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Posts posted by Spidey7

  1. Oh that, I just made that up so I could look like I knew more then Shundi...........Just kidding. I'll dig up that info when I get home. I'm out having my bikini line waxed for a photo shoot tomorow and only have my iPhone, but ONLY if you become a member. We desperately need your pledge dollars, and if you call in now you'll get this attractive travel tote with the RWG logo on the side.

  2. So, along with my busy schedule of professional vertical free-climbing (MUCH harder than the horozontal kind!), racing modified Hayabusa street bikes, and working as a "fluffer" for "celebrity" lesbian porn filmings, I have started thinking about making a crazy frankenstein Sub for my own pleasure and enjoyment. I'm not really concerned with accuracy as much as quality. She will only be for my own pleasure, a sort of Spidey7 "fantasy" model, if you will.

    I was thinking about trying to take a WM9 and modify it by putting a "Maxi-Dial" into it and a green bezel insert to make it into a WM9 "LV" style, but THEN I also really like the ratcheted bracelet on the DSSD with the raised Rolly crown emblem, so I was wondering if I could put one of those on it. I've tried looking around to find all of the various dimensions and such for comparison, but I'm not finding what I need.

    Soooooooo, the questions are, can a 1:1 Sub replica like the WM9 take a "Maxi-Dial" without too much difficulty? and would the bracelet from the DSSD fit on the WM9 head without looking odd at the SEL/Case joint? Also, where could an adventurer like me find the "Maxi-Dial" and the DSSD bracelet in part form? (I don't really want to have to buy three different watches just to cannibalize some parts).

    If anyone has any other "style" ideas to throw into my ugly little child, feel free to comment. And if your name is "Shundi", please stop P.M.ing me pictures of all of your cats. I ALREADY told you SEVERAL TIMES that I think they're "very nice". The Maine-Coon could probably use a bath, but as a whole you have a nice little family there.

  3. I'll suggest this for your memoirs:

    Scene: The woods...two men sleeping- one in a blonde wig and Victorian-era dress...the other one tied ass up on a log.

    Spidey: **Yawn** "What time is it?"

    Victim: "Like 9 or 10"

    Spidey: "Really? Seems a lot earlier..."

    Victim: "Yeah you passed out pretty early..say umm... think you could untie me...maybe get me off of this log? Maybe put my pants back on? Maybe stop smiling like that...and touching yourself?"

    Spidey: **Rolls over giggling manically while softly brushing his hair**

    Now Shundi, HOW did you know that aside from beautiful watches, I also have a passion for historically accurate Elizabethian and Victorian style ladies clothing, as well as knowing that I'm energetically studying to become certified in the arts as a "Wig Maintenance Master Technician" (proper brushing technique is soooo important)? Hmmmmmmmmm, perhaps the Hunter has now become the Prey. :o

  4. Shundi, quit making stuff up! I didn't say that I was IN the movie. I said that the movie was BASED on one of my drunken college frat parties that got "a little" out of hand (boy, talk about your awkward "morning after" situations).

  5. Plus now I have Spidey breathing down my neck too. He started with Corgi and now he is trying to impose his gayness on me. Never a moments peace around here. :whistling:

    I'm not gay (not that there's ANYTHING wrong with that). I just appreciate beauty. And from what Corgi told me, you're a pretty, pretty man. As I was trying to get him fully tarped up and loaded into the trunk of my car he said "You don't want ME! RobbieG is AMAZING! He's the most beautiful man I've EVER SEEN." Well, that fixed it. I just HAD to have you. Most people on this site are collecting beautiful watches. I'm collecting beautiful watch collectors. :o

  6. Yes, it really is true. Spidey is by far the funniest new member to join us in a very long time. Absolutely DESTINED to be an all time forum classic...

    Awww Shucks!! Now I'm blushing. :wub: See, that's why I'm crazy about this guy.

  7. If I can be serious for a moment (which even I'M not entirely sure about, I'd say chances are 60% to 40% against), I agree that it sucks to do all of the work involved in researching the various models and investigating a dealer one can trust and working up a rapor with others here only to see a n00by "1 poster" jump in asking what to buy and where and from whom? After all of your hard work, why should they reap the benefit of your carefully collected info without any effort on their parts?

    As a n00by myself I can see both sides of the issue. It's true that a great deal of new "members" here are just looking for one specific Rep, either for a gift, or for themselves. There is an INCREDIBLE amount of info to familiarize yourself with. All of the acronyms and abbreviations make it even harder to grasp, particularly for someone who's first language is not English. For someone that is just trying to find a reputable dealer to purchase from so that they're not scammed out of hundreds (if not thousands) of dollars, the idea of having to spend a few days/weeks on this board trying to hash everything out is difficult.

    The fact of the matter is that SOME nooby's (like me :)) come here to look for one specific thing and then become hooked by reading all of the posts about the various beautiful watches. Others have no interest in becoming part of the community and just want to get the answer to one or two questions. The NICE thing about these second brand of n00by's is that they are realatively easily dealt with, but MORE IMPORTANTLY, they support this little crack addiction that the rest of us suffer from. For every "one post" n00by that takes someones recommendation and purchases from a board sponsored dealer, that's another $300-$500 that goes toward keeping that dealer in business and bringing new products to the board. Don't look at it as doing a favor for the n00by, look at it as doing a HUGE favor for your favorite dealer. The Dealers need the business, the n00by needs the merchandise, we need the dealers, it's a perfectly beautiful symbiotic relationship. As I said, SOME of the n00bs will become entranced by all of the pretty shiny's and stick around for a while, and the others will pay money toward keeping this wonderful hobby alive. If you think about it, it's "Win/Win" for everyone! I have spoken!

  8. RobbieG! Oh my sweet, precious little woogums! I wondered where you had gotten off to. I had stepped out onto the balcony several times, but you weren't waiting down below. Seriously though, I'm really glad to hear that you're healthy (well, I mean physically anyway). That's quite a scare. The sort of thing that gives you a new appreciation for those that you love and the beauty around you. Maybe that part of it is not so bad, but a blessing actually. Enjoy your newfound perspective and take care of yourself. I want you to be around for many more years of romantic bliss (although, since you said that you were diagnosed with having a "vagina", does that mean that I have to be the "man" in our relationship now?).

  9. I think that all n00by's (includeing me. Awwww, Hell, ESPECIALLY me.) should be express mailed a packet containing several glossy color cataloges and a number of the more popular Reps to try on so that they can feel the quality, and see the difference. Also, n00by's should be taken out to dinner on a semi-regular basis by a "senior" member (I've got my eye on YOU, Shundi. How do you feel about Pad Thai?) so that they can ask questions "face to face". I'll be eagerly awaiting my packet. Please include at least one Rep from every major brand. ;)

  10. Holy S**T Josh! That's a lot of questions (NO BODY expects the Spanish inquisition (Monty Python reference)), As a lowly n00by myself I will try to answer as many of your questions as I can, although I might not know the answers to ALL of them. But for STARTERS, definitely read the glossary and wiki that have been so kindly provided to us by Toadtorrent and The Zigmeister. It will clear up most of your questions about terms and abbreviations.

    1)My understanding is that just about any of the "collectors" that are granted permission to deal here on this site are vetted and cleared through past dealings with various members. The only time you should worry, is if you are going to a non RWG recommended site. There is also a thread in here that gives a list of known "scammer" sites. As far as who is the best to purchase from, it really comes down to personal choice, but ALL of the ones you mentioned should be very trustworthy.

    2) as far as the "noobmariner" goes, they all carry the same brand. It's just a matter of using someone that you feel good about and that you trust will handle and Q.C. problems down the road, should they arise.

    3)I don't know anything about "eurotimez" personally, but even if people have said that they received a faulty item, the fact that he replaced it for everyone would give me a great amount of confidence in using him. Remember that NONE of these people are making the item themselves. They order from their secret sources, and then they have to be the ones left holding the bag if they end up with a bad shipment. That's why you want someone that won't leave you in the lurch when the hour marker falls off two days after you receive it. :)

    4)Watchmaker9 (or WM9) came up with the much vaunted WM9 Rep. It is his own design, and according to the reviews I've read, it is as close to a Gen as you can get at the moment. It was designed with quality in mind from superior parts, and comes with options that a "noobmariner" doesn't like Superlume and Clarks crystal (read your wiki), which justifies it's extra expense. BK is the only WM9 approved distributor of that model here on RWG. You can order through either one. BK supposedly does a few extra things after he receives his shipment from WM9 to add a little extra "oooomph" but in the end, it's the same as ordering something from a distributor, or purchasing straight from the manufacturer. There is also the issue of customer support. From what I've heard, BK is very diligent about handling issues. WM9 is also good, but due to the volume of business he deals with on a daily basis, it can sometimes take much longer to get an answer from him. (BTW, a really good way to determine who to go with is to TALK to them. Write BK and WM9 a letter (or anyone else you might be interested in using). See how long it takes them to get back to you. Is it a brusque, one sentence answer? Or is it a pleasant missive that fully answers all of your questions. You will get a very good feel for who you are dealing with, and who you feel comfortable with). BK ALSO specializes in "noobmariners" so he would be a good person to talk to about the differences (but FIRST read the reviews in his "collector" heading labeled "BK's Watch Garage" as it might answer your questions).

    5)I've answered most of this in question #4. BK receives all of the parts from WM9 and he then assembles them himself. That way he is satisfied with the quality, because HE is the one that built them, not some unknown quantity somewhere. As far as I know he does not have a website external to the RWG. Just go look at "BK's Watch Garage". I'm sure that you'll find what you're looking for.

    6)The "V2" (version 2.0) is available from WM9 and BK ONLY.

    7) It is basically the next model of the WM9 with a few things tightened up, and some new things added (Superlume, etc.) If you go to "BK's Watch Garage" you'll find a thread that fully specifies the upgrades. Since it is the same price as the "V1" you'll want a "V2".

    8)The scuttlebutt was (and still is) that WM9 is developing a WM9 "LV" version (50th Anniversary). It was supposed to drop in January, but apparently has been pushed back. No one knows how far back yet. There are more differences between the standard "black" version and the "Anniversary green" edition. then just the bezel color. The LV also has a "Maxi-dial" and larger hands, so just putting a green bezel insert on a standard WM9 would not look authentic. Many (including myself) are eagerly anticipating the release of this model.

    9)Maybe you don't have the cash at the moment? Maybe you're just a "Johnny come-lately"? Who knows? You are rewarded for pre-ordering by being given a better price because (I assume) it helps them to have the cash influx at the beginning to get the product up off the ground and moving instead of trying to do it all out of pocket. Later once production is in full swing, there's no need to give the deep "Introductory" discounts anymore.

    10)I answered this in question #4. Would you rather purchase your new "Mustang" directly from Ford? or from your local dealer? Who is going to have the time to deal with your service issues? Who do you think you'll get the best value for your money from? It's up to you.

    11)My understanding is that one can become a "V.I.P." member over at WM9's site which entitles one to purchase models not offered to the general public. These models are usually ordered in batches which means that once they are sold out, then they are sold out. Yes it means that you can't get them anymore, unless it's from a member here in one of the selling/trading posts. You might think about posting a WTB (Wanted to buy) thread to see if anyone has one that they wouldn't mind selling.

    12)Ask WM9

    13)It's a subtle difference that, quite honestly, no one on the street would ever notice. The shape of the CG's can be a little too rounded or too pointed. Even though maybe 1 in 1000 people would EVER notice the difference (especially without a Gen sitting right next to it to compare it to), this site is all about the pursuit of 100% accuracy. Guys here are trying to see if they can get it absolutely PERFECT. But again, 1 in 100 people have never even held Gen of this type, let alone be well enough versed in all of the various model idiosyncrasies depending on date of production to ever be able to spot any of the errors.

    14)In "automatic" movements that depend on the spinning of a small pendulum inside of the case to keep on running, metal ball-bearings would wear out over time causing the watch to fail. Man made sapphire bearings are used instead since their hardness on the MOHS scale is second only to diamonds. The use of these incredibly hard little ball bearings greatly reduces the amount of wear and friction inside the movement. The number of ball bearings is the "Jewel Number". The more jewels inside the watch, the more expensive and the better it will run (although the difference between a 25 and 28 jewel movement should be negligible).

    15)Just different types of movements. Just like car engines, people like to debate the various merits of this movement or that movement, but in truth, ANY of them will be fine for you purposes.

    16)The "tick mark" issue is dependant to the year that the Gen was produced. Either one can be correct.

    Alright Josh, you OWE me. I was going to go peruse some Pr0n after this post, but now after all the typing, my fingers are all knarled and twisted which would most likely be extremely uncomfortable (then again who knows?). Maybe you could pay me back by becoming a "supporter". This site only runs off of the kindness of its users. You're going to end up saving $500+ on the best Rep available verses paying $1,000+ for some P.O.S. you got off of a Scam site (if you even got anything at ALL!). Three bucks a month is a steal! Plus, you get to hang out with cool guys like Toadtorrent and RobbieG and Corgi. If THAT'S not the best deal on the web, then I don't know what is!

    P.S. If I have given any incorrect info due to my extreme "n00by'ness" please feel free to correct me. BUT, if you correct me in a condescending way, then "Bite Me" ;)

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