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Everything posted by Spidey7

  1. Hi, all. I bought a beautiful Luna Rossa last year from a member. I've FINALLY gotten around to trying to find out more about it. It's one of my favorite watches so I tried to figure out more about its maker or features, but I'm coming up short. I've read the posts that I can find here about the "Luna Rossa", but there's nothing in them about my version. It's a Luna Rossa but the main body is chrome or stainless steel. The body is shiny silver but the metal between the lugs is brushed. It has a polished ceramic bezel that is like a mirror reflection on top and a carbon-fiber "checker-board" dial. The strap and dial all seem normal. I just can't find a silver/black Luna Rossa anywhere. They're ALL black P.V.D. instead. I also know that there have been several makers and even V.1, V.2, V.3 models, (perhaps even more). I THINK that this is an older model rather than a newer one, but I'd REALLY like to try and figure out who made it, what version it is, and if it is "special" since it it isn't like any of the other Lunas that I've seen. Here are a few pictures. If anyone knows anything or can give me some tips on what to look for in order to figure out more about it, I would really appreciate it. Thanks, Guys. This comunity is the BEST!!!!!
  2. I request a smiley that takes his PANTS off!
  3. Aw, shucks. You don't have to thank ME! If you want to thank anyone, you should thank Vlydog. It was his kindness and generosity that spurred this thread. His actions made me realize that every day, members here are helping other members out by offering up their own opinions, giving advice, sharing tips, posting incredibly informative "how-to" primers, writing excellent reviews so that the rest of us know what to buy and what to stay away from, and OFTEN TIMES, even sending a fellow member a part/piece/watch/band/case/buckle/etc, through the mail, not only FREE OF CHARGE, but actually at their own expense once they've paid for shipping. This is especially amazing considering the fact that they know that they could just as easily make themselves a few $$$ by offering those things for sale. All of those acts of generosity are noticed by the general community, but rarely do we (or at least do I) take the time to actually say "THANK YOU!" Thank you for all that you've done to increase MY enjoyment of this hobby without ever ONCE asking for or expecting anything back in return. This thread is dedicated to Vlydog for his initial "pay it forward" act, but in a much larger sense, this is the place to thank ANYONE here that has ever shown you kindness, anyone who's information ever helped you out in any way, anyone that you look back and wish that you had thanked but somehow never got around to it. You need to know that it's not too late. This is the time and THIS is the place. Kindness and generosity are their own rewards, but I still want to know that I expressed my gratitude to everyone who took a personal interest in me when there was nothing in it for them. If you feel the same way about someone, let'em know! It's free. It's painless, and it might just be the ONE positive thing in that persons day that saves them from having an absolutely sh**y day with no redeeming qualities. Kindness, try it. You might just find out that you like it.
  4. Oooops, Sorry Maxi. I'll go check my P.M.s again. I would never ignore you. I LOVE you. You know that! Do you have any opinions about quartz verses Gen?
  5. I'm thinking of pulling the trigger on one of these bad boys. Someone told me to get the quartz instead if the inertial movement, but I don't see a quartz anywhere. Does anyone have any experience with this watch? Any advice? Anyone wanna sell one? Interested in any opinions that you care to share.
  6. If "generic" means "can anyone post here?", then the answer is most definitely "YES!" That's the WHOLE point of this thread. And as far as the picture goes, what could POSSIBLY be any MORE awesome than Batman battleing against Jaws II using Darth Vader's LIGHTSABER?!?!?!?! Well..........maybe if Angelina Jolie was naked in the backround, swimming to the surface with a sack full of Reps, but that's the ONLY way!!!
  7. (I searched, but couldn't find anything else like this, so here goes.) Every now and then a fellow member here at the RWG will do something SO genuinely kind and unexpected for us that it reaffirms our faith in mankind and renews our belief in our capacity as a community, to do good. We often thank these members via P.M, but wish that we could openly tell the rest of the community of their generosity. The only PROBLEM with that is that if one were to state, for example "I really want to thank "Member X" for giving me that WM9 Rollie, free of charge.", the end result is that poor "Member X" would be rewarded for his kindness by being deluged with P.M.s from other members asking for the same deal. Obviously, the point here is to THANK the member, not punish them. With that being said, what got me thinking about this was an INCREDIBLY kind gesture by "Vlydog". He REALLY went above and beyond to help me out with something, and he asked for nothing in return, DESPITE the fact that his actions were easily worth some $$$. I wanted to thank him in a larger way than just P.M.ing him to say "Hey, Thanks", but I ALSO didn't want ANY of the rest of you M.F.ers to know what he did for me, because I didn't want anyone else bothering him with similar requests. That having been said, this thread is the place to THANK another member for an unspecified act of kindness. I also hereby officially dedicate this inaugural thread to "Vlydog". To him I say, "Vlydog, You KNOW who you are, and you KNOW what you've done!" P.S. The sheer, overwhelming amount of AWESOME represented by this picture is but a small piece of the larger awesomeness that is "Vlydog"! [
  8. I need a gold Submariner bezel. I don't need the insert and I especially don't need it to be SOLID gold. The only ones I have found are the $500-$800 solid gold ones. I have looked everywhere, but no joy. I figured that as much modding and franken-ing as we do, that SOMEONE would have a spare gold bezel. Does anyone have any suggestions? My Rep looks positively pitiful without a bezel on it.
  9. DON'T do THAT, man! Whether or not you have the watch anymore, the cards and box are still a part of Omega history. It's ridiculous to throw them in the trash can. Either keep them yourself, for posterity, or if you REALLY want to sell them, then sell them to a trusted fellow RWG member, but don't TRASH them! That's horrible.
  10. NO!!!! Helina! It's not "all the gentlemen"! It's ME!!! ME, ME, ME, ME, ME, ME! I'M the one that came to your rescue! You should bestow the grace of your soft, seashell pink hand on ME, not any of these other pikers on here. I'M your brave and strong champion, with my rippling muscles and six-pack abs, tough enough that I practice "Ultimate Fighting" as a side-hobby, but also gentle enough that I love to play with kittens and small children. MEEEEEEEE! Besides, Shundi and I aren't mutually exclusive (as I found out ACCIDENTALLY when I walked in on him and Two Tone that one unfortunate and extremely hurtful time!)
  11. Helina's gonna kick your ass. I'm not disputing the legitimacy of your comments, Demsey. (As I said, I don't really know ANYTHING about the Omega "Moon Watch".) But it seems to me that acting condescending and vaugely snarky (at least, that's how it seemed to me) to ANY RWG member, much less a Dealer, (much less a PRETTY Dealer like Helena), can only end in tragedy and bitter tears being shed. And FRANKLY, DAMNIT! I've spent enough nights cuddling Shundi close to my hairy bossom and rocking him back and forth because someone on the RWG was mean to him. I've SEEN the damage that our replies do to each other. Why, Shundi used to be a blond, bronzed Adonis! Now he's a 83 year old man from Hackensack, NJ with a bad toupee' and an incontinance problem. ALL because of meanness on the boards. To all of you, next time you're thinking about posting something mean, won't you please think of Shundi? Words to live by. Shundi Circa 2007 Shundi Present Day
  12. Doesn't EVERYONE!?!?!?! Thanks so much for the info. Do you know if the see-thru back was ever genuine? Or is it a fantasy model?
  13. So, I have to beg once again for help from my RWG brotha's. I'm trying to purchase an Omega Speedmaster "Moon Watch" as a birthday present for a friend. I thought that it would be a relatively easy process, I mean, there's only one right? WRONG! There's a BUNCH. Some have see-thru casebacks, some have logos and symbols, some are anniversary editions. I just want to know what the best Rep to purchase is. Is the see-thru back even accurate or is it a fantasy version? I've been doing a lot of reading, but I still haven't figured it all out. What would the best quality version be and who should I buy from? Any and all help would be appreciated and I'll even make a cash donation in your name to the "Human Fund"!
  14. HOLY S**T!!!!! That is the COOLEST thing EVER!!!! (The Spidey/Shundi thing)! Nice work! I bought the HBB from another member. It's an "Andy" and I think that he doesn't hang out anymore. I wrote him an e-mail but never heard back.
  15. Alright my "Peeps", I wore my NEW Hublot "Big Bang Ultimate" out for the first time, and the little plastic disk that fits into the top of the crown and has the Hublot logo on it fell out somewhere. Now my new Hublot has an empty hole in the crown where something should fit in. Does anyone have any idea where I might be able to find another little logo disk? Or maybe a spare crown that I can pull the disk out of? (Shundi has a whole BAG of them in his desk drawer, but even though I asked nicely he wont give me one )
  16. That's Shundi, always "servicing" guys.
  17. TOO SEXY?!?! No, How about "Just sexy enough?".
  18. Well thank you RobbieG. I always try to give the people what they want.
  19. Don't try to make excuses now Shundi. I'm sorry that we had to pwn you. What should my next Shundi poll be about? Do you have any new important decisions to make?
  20. Well, I think that it's clear that the people have spoken. But if anyone wants to rub it in a little more, then continue to vote ANYWAY even though Shundi has already changed his avatar back again. Let Shundi KNOW how we feel about him making these sorts of decisions that affect us ALL without even so much as a "by your leave" to the rest of us! It's not right, and he needs to hear about it. Hopefully this will be the beginning of the path toward Shundi putting all of his personal life's decisions in our hands. Those of us that know better will be here to guide him. Who's with me???
  21. I don't need a copy. Who do you think took the picture?
  22. Hear ye, hear ye. Shundi has now given all of us, the ones he loves the most, the power to pick his avatar. As some of you may know, his previous avatar was a vision of beauty, a monument to the perfection of the female form, an Ode to feminine pulchritude. His new one is..............well..............gross. But that's not up to ME. it's not up to Shundi either. It is up to all of you! Vote on Shundi's new avatar, his new symbol, the picture that will always spring to your mind when you hear the name "Shundi". Pick one of the two choices or pick 3) but make sure to suggest a new avatar. If this goes well, Shundi will begin letting you make ALL of his life descisions. What sort of hair-cut should he get? Where should he work? and doing what? Should he turn Gay? If so is he a "pitcher" or a "catcher". That's right folks, we can all guide our dear Shundi down whatever path of life we feel is best for him. Remember, vote early & vote often. The voters who pick the winning avatar will recieve, absolutely free, a hand signed black and white photo of Shundi on vacation at "Hedonism III" wearing nothing but a pair of white athletic socks. (If you're having trouble voting, just make sure to pick 1) repeatedly).
  23. I found this Big Bang "Black Magic" for sale on "thewatchyouseek". The rotor is not engraved with any Hublot markings and the subdials on the face seem to be reversed from what I'm used to seeing. Add to that the fact that the seller gives its list price as $11,000 but is only asking $7,000 but only if payment is NOT by PayPal or any other accepted method of payment that would protect the buyer. He will accept wire transfers ONLY. Seems fishy to me. What do my bretheren think? This would be my very FIRST scam discovery. (Ohhh I'm so excited!) http://forums.watchuseek.com/showthread.php?t=210717
  24. Hey, Are you biting on my style "spider87"? I'm the only "Spidey7" around these parts! ( )
  25. So I just bought a nice (to me) Seamaster "Bond" model and the first day I got it the pearl fell out of the bezel. I looked ALL OVER for it but of course I couldn't find it. THEN I tried to fill the little "cup" in with Elmer's glue, glow in the dark paint, epoxy, ANYTHING! But it all fell right back out again. I don't really care if it glows or not. I just don't want to see that hollow little eye socket staring up at me every time I look at it. Does anyone have any suggestions on how I can fill this in and keep the material in there? Or maybe glue in a new pearl? I really didn't spend much for the watch (good deal, second hand) so I don't want to fix the pearl at a price that is more than the watch cost me. Ideas?..........Anyone?..............Bueller?
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