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Everything posted by Spidey7

  1. Oh Yeah? Well MY dad gave me a....................umm........................Well, one time he let me................uh.........[censored], my dad never gave me anything. Congratulations man.
  2. Thanks RobbieG, as always, you are a gentleman's gentleman. (You too Toad!)
  3. Ach! Toad, you're killing me. Don't you have any good news?
  4. I've got a Tag Heuer that the Lume has fallen out of one of the hour markers on the dial. I just need to put a little pin-head sized dot back in it to fix it. I have the dial pulled out of the watch, but I can't seem to find any of the C3. I've called around to the local Watchsmiths but no one has it. I also don't want to buy a gram of it if I'm just using a dot sized amount (unless it's not that expensive). Does anybody have an existing supply that they wouldn't mind selling me a teeny tiny little bit of? Or does anyone know where I can find the stuff? Thanks,
  5. Yeah Congrats Blue!!! Wha'choo gonna wear on your big day?
  6. Just do like me and wear both of them on your left hand. It's just for one day.
  7. Holy crap "alt.watch.obsessive", I was about to respond to you, but then I became mesmerized by your avatar. What were we talking about again? Cars was it? Something about cars?
  8. @%#$&#^%#$@! %#&$&*#*#*#**! #! @###&*@#^#&@#***&^! $%#$$#@^#%! @&%#&! %%*&^@* ^@!
  9. Hi TeeJay, I hope you don't mind me sharing a quick wedding photo of my own. Your pictures reminded me of my wedding (congrats by the way). This photo was taken as we walked out of the church. I almost thought about sending it to Tag Heuer (It just looks soooo "advertisement" to me ). I hope all goes great for you bud!
  10. I love the new "Z-Buds" made by Zagg specifically for use with the iPhone. Good sound, decent price, volume adjustment on the headphone cord as well as a microphone and call answer/hang up button. You can also use the button to forward songs and skip tracks. It's great for the iPhone because you don't have to unplug the earphones when you get calls. It comes in RED and BLACK http://www.zagg.com/audio/zbuds-iphone-earbuds.php Features 2009 CES Innovations Design and Engineering Showcase Honoree, Rich, responsive sound from superior speakers, "Hangin' tight" wearable - wear Z.buds around neck, Built-in music control for iPhone Premium length, tangle-free cord, In-line volume control, Multiple sliders for better cord management, 3.5mm jack compatible with first gen iPhone
  11. Ok all, I'm humbly pleading for your help here. For starters, PLEASE let's all just stow it with the usual "Why don't you 1) Use the search. 2) Read the posts. 3) Investigate the watch." blah, blah, blah. I am not a little n00by anymore (NOW I'm a Teen00by) and I HAVE done all of that. The bottom line seems to be that it is damn near impossible to find a decent Patek "Calatrava". Other than the "Nautilus" and "Aquanaut", everything else seems to be much harder to find. I read Emuozz's excellent guide to Pateks, but although it did a good job explaining what was WRONG with the "Calatravas" at the time that it was written, it didn't really mention what the better/best versions to buy were. My immediate problem is that a very good friend of mine wants to buy a Patek Rep for his Dad as a 60th birthday present and I foolishly volunteered to procure one for him with out knowing ANYTHING about Patek. I guess I just figured "How hard could it be?". BIG mistake! Now he's counting on me to come through, and I'm stuck. I've read every thread. I've written e-mails to Josh, Andrew, and Pam111. And I've done a hell of a lot of research. Who knew that this retardedly simple little watch would be so FRACKING hard to find? ($@#%&#@^#%) Andrew has a solid gold $1,700+ one listed on his site, but he tells me that it's not available anymore. Josh tells me that there isn't anything "1:1" available (btw, does "1:1" refer to the scale/size of the watch? or is "1:1" a quick way of saying "identical to a gen"?). I still haven't heard anything back from Pam111. It's such a SIMPLE design! I'm downright AMAZED that this is turning out to be sooooooooooo difficult. Sooooo anywhoooo, His dad has always been a HUGE Patek fan (but will never be able to afford to realize that dream). My friend REALLY wants to be able to give his dad the nicest, most accurate "Calatrava" available (preferably in rose gold & with Roman numerals). Now that I've foolishly committed myself to getting one for him I find that I must beg those of you that are more knowledgeable on Pateks to give me some guidance. If the thought of my friend crying doesn't do it for you, then how about the thought of his poor dad, broken and bereft of all hope on his 60th birthday (and if THAT doesn't do it, how about the thought of me wearing something hot, lacy and revealing? I'll send you pics. Honest! I promise). Once again, if this helps, PLEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAASSSSSEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!! (sad little puppy dog eyes)
  12. Ummmm, as you suggested, I googled images for "hot woman with dog [censored]"..........................You're soooooooo wrong. I will NEVER do that again (oh my eyes, my eyes, they're burning).
  13. BK, BK, BK, BK! Oh, wait, Did I say BK?
  14. So does the Clark crystal have the correct sized coronet etched into it? Or is there no coronet etching at all?
  15. Corgi! Come on sugar!, Don't be like that. You know that I know how to use the search function. I just thought that if anyone knew what the better Reps were they might be kind enough to share. I have a friend that wants a Patek and I don't know much about them (and frankly, since it's not for me, I'm not motivated to put too much learning time in). Now kiss and make up. Mwwwwahh! See? Isn't that better? P.S. Shundi, my loins are aflame with the ache of forbidden passion everytime I think of you. I've missed you too luvr!
  16. So what ARE the few quality Patek reps that are available?
  17. Holy [censored] that's a lot of numbers! Looks good!
  18. *SCORE* I can't believe the deal I just got. First I had tried to call Tag Heuer to see if I could buy the dial I wanted from them (electric blue). They told me that I would not only have to buy the dial, but I would ALSO have to buy a new case-back and then have both a new "Style" and Serial number engraved by them on it and have it re-registered to reflect the change in dial color. The cost for the dial was $250, and the "case-back" was another $200. Then to have the work done, and also the "re-registering" would cost me around another $600. All in all, I was looking at around $1000 just to change the color of my dial. On top of that, they wouldn't even sell me the parts. If I wanted to have the swap done, I would have to ship the watch back to them so that they could perform the work themselves. Sooooo then I tried calling around to a few local jewelers who all informed me that they would not be able to change the dial out for me because Tag Heuer kept very tight control over part stock and would not even sell THEM the parts. They always had to send customers watches back in to Tag to have things like that done. So I called Tag back and THEN (why they didn't tell me this up front I'll never understand) they told me that even if I was WILLING to pay the $1000 and send the watch to them they STILL wouldn't do it because the Kirium has been out of production for 4-5 years and they don't even stock parts for it anyway! Finally, I checked eBay for a dial (per TripleHD), but still no dice. THEN I had the bright idea to check the "completed auctions" just to see if anything like that ever went up for auction. Lo and behold I spotted an auction for the ONLY dial that has been offered in the past month. It had ended several days ago (no bidders). I opened the page and HOLY GOD! Out of ALL of the color dials that have been produced, it was EXACTLY the dial that I had wanted (electric blue). It also was for my style and size watch (Kiriums have come in several different styles like automatic, chronograph, digital-analogue hybrid etc. as well as two different sizes, a mid-size and a full-size). THEN! not only that, but the auction also included the case, crown, crystal, bezel, case-back, and gasket! The case ALONE was over $600 from Tag. The crystal was another $300!. With trembling fingers I wrote the seller an e-mail and asked him if he would still consider selling it. He wrote me back and told me he'd sell me the lot for $50!!!!!!!! I COULDN"T BELIEVE IT! Not only will I have a new dial, but also a spare case, crown, crystal, bezel, case-back, and gasket for a watch that is long out of production and was given to me by someone very close who is no longer here (it has a great deal of sentimental value). If I had bought all of those parts seperately from Tag, it would have cost more then the whole watch cost new. $50 BUCKS!!!!!!!! Hee hee!! I'm so stoked! THANKS TRIPLEHD!!!!!!! I take back everything I ever said about you (although most of it was true, but still).
  19. Would it mess with the other players MORE if you dressed all ratty and dirty and wore a Timex digital? Then they would think you sucked at poker and would under estimate you. You could clean up! (I want 10% for giving you the idea )
  20. I don't know why people hate on the Kirium. I've worn one (GEN) for 10 years and I absolutely love it. Best watch I've ever owned. I'm a relatively large guy (steroids) and I still think it looks perfectly proportioned on my wrist. Then again, I've never gone in for the whole "I'm wearing a frizbee on my wrist" look.
  21. Thank you Samurai. As always, you are a prince among men. And Avitt HOLY CRAP!!!!!! How did you do that? I looks like it fell of the side of a mountain and got hit by a plane on the way down I appreciate the offer man, but mine doesn't have the extra little dials on it so it probably wouldn't fit. BESIDES! It takes a hell of a lot of wearing to give a watch that much "character". If I were you and I had beat my watch up to that degree, I wouldn't let go of it for the world. It's like a really well worn pair of sneakers. You'll miss it if you get rid of it. (But you're a prince too for offering).
  22. Tag won't sell one. You have to send the watch back to them. Any ideas were to look?
  23. Thanks Merlin, but I think you may have missunderstood me. I want to change the dial face in a GENUINE Tag (NOT a replica). Ideally I'd like to use a Gen dial (if anyone knows where I could find one), but failing that, could I put a REPLICA dial into a Genuine Tag Heuer?
  24. Alright, I realize that this is a Rep site, but I figure that the watch mechanics between Rep and Gen have to be relatively similar. I have a Gen Tag Heuer "Kirium" that I've worn as a daily "beater" for the last ten years. I was thinking about trying to give it a new look by swapping out the dial (it's just a basic black right now). Is this something that's hard to do? Could I use a Rep dial on a Gen movement? If not, does anyone know where I might find a Gen dial face? I know that some Reps can have Gen parts installed. I'm just not clear on whether Gens can have Rep parts installed. Thanks.
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