  13. Hi TeeJay, As a Chinese person, I find your comment to be a bit harsh. Not all Chinese business practice are of this way, as I am sure not all western business are the exact opposite. There are bad fish in the sea. Your own opinion, although based upon your own dealings, seemed to generalize all Chinese businesses, and I just don't think that is true. My parents owned a business, and they never performed such practice of do anything at all cost so that they can get your business, so I wish you could be a bit more accurate with regards to your descriptions. Based on what you said in the above post, you had drawn on your own conclusion, that all Chinese business practice are bad, all Thai and Japanese business practice are good, and we know that is not the entire truth. Great post. I am glad we can hopefully put all of this behind, and start going back to this lovely hobby. Have a good weekend everyone.
  14. Hi Rob, just curious, I do not have this watch. But was just wondering, so would servicing this special kind of 7750 cost more than the standard servicing fee because of the work that is involved with the extra gears?
  15. oh dang, i did not know luckyyy is in Nigeria. that is some messed up information there BT!!
  16. Hi Bill, good post on this. and I can see your concerns. I am Asian. I think the "rep" world in general will be hard to shut down, even if US is able to provide a ton of money to China. The profit is too good to pass up, and the market is there. I think something can be done, but it will be shutdown completely, kind of like RIAA versus the downloaders. They can modify the control, but it will be overall, hard to take down. I have participated in some discussion on that thread Bill, and I kind of just wanted to make sure that dealer can make sure that they can deliver what they promised. I am not talking like similar stuff, even that, you can make a legitimate case for it. But if one day, I paid for the good money for a swiss 7750, but the dealer knowingly put in an Asian 7750, and then refused that they made a mistake and refused to address it, then I would have a problem. A far stretched analogy can be made for MBWs, I would have a problem if I know that I pay for a 2836, and ended up getting a really cheap Asian movement, for a watch that costs over $400.00. It has taken some weird turns in that thread, but I do hope we stay on course, and come up with some sort of uniformed guide of some sort, so we will all be better down the line....and that's my perception of this whole thing.
  17. And let's not forget, The Zigmeister likes Josh, as he has bought various watches from Josh in the past, so I don't think this is just people that are out there to try to get to Josh and Andrew. But it is getting scary. Good thing is that at least I think I am handy enough to open the cases, I think. So I am going to inspect all movements from now on as well. Thanks everyone for the clarification.
  18. Clive, I think you are jumping ahead as well. I think at this time, we just need to get a feel of what the members feel. We still have some ways to go, before any actions can be taken, and have the admin involved. It is not lynch mob, I have not dealt with Josh, but he has not done me any wrong thus far either. But, it does appeared that evidence are in hand with regards to what has been taken place so far. And I think some actions will need to be made. Whether or not it is suspension, we do not know. If someone really wants to get a watch from any of the dealers, we all know that it can still be done. Some way, some how. It appeared that some members have tried to get the situation straightened out, but with no success. Thus, at this time, the admin team may need to get involved. And not just our admin team, but RWI and TRC as well. This does appear to be a lot of work involved. But I do think that ultimately, it is looking out for the interests of the members. If you pay for a potatoe at a supermarket, but only to find out later that that potatoe was half eaten, missing, or rotten, no one would be happy at the end of the day. I know it is a bit of a stretch with my analogy. But something needs to be done, and it is up to the community to protect its own interest. For every Josh out there, there is always Jay & Angel too, who provide good service, and good prices. Just to provide as an example. Disclaimer. I am not affiliated with Angel and Jay by any means, please, let's not go there. Where is Finepics?
  19. Edge did say that it is HIS opinion only. I think the most important thing, going forward, is that if it had a crappy Asian movement inside, let your customers know ahead of time, instead of letting the customers discover it on their own. More than anything else, that is the single, most driven point of this entire thread.
  20. why not just get paul's so called perfect sea dweller for $149? Paul said his movement is serviced....... this really has been a very strange past few days....
  21. Tim, did Angus send you a reply after you posted the message on the board? If so, why doesn't Angus take part in the discussion? and in previous thread, maybe way in the beginning, someone had commented that Josh was looking at it. Why doesn't he reply? By only having Andrew come under the guns is bad, it is really "almost" admitting guilt. That part I do not get.......
  22. Talk about strange. What if Neba bought one of those B&R and then found out it had a cheap movement in it. I wonder what he'll think..........strange behavior. I have voted, so I did my part. We should pin this thread for sure.
  23. Ok, I am done reading the 13 pages so far. I apologize for coming to the party so late. I am still at work, so I have to read when I have some downtime at work, and it must have taken me an hour or two at least to finish all 13 pages. Olivia, there are evidence. Now I may have remembered it wrong, but in the little white lies thread, I think I remember either Trusty or Josh had said that the steelfish is not circulating elsewhere, and the price WILL NOT be changed. That sounds like price fixing to me. I have dealt with both Trusty and Angus, and I will say that my experience is good with both of them. but I also know this, if I had bought that B&R (at some point I did thought about buying one), only to find out it's some cheap Chinese movements inside, I'd be furious, and demand to have my money back right away. Several posters have touched on this; the movement bear no resemblance to ETA 2892, so why even put the name Asian ETA 2892. That is pretty bad. I know by putting ETA, you gain credibility, the dealer knows this, the customers know this. If you put Asian 21J movement, versus Asian ETA 2892, I bet the sales numbers will be quite different. I do want to know Edge, in your situation, what happens when you confronted Andrew or Josh about this, did you get your money back? Because I would want that to happen, and it is best for us to come up with some policy to make sure that this does not happen again. False advertising is not good. Don't even get me to think about the paypal thing. I never could have imagined that this could happen. I literally pray that this is all just false too. Because if it is true, it will be tremendously sad that someone would stoop that low to gain market share. Now, let's talk about happy things.........where is Chad, let's go on and talk about light AR and crooked day/date wheel on the pilot chrono.....hope you're not offended Chad.
  24. wow, that is a steep price. as far as I know, michael adam co sells new old stock am I right, and he is no longer an official AD, why is he asking such ridiculous prices? And isn't 203 list price as $18,000? Is it really that scare for "Michael" demand such high prices? It is getting a little bit out of hand....
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