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Everything posted by MasterOfPuppets

  1. Never really liked this model, cuz i've only seen cheap versions of it But after seeing it at Perfect Clones, i was very impressed with the fine details: Im not vey familiar with the gen, but i think that this is a very well replicated version Too bad that the Rotor says "Calibre 16" instead of Clibre 36! Opinions?
  2. Like this one BT?
  3. Did anyone else hear that?
  4. Does nothing for Humanity, but alot to this forum! Looking forward to it
  5. Some of those reps are more expensive than gens! What were they thinking?
  6. Like u said Lani, its been a great year Dont know who voted for me, but thx a million RWG! Go TeeJay!
  7. Thx for the review But im a little shocked by what im reading, like u said; this is supposed to be a "super-rep" Are u sure its the same version? Which movement did u get?
  8. I have lots of things i would like to accomplish next year, but here are the main ones: - To cut back on smoking, and eventually quit - To start working out again , haven't been to the gym for the last 6 months - To spend more time with the family And many more! What are urs?!
  9. Thats not right, he should've at least showed a one picture before he sent it out He has no right to determine what u want to order, u asked for a specific watch and ur gettin another one I hope that this isn't one of our trusted dealers
  10. Why am i not surprised? I just loved the comments where everyone attacks the reporter! Great find redwatch, this is gona be a very interested thread
  11. Assasins Creed 2, look it up! Bit if u haven't played Assasins Creed 1, buy it first
  12. She's the newest member on RWG! Those look like gens!
  13. My friend bought a Bvlgari watch from china for $50! i was amazed by the quality of the details and how it had a fully functional chrono Then me and him were walking through the mall and passed an AD, the exact same model was displayed at the window, so we wanted to compare, and didn't find any flaws with the one he was wearing! then i thought to myself, what kind of an idiot would buy this for around 4ks?! That day i started doing some research over the net, and here i am!
  14. Companies dont pay endorsements for key figure or role models based on their personal lives, he's an excellent athlete, like many others, and im pretty sure other athletes like him have bigger problems, they just keep them personal In Tiger Woods' case, things got outta hand and the media blew it way out of proportion, no one has any right to stick their noses up anyone's personal issues
  15. There is no such thing as "an exact replica", all reps have flaws, some may be modified to look more gen The websites u have mentioned above do have 42mm PO's, but not the 4th gen, and they wont accept gen parts for franken projects
  16. It is pretty sad, but Nike is standing by him and wont drop him from their campaigns What he's been doing is pretty messed up, but u dont let go of an icon just like that, the guy has made them earn millions just my $0.02
  17. Beautiful pictures & a great idea Thanks wwarren and Hike
  18. All of the dealers on the forum have this version, Swiss ETA and Asian
  19. +1
  20. UGGGHHHHHHHHH I HATE THEM! I cant stand being cold!
  21. It worked, but the website looks kinda weird now!
  22. Abercrombie & Fitch, Holister and Ruehl, perfect fits and great quality Or Levi's 527 if ur looking for something nice and cheap
  23. I would go for an AD No scamming possibility, no customs risk And u could negotiate
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