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Posts posted by nikki6

  1. In all serious to my post guys, would a dremel be too harsh? I have a couple of bracelets that I don't really use much cause I feel they dig in a bit and I had thought of the dremel way of going about it?

    Wonder if Mrs. Sixx has some files, I'm off to rummage!!

  2. Hello,

    I've just taken delivery of my second rep, a UPO from Eurotimez which I rather like. The only let down is the sharp edges on the braclet, I'm sure some of you clever people must have come up with a way of sorting this. Any advice would be greatly received.


    Oh yeah, thats easy! First you get an angle grinder, now remember you safety goggles! Then go at em son!! :p

    Seriously, you may find that a dremal will round them off. It really depends on how sharp the edges are, and how think the edge is. Having never owned one I'm not too sure, I just couldn't resist the angle grinder dig!! :D There must be some way around it though, you can't be the first person to have 'jaggy edges' as we would say here in Scotland! C'mon guys, help a noob out, cause I'm quite obviously hopeless!! :)

  3. Hahahahaha, I was just about to ask if that was the 'Lung' we helped you find on flebay, Southcoast and I that is. When who do I hear lurking at the bottom of the page, like a bad rubber shark in a Jaws movie, but Chicken Manny?!?

    2Come in Mr Manny, we have been expecting you!! *strokes white persian cat*

  4. Indeed, it's all about fun!!!!

    You think you got it bad over there?? You wanna try living in the UK, especially being Scottish with the lump we got in charge at the moment!! Now there is a guy who needs a teleprompter if ever there was one, you can lose count of the amount of "um, eh, mmm and *cough*'s" just in one sentence, it's painful!!!

  5. Oh Prince Phillip, he's a 'card'!! Wanders around the world slagging people off!

    "Your all a bunch of f**kers, why don't you all go home? Your problem is your all forigners!!" *whisper whisper "they didn't like it? Really? Too much, what part do you think??"

    to a group of english students living in Hong Kong, "don't stay here too long, you'll go all slitty eyed"?!? WTF?!? The guy is off the map!! Next you will see him at public functions with a strip of gaffa tape across his mouth!!

    (would like to thank Eddie Izzard for his help in this post!!)

    Oh, and DMZ rascist??? Behave yourself!! As JTB alrady said, take the Rita Hayworth act to the panto!

  6. I had a really bad seizure in hospital, lasted about 2 and a half hours I'm told. When I came round all I could see was black and thats all I ever seen since. It's all mixed in with illness and breaking my back in a motorcycle accident, there are several factors to it I guess, but the same out come!

    Such is life, there are many people worse off than Iam!! I'm just happy to be alive and still rockin!! :bones:

  7. April 1st 2009

    Durham NC

    Tyler's Taproom 7-9

    RWG,RG,WUS ++

    I will have a table big enough for those who respond by April 1st. (Next week, BTW)


    Watch, if this is an April Fools and there is someone with a camcorder watching random watch enthusiasts bumble around looking mildly lost and perplexed, a very swift kick inna fork will be administered!!! :p

  8. Welcome guys!! Hope you have a lot of fun in here and learn a load while having it!!

    Big E, being from RG you will know that reading, reading then reading some more is the way forward!! There is a ton load of stuff in here you can browes through that may not be on RG. Have a blast mate, oh I'm in the UK too, so maybe trade with you some time!

    RWG5000, hope you enjoy your stay here my friend, the search button in the top right of your screen is your bestest friend in the whole Horology world!! Use it often and a world of delights unfold, well did for me anyway, turns out I knew jacksh!t about watches all these years. Meh, go figure!>?

    Have a blast guys!

  9. yikes & yeppers ... if the flights are canceled, maybe its time to get on a boat or somethin'

    Nah, not the big fella, he will wait and see what it does and give us half hourly updates!!1

    Only way you will get the Big Furry One outta there is if his internet gets cutoff!!! :pB)

  10. I love Clarkson, it's almost like clockwork, he will [censored] off bikers and their 'leather rompersuits' and just watch the bike forums go nuts!!! It's so funny, some bikers take themselves and his comments WAY to seriously! I think the last one was that he would "shoot them all in the face" it went along with one of his rants about bikes. Man the web went insane!! Bikers calling for him to be sacked by the BBC and investigated by the police!!??! It was crazy, what they don't realise is a little known fact, that fact being tha Clarksons wife rides a Ducati Monster900 everyday!!

    He gets paid per collum inches, when the forums go insane on the monday morning he just counts his money up!1 The guy is a genius in my book, he sure knows how to tell it like it is!! The world needs more people like Clarkson!!

    Did anyone see the trip to vietnam on the mopeds? I couldn't see it but listened and my dad was explaining what was going on, man I was crying with laughter!! Or even better their trip to the US, when they went 'Down South' in their 'modded' cars?? When that woman got all her sons and a posse to chase them out of town was probably one of THE best moments in TV history!!

    Long live Clarkson I say!! (BTW I'm a biker, well was before I went blind, an ex bike racer, have a father who rides most days and I still own 4 bikes.!) You can't take life seriously, you never know what it may take away and how quickly!! Laugh at him, laugh at your self!!


  11. Great watch, I've been a big fan of it for a good while now!! Josh has had the rotors fixed, emailed him about one of the other Grand Carreras and, it seems they have all been fixed.

    The watch looks awesome and pretty well near perfect (as most of the tags are other than the odd stupid mistake, hence new rotors!!). I would totally go for this if I were you bud, Perfect Clones is about the best place to get one if you ask me!!

  12. Stephen Kings IT (have it tattooed on my back, Pennywise that is, not the book!! :p )

    So I married an Axe Murderer (DMZ will like this one too, it's got the bay city rollers playing in it!! :p:) )

    House of a 1000 corpses/Devils Rejects! ( Rob Zombie genius!!)

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