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Posts posted by jkerouac

  1. In the aftermath of George Carlin's death I happened upon what might be the last interview he ever gave -- and one of the most complete.

    One of the questions the interviewer asked was what is the funniest joke you've ever heard. This was Carlin's response:

    Sometimes jokes have a wonderful logic to them. I

  2. One other idea:

    My second and third years of undergrad I snagged a position as an assistant super in a luxury condo building. Most of the work was behind the security desk, which meant I screened and announced visitors, accepted packages, and mostly got paid for my study time. The other duties, such as vacuuming, hauling garbage down the back staircase, and shining the brass railing on the front stairs, was flexible in that you could do them most any time as long as you didn't disturb anyone (no vacuuming in the middle of the night).

    At first I just got paid an hourly wage, but after six months I scored a fairly spacious apartment in the basement, for which I had to work 'x' hours, and anything over that I got paid an hourly wage for my living expenses.

    As I said, this was a luxury condo building in one of the nicest parts of downtown Boston. I realize that Dekalb (that is where NIU is located, if I recall) probably doesn't have as many luxury condo buildings with multiple assistant supers as downtown Boston, but even landlords renting to students need someone to be on site, show apartments, vacuum, etc. Find a position like this and you can at least get a break on your rent. When we first moved to Seattle, my wife and I rented an apartment in a townhouse complex with ab. 10 units. Shortly after moving in we got a similar deal, ab. 50% off our rent, for running a vacuum once a week, collecting rent, and showing apartments when there were vacancies.

    Note that this did not come close to paying for my tuition, but every bit counts.

  3. For grad school (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) I got an assistantship to help a prof with research. This was very cool because 1) it covered tuition, 2) provided me an additional monthly stipend based on 10 or 20 hours a week, and 3) involved work that was directly related to my degree program. That kind of opportunity might be harder to come by for an undergrad, but it would definitely be something to talk to your profs about.

    Granted this was more than "a few" years (I shudder to think how many), but it made a huge difference in the amount of loans I had to pay off afterwards, and was a major factor in choosing the U of I over two other equally well regarded schools in my discipline.

  4. I am in a bit shock.... but also awe of the great job the admins have done.

    TRC has always been the classy "calm from the storm" oasis of reason and civility among the rep forums.

    I hope we all carry the good spirit and wisdom of TRC to all the other boards and to our interactions with other members.

    Cheers and best wishes.

  5. That is a very sad commentary.

    If some of his customers are buying 10-15 a month, month after month, then I wonder if Andrew feels he is moving more into the wholesale business? If that is the case, then direct retail clients are a bonus -- as long as they don't become too uppity.

    If I were you, I'd take my business elsewhere.

  6. I'm not sure exactly what your question is.

    If you are asking about wireless Internet access off of someone else's Internet router and account (such as a neighbor or someone you don't know), I've done it in a number of places. It is getting harder to find unsecured access points, though. And just as people with open Internet access points leave themselves vulnerable to potential intruders, you can leave yourself open to potential vulnerabilities by using unprotected access points. Proceed with care.

    The only tool you really need is a wireless card, which is built into most current laptops.

    A better solution is to use my HTC Tilt cell phone as a modem for my laptop. Some other phones offer this capability as well. This is a very slick solution for travellers, especially as hotels try to stick people for $10-$15 per day charges for using wireless access within their hotel rooms.

  7. Not to take anything away from Kristen, but $4k an hour is absurd. I think the ego appeal of being able to tell himself that he was powerful enough to pay $4k per hour was probably as much or more of a turn-on than the 22-year-old girl.

    And the less said about Heather the better.

  8. I watch almost never watch NBA basketball any more, but last night's game was a beauty to behold.

    First, my favorite team, the Celtics, has returned to greatness.

    Second, some truly classy players, Pearce, Allen, and Garnett, earned a well-deserved win (though Garnett made a bit of a doofus of himself in the post-game interview).

    Third, they did it against a team I love to hate, the LA Lakers, and Kobe Bryant, one of the symbols to me of much that is wrong iwth the NBA today.

    I seldom watch NBA basketball because the season and playoffs are too long, and the overpaid players seem selfish and uninspired. But I had to laugh last night because the Celtics seemed to get so much pleasure out of their passing game that they sometimes almost forgot to go for the score, and they still totally dominated their opponent. They ran circles around the Lakers -- better offense, better defense = championship.

    Congrats to all the Boston guys. Many others of us were cheering and celebrating with you.

  9. Even if the watch was inspected by the dealer him or herself, it is always possible that the chrono hand fell off during shipping, let's say if it wasn't properly secured in the first place and received a significant bump or two in transit, so the loose hand is not absolute proof of poor quality control by the dealer -- the manufacturer yes, but not necessarily the dealer or their agent.

    The hand replacement could call for a fresh watch to be shipped, or for you to have it repaired locally with fair compensation to you for the repair by the dealer.

    The box is clearly the wrong product, so a replacement shipment is in order. Since a replacement shipment is in order, he/she might as well send you a fresh watch at the same time. If you prefer a different watch than the one you received, you could ask for the replacement to be shipped and delivered before you return the broken one.

    I don't see where this situation warrants a refund. If you still want this particular model, then your best course is to resolve the problem with the current dealer rather than starting over from scratch. Presumably you purchased from this dealer with some faith that they would resolve any problems, so you owe it to yourself and to them to see whether your faith and judgement are warranted.

    Good luck.

  10. BCE on leather doesn't seem particularly heavy to me. Without pulling out the scale, my guess is that the UPO and Chopard GMT on SS bracelets are my heaviest, although the BCE on bracelet could be in the running as well. Sometimes the UPO starts to feel a bit uncomfortable, but I can't imagine any of these watches causing carpal problems.

    Over the last few years I've spent more time working on laptops than using regular keyboards and mice, and that's an area where I need to be careful not to overdo extremely repetitive activities such as copying and pasting.

    Who suggested video games as therapy? To me that seems like a patently bad idea.

  11. Depends if you have the watch serviced every few years the way you should. These are complex, delicate mechanisms, so parts will wear out.... more slowly if well serviced, more quickly if not.

    In particular, anyone with a claimed waterproof watch needs to have it checked and resealed every few years, otherwise there is a very good chance it will end up in the condition you described.

  12. You didn't have to hand over any money (ransom) to claim what rightfully belongs to you, but you also had to spend several hours of your time and a endure lot of unneccessary stress to get it. The time and stress were a form of taxation in themselves.

    Congrats on the outcome, and thanks for the story.

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