Here u go
There are 3-4 versoins of this rep, depending on the amount of detail and accuracy of the model, the price gets higher the more accurate the rep is, as in all other brands..
Happy reading
I'm color blind and i can see the difference so clearly!
They probably hired a "Totally Blind" guy for the job
The black version looks very good, and the white one isn't bad either, gotta love those TAGs
You wont get any links to the dealer's web pages for the reps u requested
What u can do is go to the trusted dealers section and look around, almost all of them have the reps u want
Welcome aboard
If its the "Ultimate Version" all parts are supposed to be interchangable with gen parts
But i dont know about those 007 models, u gona have to ask the dealer if its the Ultimate Version
Try contacting Josh
Getting a gen crystal is almost impossible, since this model is a Limited Edition
Ur picks:
#1, 2 and 3 are the exact same watches
But i would stick to #1 or 2 since they're from trusted dealers
U might be interested in this one from Josh..