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Everything posted by spider87

  1. Ok two questions...with sub-questions lol 1) Datewheels, how do they function? What about in February? How do they know just to goto 1 instead of 28? Or don't they? as well as Day/Date wheels? How do they always know which day matches with which date? Or do they have to be set at the beginning of each month? 2) The hands that run over semi-circle dials like for Sun-Sat dials... such as (bad example but this is what I could find) How do they function? How do they reset? How do they know where to point? If you are watching when they go from Saturday to Sunday (On a half dial) can you see it swoop all the way back to Sunday? These are all things I've been searching for answers for if anyone can point me to a topic which describes it I would be happy but I haven't found anything helpful in these areas... EDIT: This came about while reading the innovations thread. I was considering posting stuff in there but I am amazed by the simplest things on watches still hearing all the crazy innovations on that thread made me realize I need to learn this stuff soon lol
  2. lol True but still :-P Wanna give the noob the right advice haha it only has to be enough to swirl the rotor :-P By the way I like your av I don't know why or who that is but it just I don't know it reminds me of american psycho or something and I love that movie haha
  3. Don't shake! Just roll in your hand swivel your hand around with the watch in your palm. SHaking the watch can also damage pieces...
  4. My thoughts exactly on the RWI thing. It's a great forum and a lot of fun just needs to be a bit more active. It's the one I was describing where you start a topic then wait around for a day and you still may not have a response haha.
  5. I'm trying now to find a way to make my own plastic movement holder to the size i need
  6. The only confusing things between the forums that I've noticed is the love for different dealers.... Josh & Andrew are the favorites here I'd say (if this is inaccurate it's a simple observation just let it go haha) And WatchEden and Angus seem to be pretty active over there still While we here are kind of (from what I've seen) anti both of them... I personally like watch eden and I'm sure a lot of us do but I saw a comment earlier about them having flea market watches... I don't know I just wish we could all agree on one haha...
  7. Ok well I got a new watch movement from shura110. While the movement functions awesome and everything it is not quite what I expected as I, as a noob, was thinking it would have a dial and hands... However.... it does not lol.. I am not sure what to do at this point Is there a way to get some hands and a dial for it? I plan on making a dial but I'm trying to figure out hands for it first.... I also need a case for it but I'm thinking I'll just glue it to the face I end up getting (Using a removable type substance so it's not completely perm) and then just put that in the watch case.... But I'm not sure where to go with it... I need parts I guess haha Here's some pics, I'm trying to remember exactly what it's from shura had it in the post but I can't seem to find the post ATM... Edit: FOund the original post "2. Asian movement from Cartier Santos 100 $20" Thanks shura! The movement is great :-)
  8. OOH it's more of a spacing thing? It seems like the quartz one has more space between them while it would make sense the autos would be closer together to make the need for less tiny little gears
  9. lol To answer on a serious note though... While I'm not going to tell you all the other ones I will say this is the most active of the ones I go to. The other one is one of those 'post a question then go do something else for the day' forums then when you come back there's about a 55% chance you'll have a response.... This one is definitely the most active of the ones I go to (Because I can't speak for Repgeek as I have an account but rarely use it)
  10. A backup device for a console???? Like a game system? Those aren't legal?????? Lol I hate the US mail system you can't trust anyone... I used to be a big freebies junkie (like online signups and what not ) about 85% of the freebies I signed up for were swiped before they arrived to me... I hate the postal service....
  11. I'm just guessing but I'd have to say the phone is an iPhone from what my friend said they put a killer camera in that thing (forgive me if I'm wrong it's a simple guess) Also, thanks a lot for posting pics of this watch... You're just making my decision harder... Lol jk it's a beautiful watch but seriously I'm trying to decide what to order first and shots like this make me hesitate in making a decision haha
  12. +1 painting the '1950' red would look sweet EDIT: Not that the watch doesn't look sweet to begin with... Great work zig
  13. I don't understand the cartel thing quite yet.... I have tried searching but all I find is a bunch of offhand mentions of it?
  14. Welcome and congrats on the twins btw haha. There is a lot of information to be learned here so make sure you read up as much as possible before buying unless you're confident in a decision. Our trusted dealers are all pretty well reviewed but still in any case make sure you check up on them. Haha other than that welcome to the forum and have fun Also, I know what you mean about it being nice knowing it's not just you haha. Before I came here I loved watches but I was searching around online and looking at websites that were such obvious scams it was disgusting... I've found this place and currently I'd say I'm lucky I don't have money or I believe I probably would already have about 50 reps haha
  15. Where can I get cz for 0.50 for a 1 ct stone
  16. Oh that was my first though lol. No but I can see all these reasons even the subconscious 'woman's legs' scenario lol. I just had read somewhere that Rolex did it and that was a good way to tell dealer pics from rolex pics and if the dealers had 10:10 or so then they were probably just using ROlex pics...
  17. I would also like to know this as I am currently in the process of getting a $20 movement shipped to me and pressing a dial to fit to the movement so I need a case to put it in but I don't want to spend more than like 20-30 bucks for the case... Is there anywhere you can buy a case for that kind of money? It doesn't have to look like gen anything just need a case that will fit the movement..
  18. O_O i need to read a beginner book or something lol I feel like someones trying to explain quantum physics to me except I can't catch pieces that I understand.... lol
  19. Ah, so it's not as much because rolex does it just because it looks nicer. I've also seen 1:48 or so too to keep the same form. Thanks!
  20. Ok, so I know that Rolex and I guess a lot of the other watch companies take their pics with the watches set at 10:10 to give you some way to tell the difference between their pics and fakes.... my question is if that is the case.. Why do the watches in some of our dealer's pics read 10:10? Such as WE and I believe PT was the same way?? Is it that they're using gen pics? Shouldn't they be trying to avoid that notion? Is there something about it I'm missing? Thanks, Alex
  21. I have a few more questions for robbie and fte Why do people buy stock that is expensive? Like why spend 150k on 150 shares of $1000 when you can buy 1500 shares of something that is $100/share?? Wouldn't quantity be better? Also, I'm not wanting to dive in quite as much as you're saying I was just thinking take like 500$ and just buy like 50 shares of something that's like $10 and see if I can't increase it.. Is that not possible?
  22. @HELI, that sounds awesome I've always wanted to fly a helicopter I have seen those personal helicopter kits and figure one day maybe I'll build one of those just for 30ft off the ground fun haha @Robbie, as you said I can read all the help things and stuff I want but it doesn't help if I don't know what I'm reading. I never learned much about the market or anything at all and that's where I"m trying to start. I went to that Elite Trader forum and started looking around and have no idea what they're talking about let alone where to start to learn from them.. Paper trading? Short? Long? (I can guess these 2 are terms but what does going short on gold mean does that just mean buying a bunch for a quick dollar in a month?) What are options? What are futures? I'm so confused lol On another note I'm picking up a few notebooks while I'm out today. One will be my trading journal as I feel it will be easier to maintain this through pen and paper than it would be through some website that is built to be as complicated as possible to give you as many options as possible. And one will be a watch sketch book where I think I'll start sketching designs.
  23. I would love to know what is up here too... I am currently(in a month or so) looking for an apartment/house and if I can get something this cheap will probably just buy it out right.....I mean I'm seeing houses all around Pittsburgh and stuff on here foreclosures with supposedly clean records... I mean I planned in this case if we got a house to have to fix it up some and if I can visit it why not?? But there is always some catch... America as a whole isn't stupid and if this opportunity was this simple everyone would be snatching up? ...Is this a stack of phone books in the bathroom? Phone books?
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